看板 Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1313039736181841920 下午4:54 · 2020年10月5日 Chelsea will announce that Tiemoue Bakayoko is joining Napoli on loan and are in talks with Inter for Victor Moses [on loan too]. Nothing advanced for Emerson Palmieri to Juventus [he's not close] and Toni Rudiger to AC Milan [Spurs considering him just as backup option] https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1313044559795048449 下午5:13 · 2020年10月5日 - Bakayoko to Napoli announced soon. - Rudiger deciding on at least five clubs. - Baba Rahman has two clubs in. - Loftus-Cheek seen as expensive even on loan https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1313049579861020672 下午5:33 · 2020年10月5日 Matteo Darmian to Inter on a permanent deal, official and confirmed. Emerson Palmieri is *not* joining Juventus from Chelsea, no 'advanced talks', confirmed too. https://twitter.com/SJohnsonSport/status/1313052169231368192 下午5:43 · 2020年10月5日 as per @FabrizioRomano, Juventus are no longer pursuing Emerson, although I'm assured there was an enquiry etc. Cost too high, even for a loan by sound of things. And with Inter acquiring Darmian, not sure where that leaves Moses. https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1313052399125311488 下午5:44 · 2020年10月5日 talks collapsed between Juventus and Emerson. Player wanted the move but clubs unable to agree on the costs. https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1313062914220339200 下午6:26 · 2020年10月5日 Fulham are in for Loftus-Cheek. A lot of these deals will be decided late on for Chelsea departures. https://twitter.com/Matt_Law_DT/status/1313070681295331334 下午6:57 · 2020年10月5日 Inter Milan currently don't expect to be able to do deals for either Emerson Palmieri or Marcos Alonso. Club/player demands would need to decrease significantly. https://twitter.com/JacobSteinberg/status/1313093615728680961 下午8:28 · 2020年10月5日 Still no move sorted for Chelsea's Antonio Rudiger. West Ham tried but he turned them down https://twitter.com/SJohnsonSport/status/1313093970923335688 下午8:29 · 2020年10月5日 Been told Roma are unlikely to pursue their interest in Rudiger loan from CFC, even if they fail to sign Chris Smalling. Rudiger wants THFC but difficult to do as explained below. And in general, sounds like 50-50 whether he stays or goes at this point. https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1313100294566359041 下午8:54 · 2020年10月5日 Chelsea are evaluating a loan offer from Porto for Malang Sarr. -- "We believe the same thing." "Maybe there is hope." - 9x20 The Truth -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1601903081.A.B4C.html
z83420123: Sarr去波爾圖踢左後衛真沒想到 10/05 21:05
JamesCaesar: 他好像中、左都可以 10/05 21:06
z83420123: 巴克利離隊情況下奇克留隊倒是不差 只是對球員缺少上場 10/05 21:06
z83420123: 狀態可能很難找回來 10/05 21:06
z83420123: 綠地哥應該不缺下家只是取決於我們願意接受甚麼條件 10/05 21:06
z83420123: 那批左後衛就不知道情況了XD 10/05 21:06
phyna: Sarr願意改踢左後衛很好啊 這樣回來後也比較有競爭力 10/05 21:37
GroveStreet: 阿隆索、埃默森、巴巴,左後衛三寶 10/05 21:41
Chelsex: 魯本薪水這麼貴阿 希望租魯本對他較好 補Partey算完成 10/05 21:52
Chelsex: 邊緣人中的邊緣人不知怎辦 水哥薪水也很難租 10/05 21:55
GroveStreet: 喝水哥完全沒有消息,超慘 10/05 21:55
https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1313116871353348096 下午10:00 · 2020年10月5日 PSV are back in for Marco van Ginkel on loan from Chelsea.
JamesCaesar: 順帶一提,剛加盟的姆布揚巴... 10/05 22:34
https://twitter.com/XMbuyamba/status/1309816259597553664 下午7:25 · 2020年9月26日: Will be back soon!
minagiyu: 不太懂為何魯迪格被棄用 10/05 22:56
https://twitter.com/MiguelDelaney/status/1313137230119137285 下午11:21 · 2020年10月5日 Smalling's deal to Roma off again, as Roma prefer a loan option and have been offered Antonio Rudiger. https://twitter.com/sistoney67/status/1313137955620433920 下午11:24 · 2020年10月5日 Antonio Rudiger turned @WestHam down last week. Sounds like his name is being circulated to see if there are any takers he is interested in.
Chelsex: 靠北怎麼傷的阿XD 科本是被埋球衣嗎 10/06 00:16
Drogba11: 巴卡官宣 拿坡里 10/06 00:54
Drogba11: 呂迪格應該是不會走了 五個中後衛挺好的 10/06 00:58
Chelsex: Partey去槍 主要任務剩租魯本 10/06 01:13
wakai: 原來范金克爾還在啊 10/06 01:14
Aquarius128: 首席經紀人綠地應該會留了,再加上龍哥,看蘭總後續10/06 01:31
Aquarius128: 怎麼處理吧10/06 01:31
https://twitter.com/Matt_Law_DT/status/1313172799691862016 上午1:42 · 2020年10月6日 Ruben Loftus-Cheek is set to join Fulham on loan. Talks still going on between Chelsea and Fulham but the expectation is that it will get done. https://twitter.com/GraemeBailey/status/1313177451846082562 上午2:01 · 2020年10月6日 Antonio Rudiger looks unlikely to join AC Milan, with Chelsea refusing to let him go. https://twitter.com/SJohnsonSport/status/1313193528705445888 上午3:05 · 2020年10月6日 Would make sense for CFC to reconsider Tomori leaving on loan now Rudiger is staying - he was in line to join EFC last month before Lampard decided against it. 5 centre backs is not healthy. Would want reassurance of game time at WHUFC to go there otherwise little point.
GroveStreet: 托莫里在最後時刻拒絕外租西火腿 10/06 07:57
https://twitter.com/SkyKaveh/status/1313240210768105472 上午6:10 · 2020年10月6日 Fikayo Tomori loan from Chelsea to West Ham not happening. Tomori decided he didn't want to go to West Ham at 2250 tonight. Everything had been agreed between clubs and agents including “huge” loan fee
Chelsex: 結果後衛群一個都沒清掉XDD 10/06 07:59
CHRush: 四個左後衛 這畫面太美我不敢看..... 10/06 08:10
phyna: 一堆後衛,沒有新防中 10/06 08:17
kuanhung93: 水槍新簽的那個派對評價如何阿? 10/06 10:35
GroveStreet: 看高光覺得跟科瓦的球風非常像 10/06 10:42
CHRush: 到16號以前英格蘭內部還能租借 但不能買賣了 10/06 11:03
z83420123: 只能去英冠 所以也只有巴巴可能去 10/06 12:48
hitler941627: 不太懂魯迪格怎被棄用+1 去年還是我們最好中衛的說 10/06 13:25
kuanhung93: 資遣吉祥物然後買球員,有夠好笑 10/06 13:27
https://twitter.com/ChelseaFC/status/1313147753275457536 Sending hugs, @Gunnersaurus.
GroveStreet: 魯迪格從去年復賽到開季熱身賽的表現老實說很可怕 10/06 13:52
gn02234651: 綠地哥其實只跟弟媳競爭 10/06 14:50
phyna: tomori這麼有信心選擇留下? 10/06 15:29
JamesCaesar: 小詹支援中場,托莫里支援右後衛 10/06 15:56
GroveStreet: 薩爾未來回歸也可以支援左後衛 10/06 16:02
※ 編輯: JamesCaesar ( 臺灣), 10/06/2020 19:27:48
Aquarius128: 一線隊現在八號從缺,場邊那個隨時準備好! 10/07 13:21
SilverBullet: 關門比賽找 Gunnersaurus 跑來跑去干擾效果應該不錯 10/07 13:34
SilverBullet: 相較之下阿布真的是佛心多了... 10/07 13:34
GroveStreet: 有英冠球隊對巴巴有興趣,應該還是租得出去 10/07 17:33
GroveStreet: 目前看來就是摩西斯跟喝水哥最尷尬了 10/07 17:34
Drogba11: 拿阿布比客家人 真的是有點汙辱阿布 10/07 18:41