看板 Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://voice.hupu.com/soccer/2609446.html 來源:fussball 2020-07-27 06:16:06 據德甲名記法爾克的消息,在切爾西確定獲得下賽季歐冠資格之後,哈佛茲的轉 會如今已經到了接近完成的階段。據報導,勒沃庫森方面不再堅持要求哈佛茲必須踢 完歐聯盃再走。切爾西方面,切赫可能盡快完成這筆交易,轉會已進入最後階段。 (編輯:Mask) https://twitter.com/cfbayern/status/1287466094542950403 https://fussball.news/a/bayer-besteht-nicht-mehr-auf-europa-league -teilnahme-geht-havertz-transfer-zu-chelsea-fix-ueber --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://voice.hupu.com/soccer/2609678.html 來源:Twitter 2020-07-27 18:04:07 著名記者 Fabrizio Romano 在個人推特和 instagram 上更新了關於切爾西的轉 會動態。 他表示,切爾西在英超結束之後已經和德甲球會勒沃庫森就哈佛茲的轉會開啟了 官方的正式談判。而藍軍希望能夠盡快敲定哈佛茲的轉會,他們會滿足藥廠對哈佛茲 8000萬歐元的要價,不過這份報價是包含附加條款後才會達到8000萬的總金額。 目前雙方的談判焦點還是在轉會費上,而切爾西和哈佛茲已經就個人待遇達成了 一致,雙方會簽約五年,哈佛茲非常樂意加盟倫敦球會。 Romano 還更新了關於球迷都很關心的切爾西門將的轉會流言,他表示切爾西目 前不太可能簽下奧布拉克,馬競是一定要留住這位門神的,而奧納納會是切爾西列表 上一個比較可行的選擇。 (編輯:姚凡) https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1287688429053136902 https://www.instagram.com/p/CDJCKH7oON_/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://twitter.com/angelomangiante/status/1287719619189497856 下午8:00 · 2020年7月27日 Havertz is now waiting for the move. Chelsea are really close to Kai Havertz. Official talks ongoing very fast with Bayer Leverkusen for the CFC official bid around €80M. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11668/12037436/ Kai Havertz wants Chelsea move from Bayer Leverkusen secured by next week Kaveh Solhekol, Sky Sports News reporter - Last Updated: 27/07/20 5:11pm Kai Havertz is pushing hard for Bayer Leverkusen to agree a deal with Chelsea before the Bundesliga side's Europa League match against Rangers next week. Leverkusen value Havertz at £90m but all parties are hopeful a £70m deal, plus add-ons, can be done. Havertz is back in training with Leverkusen as they prepare for their Europa League game against Rangers a week on Thursday, and the 21-year-old would like the deal completed before that game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2020/07/27/chelsea-talks-withbayer -leverkusen-fee-midfielder-kai-havertz/ Chelsea in talks with Bayer Leverkusen over fee for midfielder Kai Havertz By Matt Law, Football News Correspondent 27 July 2020 ‧ 3:31pm Chelsea are making progress in their bid to sign Bayer Leverkusen's Kai Havertz with the two clubs now in talks over a fee, but the Londoners will delay discussions regarding the future of goalkeeper Kepa Arrizabalaga until after Saturday's FA Cup final. https://i.imgur.com/Z11t6VI.jpg
Confidence is building that Havertz will move to Stamford Bridge after the player expressed his desire to join German team-mates Timo Werner and Antonio Rudiger at Chelsea and Frank Lampard's team secured Champions League qualification. Personal terms will not be a problem for Chelsea, with talks now aimed at the two clubs agreeing a fee for 21-year-old Havertz who will not be forced to play in next Thursday's Europa League tie against Rangers if it could jeopardise a deal. Leverkusen last summer turned down a bid of £82 million from Bayern Munich for Havertz and now value him even higher. But the midfielder's contract only has two years remaining and neither Bayern nor Real Madrid will rival Chelsea for his signature this year. That leaves Chelsea in a strong negotiating position, particularly as Havertz has indicated that he wants to move to England to team up with Rudiger and Werner, who watched the final-day Premier League victory over Wolverhampton Wanderers and trained for the first time at Cobham on Monday. While the signing of Havertz was not dependent on Chelsea qualifying for the Champions League, it is expected to advance negotiations this week as both clubs are eager for the transfer not to drag on too long. -- http://jamescaesar.pixnet.net/album/photo/110781933 永遠以摸過它為榮 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1595867705.A.C8C.html
Drogba11: 如果是加bonus才有八千萬的話 還行 07/28 00:54
GroveStreet: 期待官宣 07/28 02:05
minagiyu: 敲碗後防 07/28 07:07
tom27751989: 敲碗防守教練跟門將教練... 07/28 08:26
cchic: https://i.imgur.com/vcAGZ3Z.jpg 07/28 15:06
krai: 樓上XDDDDD 07/28 15:52
fox391823: 哭啊 青訓小將們又全軍覆沒了....咦...我怎麼說又呢?. 07/28 16:00
fox391823: .. 07/28 16:00
fox391823: https://youtu.be/di6iF1X5Ij4 07/28 16:00
teata: 克洛普和亨德森的笑容說明一切XD 07/28 17:28
fox391823: https://youtu.be/Na9ociSXis0 07/29 06:11
fox391823: https://youtu.be/8E2HyZ6R3Kk 07/29 06:12
fox391823: 提摩和小齊的首次訪問 他們也在柯本開始訓練了 相信簽 07/29 06:15
fox391823: 約及搖球衣是不遠的事 這週就等德國方面有沒有新消息了 07/29 06:15
DarthVader: 後防有傳Ginter。看來前幾年意甲挖完今年專注德甲了 07/29 14:52
VCvinsanity: https://i.imgur.com/r9BLdSC.png 07/29 17:21
VCvinsanity: 卡拉格排的下賽季先發 看看就好XD 07/29 17:21
Drogba11: 笑死 真要能弄到這些人 我買一件球衣燙NO姊名字 07/29 17:25
SokaStar218: 哈哈哈哈哈哈癡人說夢啦 超不專業的 07/29 17:26
a2156700: 不是隨便找個正選門將就贏凱怕了嗎 07/29 17:44
Drogba11: 看到一個新聞說阿布替轉會預算加碼 藍帕可以放心買人 07/29 20:00
Drogba11: 主委加碼拉~~~ 07/29 20:00
wengbenson: 感恩阿布爹!讚嘆阿布爹 07/29 20:37
Drogba11: 看來哈佛茲搞定了 現在消息都是在傳Chilwell跟Rice 07/30 00:44
SokaStar218: 狐狸沒歐冠,齊爾更有機會啊 07/30 00:57
SokaStar218: cole再多遊說點哈哈 齊爾想要鞏固英國左閘的地位 踢 07/30 00:57
SokaStar218: 歐洲盃 07/30 00:57
SokaStar218: Rice Lp很愛 07/30 00:58
z83420123: Havertz進度差不多吧 還是卡在轉會費藥廠要8000萬+附加 07/30 01:53
z83420123: 我們只願意出+附加到8000萬 畢竟就是桑橋太貴才轉頭的 07/30 01:54
https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1288571453177303042 上午4:25 · 2020年7月30日 - Never been in doubt that Havertz will be available for EL. - Bayer asked for €100m, Chelsea always wanted to offer €80m add ons included. - No official bid on the table but Chelsea and Bayer are now in talks. Still no agreement. - Kai is pushing to leave Bayer.
z83420123: Rice我覺得比較難 Chilwell狐狸沒歐冠+疫情+Stellar 07/30 02:00
z83420123: 我覺得會持續一段時間 Stellar 近年和我車關係太好 07/30 02:01
grace0805: Rice 主要是太貴+隊內頭牌 還要留預算找門將 Chillwell 07/30 03:41
grace0805: 雖然也貴 但狐狸比較有可能放人 07/30 03:41
CHRush: 奧納納最大的缺點就是出擊的覆蓋範圍和高空球的防守,這 07/30 07:44
CHRush: 兩點在英超是很致命的 07/30 07:44
SokaStar218: Onana就是撲救最好 其他沒那麼好 07/30 07:49
SokaStar218: 可不希望之後變成 Onana x4哈哈哈哈哈 07/30 07:50
kuanhung93: Ake去曼城了 07/30 18:35
Chelsex: 回購價沒跟 沒愛 07/30 19:06
VCvinsanity: 傻眼 07/30 19:45
grace0805: 市場上中後衛還剩誰? 07/30 19:58
Drogba11: DO:藍帕對阿奇沒有興趣 所以不啟用回購條款 07/30 20:08
SokaStar218: 同grace大問 哈哈 07/30 20:09
grace0805: Koulibaly 太貴了年紀又大 不符合藍帕年輕化的想法 God 07/30 20:59
grace0805: in也不符 還剩誰0.0? 07/30 20:59
aaabbbcccdd: 40M左右,如果LP有興趣一定跟,大概覺得不夠強 07/30 20:59
grace0805: 回購條款不需要40M吧 大概就LP沒興趣 07/30 21:00
Chelsex: 回購是40M 曼城出41M 不過不知期限過了沒 反正就沒出手 07/30 21:01
a2156700: 感覺40M是不便宜 07/30 22:25
z83420123: 還有回購阿 LP沒興趣而已 07/30 22:34
z83420123: 他和BOGA都是有回購LP沒興趣 BOGA甚至直接把回購賣了 07/30 22:34
※ 編輯: JamesCaesar ( 臺灣), 07/31/2020 00:35:29
Drogba11: 身為阿奇腦殘粉 我很難過 07/31 00:55
Drogba11: 能後腰 能左後衛 能中後衛 不知道為什麼不回購 07/31 00:57
beygwa: 不夠強 萬金油也不是辦法 而且還不便宜 07/31 01:53
a2156700: 不過球隊總要有個目標人選... 07/31 12:04
faelone: LP就要RICE可防中可中後,只是要80M,除非先清人來湊 07/31 13:01
CHRush: 現在我們中後衛都是只能當僚機的 需要買一個人能主導的 07/31 15:15
RockBottom: RICE是不錯 可是要80M太扯 07/31 16:00
VCvinsanity: 80M...買Ake就好啦 07/31 18:46
Chelsex: 不會吧..桑喬60+40.. 07/31 19:29
Drogba11: 桑喬那個還有得搞 多特比藥廠難搞 07/31 20:05
Drogba11: 看消息說不定曼聯現在連報價都還沒呢 07/31 20:07
Drogba11: 今天藥廠的主管那席話 球隊想留下球員 球員已經想走了 08/01 22:04
Drogba11: 藥廠的YT還幫哈佛茲做回顧紀錄片 感覺很像在說再見 08/01 22:04
Drogba11: 感覺哈佛茲這一單一直沒有確定 心理覺得怪 快官宣 幹 08/01 22:06
Drogba11: 這消息不知道真的假的 阿布把自己旗下一間公司拋售40% 08/01 22:18
Drogba11: 的股份 然後交易的同一天 直接用股票的方式注入我車七千 08/01 22:19
Drogba11: 萬 08/01 22:19
Drogba11: 阿布瘋起來真的誰也攔不住阿 08/01 22:19
kelvin0430: Ake不回購覺得可惜 08/01 22:58