看板 Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://www.chelseafc.com/zh/news/2020/09/24/mendy-makes-chelsea-move 切爾西簽下愛德華˙門迪 24 Sep 2020 今天切爾西足球俱樂部與雷恩門將愛德華˙門迪 (Edouard Mendy) 完成了簽約。 這位塞內加爾國腳已經在斯坦福橋與切爾西簽下了一份為期五年的合同,他將在未來 的賽季中與凱帕和卡巴列羅爭奪首發位置。 https://i.imgur.com/QzHhoAe.jpg
與藍軍簽下長期合同後,門迪表示:“我很高興能加盟切爾西。能夠成為球隊中 的一員,以及能與蘭帕德和他的教練團隊共事,是我的夢想。我期待與新隊友會面, 也迫不及待想上場了。” 簽下門迪時,切爾西主管格拉諾夫斯卡婭說:“切赫和我們的技術團隊認為,愛 德華是最適合我們現有陣容的門將,而他也是一位我們想簽下的球員。愛德華在雷恩 度過了一個非常成功的賽季,然後他來到了切爾西,他渴望贏得更多的榮譽,我們非 常歡迎他加入切爾西俱樂部。” https://twitter.com/ChelseaFC/status/1309058995190104066 愛德華˙門迪發給切爾西球迷的訊息 門迪出生於法國北部的蒙蒂維利耶 (Montivilliers),他在法國足球三級聯賽球 隊AS瑟堡 (AS Cherbourg) 開始了自己的職業生涯,在這家諾曼第俱樂部一直效力至 2014年。 在馬賽B隊度過了一段沒有出場的短暫時光後,2016年門迪加盟蘭斯,開始在足 球的金字塔上攀升,他迅速成為了球隊的首發門將。 https://i.imgur.com/KdHKXSk.jpg
愛德華˙門迪與隊友慶祝勝利 門迪在蘭斯的表現令人印象深刻,幫助他舉起了個人職業生涯的第一座獎盃。 2018年蘭斯贏得法乙冠軍,那個賽季球隊只丟了24個球,是聯賽中丟球最少的球隊。 在蘭斯度過三年後,門迪在2019/20賽季開始之前加盟了雷恩。在雷恩的第一個 賽季中,這位身高6英呎5英吋的門將在33場比賽中保持了13場零封,僅丟了31個球, 但這個賽季由於新型冠狀病毒的爆發而提前結束了。上賽季他幫助雷恩第一次獲得了 歐冠資格,最終在法甲聯賽中獲得了第三名。門迪已經有了參加歐戰比賽的經驗,上 賽季他參加了四場歐聯盃比賽。 https://i.imgur.com/GeQlFUl.jpg
愛德華˙門迪出擊 儘管出生在法國,但門迪選擇代表塞內加爾國家隊出戰,塞內加爾是他母親的出 生地,他已經代表塞內加爾國家隊出場了八次。 他的父親是幾內亞比紹裔,2016年代表門迪幾內亞比紹參加了對陣葡萄牙的友誼 賽。他拒絕了代表幾內亞比紹參加2017年非洲盃的邀請,2018年他代表塞內加爾國家 隊出場完成了首秀。 https://i.imgur.com/ybzXvLo.jpg
門迪在2019非洲盃比賽中熱身 28歲的門迪並不是第一個從雷恩轉會到切爾西的門將,2004年切赫也同樣從雷恩 來到了藍軍。 https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/2020/09/24/mendy-makes-chelsea-move Mendy makes Chelsea move - 24 Sep 2020 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11668/12068937/ Chelsea have signed goalkeeper Edouard Mendy from Rennes for £22m on a five-year deal. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-8767629/ The 28-year-old has joined the Blues in a £22million transfer from Ligue 1 outfit Rennes - in what will be a major boost to manager Frank Lampard. https://www.goal.com/en/news/mendy-completes-22m-chelsea-move/ hvsqsq8jxpjlzpbyg9jttbbj Chelsea have announced the signing of Edouard Mendy from Rennes, with the goalkeeper joining on a five-year deal at a cost of £22 million ($29m). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/2020/09/24/ edouard-mendy-exclusive-first-interview--keeper-on-what-a-privil Edouard Mendy exclusive first interview: Keeper on what a privilege it is to join Chelsea, buying a Blues shirt when he was 12, and his 'incredible' career path 24 Sep 2020 On the day his signing from Rennes was confirmed, we sat down with Edouard Mendy to discuss his pride at moving to a club he has supported since he was young, the prospect of following in the footsteps of some African greats, and his desire to keep progressing on an upward path. https://i.imgur.com/QTPP0Xd.jpg
It has been well documented that Mendy has not always had it easy, having spent a period out of the game and looking for work earlier in his career. Now, however, having starred at Reims and then Rennes in France, the 28-year-old has joined the Blues and is determined to take the next step on his unusual but exciting path to the top of the game. We also spoke about his expectations of Premier League football and how he's feeling fit and fresh, but first, the 6ft 6in Senegalese gave us his immediate reaction to joining the Blues… 'I'm very proud,' said Mendy. 'When a club like Chelsea is interested in you, it means you've done great work every weekend. Everyone knows Chelsea are one of the biggest clubs in the world, and everyone would like to play for this team, but not everyone can. To have a chance to wear this shirt and defend the club's colours, it's a privilege.' And we understand you're a Chelsea fan! 'Yes! I've been a Chelsea supporter since I was little. I adore this club. When I was 12 I had the chance with a past club I played for to go to Brighton, and we watched a match. I thought English football was amazing. We went into a shop and I saw the Chelsea shirt, this was about 2003 when Ranieri was the manager, and I bought this shirt. So I've always liked this club.' https://i.imgur.com/Vd4gK7p.jpg
Mendy will wear the no.16 shirt And we have a long heritage of African greats here, too… 'Of course. Most of the biggest African talent has played for this team. Drogba, Essien, Eto'o, Mikel. When you see that, you want to continue it. Regarding the goalkeeper, I am the first, so it really makes me very proud, and it's also a big responsibility.' What are you expecting from the Premier League? 'I'm waiting to see it live every weekend, but there are a lot of games, a lot of intensity, a lot of goals like this last weekend! It's an attractive league, the stadiums are fantastic and when they are not shut the passion of the fans is incredible.' It's been a month since you last played. Are you feeling physically fit? 'Yes, I'm fit. Even though I haven't played a match for a while I've been training as usual with Rennes. I have played an in-house match too in training recently, so I'm feeling good.' Six years ago you were playing third-tier football for Cherbourg. Can you believe the journey you have gone on since the 'When this story is discussed, then I realise the path I have been on in my career. It's true that it's incredible. People say hard work pays off, and it does. I have worked very hard; I haven't taken anything for granted. I was at Marseille, and then Reims, and then Rennes, and now Chelsea. It's been a constant progression, and now I am ready to continue on that upward path.' Did you come up against Thiago Silva in France? 'I have played against him twice. He beat me once, and I beat him once, so we are all square! Now we wear the same shirt, he speaks very good French which is useful, but we will speak in English! It's super to have a player like him in the team.' https://i.imgur.com/MPCFTMm.jpg
Mendy holds up his new shirt Have you spoken with Petr Cech? 'Yes, he called me while the transfer was ongoing and reassured me. It was great to have someone from the club speak to me. It showed me they really wanted me, and it was really appreciated.' And finally, what do you hope to achieve at Chelsea? 'I want to adapt to this league, continue my progression that has been constant for a number of years, and to win. At a club like Chelsea, you have to win.' -- ╔══╗╔╗╔╗╔══╗╔╗ ╔══╗╔══╗╔══╗ ║╔═╝║╚╝║║╔═╝║║ ║╔═╝║╔═╝║╔╗║ ║║ ║╔╗║║╔═╝║║ ╚═╗║║╔═╝║╚╝║ ║╚═╗║║║║║╚═╗║╚═╗╔═╝║║╚═╗║╔╗║ ╚══╝╚╝╚╝╚══╝╚══╝╚══╝╚══╝╚╝╚╝ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1600950214.A.FD6.html
wesbox: Finally...09/24 17:06
dmcn307: 等米09/24 17:08
GroveStreet: 終於等到你!!09/24 17:11
GroveStreet: 最後就看關窗前有沒有驚喜了09/24 17:12
dululu: 終於阿09/24 17:15
Drogba11: 禮拜天先發機會高達87%09/24 17:15
Drogba11: 其實門迪也不是長遠之計 之後好好挑一個門將吧09/24 17:16
SilverBullet: 切赫走了才知道好門將難尋...09/24 17:19
Drogba11: 其實某條狗當初以為會待很久 沒想到而已09/24 17:20
GroveStreet: 卡巴大叔的競爭對手來了(壞)09/24 17:28
SokaStar218: 歡迎上車 LP加油好嗎09/24 17:34
wengbenson: 至少先撐住本季 凱帕可以好好當三門了09/24 17:46
kuanhung93: 水啦!09/24 17:49
singingsong: 辛苦凱帕 終於可以專心當總教練了09/24 17:53
CHRush: 加油 有競爭才有進步的動力09/24 18:20
beygwa: 如果當初不是某跨 也不會倉促買下凱帕 09/24 18:39
ericf129: 歡迎!!!09/24 19:30
RockBottom: 凱帕皮要繃緊了09/24 19:57
g21l: Kepa有錢領,爽得勒 09/24 21:38
Aquarius128: 有前一個雷恩來的表現87%就好!! 09/24 21:54
teata: 歡迎~ 09/24 22:31
z83420123: 來了 09/24 23:44
Santos: 哦 他2018世界杯沒被選 09/25 01:03
Drogba11: 門迪是洛里松+切赫推薦的 就相信她們兩位了 09/25 01:15
grace0805: 切赫已經親自下去教凱帕了 09/25 02:31
tom27751989: 看國外的一些討論 他們認為kepa 應該去看心理醫生 09/25 02:43
tom27751989: 囧 09/25 02:43
michaelkobe: 的確需要啊~哪有突然變爛成這樣的-.- 09/25 03:57
Courtois: 幫凱總找個心理醫師女友吧 不然修好跑掉就虧爆了 09/25 15:34
tom27751989: 對 他需要心理醫生的女友 一箭雙鵰(拇指 09/25 15:50
fox391823: https://youtu.be/nxb7rrKLN64 09/25 17:09
fox391823: 又一位兒車夢的上車了 盧卡庫應該會恨死拉肥吧XD 09/25 17:11
fox391823: https://youtu.be/MdkjkCabU0A 09/25 17:17
fox391823: 技術分析有好有壞 感覺比較客觀 09/25 17:17
hareruya: 我覺得轉戾點就是他兼職教練之後 09/25 18:00
GroveStreet: 凱帕自從教練事件之後,我就對他無感了,唯一心痛的 09/25 18:06
GroveStreet: 是那80M的違約金 09/25 18:06
g21l: 突然29要對刺刺了,好緊的賽程 09/25 19:31
SokaStar218: 週三凌晨2:45 09/25 19:37
downtownman: https://youtu.be/KzkxicxL25s 09/25 20:15
downtownman: 切赫親自下訓練場教凱帕 09/25 20:16
pzhao: 請問一下教練事件是什麼呀 09/25 21:48
Chelsex: 聯賽盃對曼城薩里想換卡巴上PK戰 凱怕拒絕下場 09/25 22:03
GroveStreet: 教練事件堪稱足球史上最荒謬的場景,連我車當年的一 09/25 22:38
GroveStreet: 眾球霸都沒有這麼囂張過 09/25 22:38
kuanhung93: 對啊,教練當年也只敢在座位上M字腿而已 09/25 22:53
Chelsex: 到最近才知道AVB在馬賽XD 09/25 23:05
pzhao: 原來如此~感謝解答~ 09/25 23:24
hitler941627: 一直在傳魯迪格要離隊 下家有PSG跟巴薩(怎麼那麼強) 09/26 09:22
downtownman: Rice有沒有消息? 09/26 15:01
fox391823: 沒有 聽說要先賣人才能再買人 鐵鎚幫也不想賣 09/26 15:08
fox391823: https://youtu.be/budQKESb0to 09/26 15:10
fox391823: 自己的燙字自己印XD 第三客參上 09/26 15:11
grace0805: 巴薩缺中後衛 09/26 16:04
Aquarius128: 怎麼看都覺得三客致敬倫敦之王水晶宮 lol 09/26 17:24
tom27751989: 根本就是 這季球衣真的很醜... 09/26 17:32
fox391823: https://youtu.be/GrlHKGHI8zU 09/26 18:07
fox391823: 不忍苛責 但撲救成功率真的低 (T_T) 09/26 18:09
fox391823: https://youtu.be/8Y8FfTG83Uc 09/26 18:10
fox391823: 門迪也完成首次訓練課程 但明天不會上場 09/26 18:11
※ 編輯: JamesCaesar ( 臺灣), 09/26/2020 22:14:10