看板 Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.leaguemanagers.com/news/lma-latest/frank-lampard-statement/ FRANK LAMPARD STATEMENT 25 Jan 2021 "It has been a huge privilege and an honour to manage Chelsea, a club that has been a big part of my life for so long. "Firstly, I would like to thank the fans for the incredible support that I have received over the last 18 months. I hope they know what that means to me. "When I took on this role I understood the challenges that lay ahead in a difficult time for the football club. "I am proud of the achievements that we made, and I am proud of the academy players that have made their step into the first team and performed so well. They are the future of the club. "I am disappointed not to have had the time this season to take the club forward and bring it to the next level. "I want to thank Mr Abramovich, the board, players, my coaching team and everyone at the club for their hard work and dedication, especially in these unprecedented and challenging times. "I wish the team and the club every success for the future.” --------- LMA Chief Executive Richard Bevan added: “Despite the extraordinary challenges of an unprecedented pandemic over the past 12 months resulting in a compressed fixture schedule, Frank has proven himself to be a very talented Premier League manager. He has laid the foundations for the future, whilst also protecting his players and staff's wellbeing on and off the pitch. His legacy at Chelsea has been enhanced even further and he has a long and exciting future in the game ahead of him.” -- When it comes to a crisis, still keep on running. You believe in power. It's mental power. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1611606311.A.294.html
dululu: QQ 01/26 09:27
a2156700: 遺憾 01/26 11:55
SokaStar218: 感傷 但真的得走... 以後再見! 01/26 13:25
sfh20230: 去英冠多練練八 哪有一上來就開大車的 01/26 13:35
ryaniceman: 講得好像去年成績有多爛一樣 01/26 14:31
roka: 去年成績確實是超額達標,LP留任很合理,但我印象沒錯的話, 01/26 14:47
roka: 上賽季英超多隊最後掉鏈子上演讓四大賽不是嗎? 01/26 14:48
roka: LP毫無疑問是傳奇,但現階段幾乎沒人能否認他功力真的還差點 01/26 14:50
roka: 吧。 01/26 14:50
andykiki: QQ 01/26 15:10
ise: 去年那情境叫破車好嘛 除了他誰要來開 01/26 16:05
tom27751989: 去年其實有點跌跌撞撞 莫名其妙就保四了=.= 01/26 17:23
g21l: 去年停賽回來狐貍大撈賽啊,我們跟鬼聯都算受益 01/26 17:57
aeoleron: 還是偶爾得派防反大巴出來啦 全進攻實在是太拼 01/26 18:37
starW: 感謝撐過去年的難關嗚嗚 01/26 19:01
trent427: 希望新教練快上任吧 不知道陣痛期要多久 01/26 21:38
b710168: Tuchel官宣 01/27 02:16