看板 Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://www.chelseafc.com/zh/news/2021/04/16/ thomas-tuchel-injury-update-and-preview-of-man-city-fa-cup-semi- 圖赫爾:兩名球員缺席足總盃半決賽 2021.04.16 圖赫爾透露兩名切爾西球員將缺席明天對陣曼城的足總盃半決賽,他相信這場比 賽將給球隊一個機會,證明他們和英超領頭羊的水平是一樣的。 https://i.imgur.com/tiFgWqt.jpg
圖赫爾通過 Zoom 談到了這場在溫布利舉行的令人嚮往的足總盃四分之一決賽, 他的情緒十分高漲。他詳細地談到了對比賽的期待,還有曼城主教練瓜迪奧拉對他的 影響,但他所傳達的最大新聞是關於傷病的。 “坎特已經沒有問題了,”圖赫爾談到了這位在週中對陣波爾圖的比賽中出場90 分鐘的中場球員,“我們只有三天的時間,有沒有坎特有很大的不同。” https://i.imgur.com/zx1nRBo.jpg
坎特的復出是藍軍的一大利好 “不幸的是,科瓦契奇仍未歸隊,但他的感覺已經好多了,克里斯坦森也不在大 名單中。” 圖赫爾被問及切爾西與曼城進入足總盃決賽的希望是否均等。 “是的,也不是。我們必須接受自己和曼城之間的差距,但重要的是我們要接受 這一點,而不是讓我們變得太渺小。” “在90分鐘的比賽中,我們很有自知之明,也很有信心在一場比賽中縮小差距, 這是我們明天的目標。我們很有動力,希望球能留在我們這邊,我們必須拿出頂級水 平,努力壓迫,得到一點運氣。” “英格蘭足球,曼城的比賽和我們的比賽都是關於有球和無球的激烈對抗。我期 待的是一場充滿攻擊性的比賽,一場充滿身體對抗的比賽。” https://i.imgur.com/YXugY4i.jpg
“曼城有著清晰的風格和基因。他們想要控球和奪回球權,我們也一樣。如果我 們想要打擊他們,我們就必須以我們的精準度、傳球和跑位取勝。我們需要做到這一 點,我們不能允許幾條線之間出現明顯的空檔或機會。我們必須要有勇氣,要有冒險 精神。” “現在是我們面對這樣的挑戰的最佳時機,”圖赫爾補充道,“我希望我們能抓 住機會,給他們造成打擊。然後從下一賽季的第一天開始,我們將乘勝追擊,嘗試縮 小我們之間的差距,這是我的目標。” 圖赫爾將在執教切爾西後第一次面對瓜迪奧拉。 “他對我的影響很大。當他在巴塞隆納執教時,我沒有機會親自了解他,我幾乎 看了每一場比賽,對他們取得成功的方式、風格、使用青訓球員、控球能力留下了深 刻的印象。” “這支球隊最讓人印象深刻的是他們在丟球時的防守。看他們的比賽讓我學到很 多,也讓我對比賽有了更多的理解,讓我知道球隊在比賽中可以有多冒險、多勇敢。” “這是非常非常重要的一課。我在青訓營當過教練,後來在美因茨當上了教練。 在那個年代,幾乎每一場比賽都是一堂課。後來我有機會和他進行比賽,這並不總是 一種快樂。我執教多特蒙德期間與他有過幾次平局,我們很接近了,現在是時候打敗 他們了,下一次機會就是明天。” https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/2021/04/16/ thomas-tuchel-injury-update-and-preview-of-man-city-fa-cup-semi- Tuchel reports two Chelsea absentees for big FA Cup challenge - 16 Apr 2021 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.chelseafc.com/zh/news/2021/04/16/ tuchel--it-s-a-good-moment-to-play-city 圖赫爾:現在是對陣曼城的最好時機 2021.04.16 明天足總盃半決賽對陣曼城的比賽前,圖赫爾認為切爾西正處於最佳狀態,我們 已經克服了最近遇到的挑戰,正在勝利的道路上。 https://i.imgur.com/KN9F1DL.jpg
圖赫爾很清楚在溫布利對陣瓜迪奧拉的球隊將會面臨多大的挑戰,目前他們在英 超積分榜上領先11分,這就是最好的證明。然而,圖赫爾認為這是我們面對他們的最 佳時機,尤其在他看到切爾西最近幾週的進步後。 “我們現在的情況很好。”他說,“我們在主場遭遇了紅牌和輸給西布朗,但我 們做出了很好的反應。” “我們不得不面對一個非常艱難的挑戰。我們進行了兩場精彩而激烈的比賽,對 陣波爾圖的比賽很不容易,在不同的情況下我們的壓力很大。第一回合的時候一切都 是開放的,而在第二回合的時候,我們突然成為了取勝熱門,我們必須控制節奏,也 必須控制住比賽結果,同時必須掌控許多來自外部的影響。” https://i.imgur.com/2etzRKy.jpg
“我為球隊的表現感到驕傲,我們做了應該做的,我們應該保持零封,我們應該 贏球。我們在比賽最後階段丟了一個球,但這並沒有影響到我們。” “現在是與曼城和瓜迪奧拉進行比賽的好時機。在我看來,他們是歐洲的標桿性 球隊,還有拜仁慕尼黑。如果我們能打敗他們,那將是一個巨大的動力。如果我們做 不到,我們將不得不接受失利,把它作為一個挑戰和成長的機會,我們還有一些戰鬥 即將到來。這場比賽不僅僅是關於足總盃,而是關於前四,也是關於歐冠。” 圖赫爾讚揚了切爾西球員們的精神,他們為爭奪首發位置而付出的努力,這令他 在重返溫布利參加足總盃的比賽中充滿信心。 “如果我們取得了好的比賽結果,如果有良好的勢頭,如果成功晉級半決賽,更 衣室裡的氣氛、態度和行為都會不同,我們就處於一個良好的時刻。” “現在有幾場比賽我們都選擇了同樣的進攻球員。其他球員需要為他們的位置而 戰,他們正在這樣做。我們的賽程中沒有太多的訓練時間,但球隊需要利用所擁有的 時間。” https://i.imgur.com/yesLuoN.jpg
“對於那些對自己的處境不太滿意、缺乏上場時間甚至一點自信的球員來說,在 這種時刻放下自尊,做好一切準備是非常重要的。” “在切爾西俱樂部中,關鍵是做好準備。我們對球員沒有任何承諾,我們沒有禮 物可送,球員們要努力奮鬥。當球員在這樣的俱樂部效力,在賽季的關鍵時刻,他們 要為自己的位置而努力奮鬥。一旦進入了首發陣容,就必須努力留在首發中。” “這就是球員在切爾西的生活,這是非常有趣的,他們必須接受這樣的情況,即 使有時對一些球員來說有點困難。但我們試圖鼓勵他們,說服他們,以積極的方式影 響他們。我們的賽程很緊,一點都不能鬆懈。” https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/2021/04/16/ tuchel--it-s-a-good-moment-to-play-city Tuchel: It's a good moment to play City - 16 Apr 2021 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/2021/04/17/ tuchel--ask-me-at-season-s-end-if-chelsea-have-closed-gap-on-man Tuchel: Ask me at season's end if Chelsea have closed gap on Man City 17 Apr 2021 Chelsea head into today's Emirates FA Cup semi-final against Manchester City knowing that, should both clubs progress to the Champions League final, it would be the first of three more meetings with Pep Guardiola's side before the season is out. https://i.imgur.com/54uaRTd.jpg
Even if there ends up being just today's encounter and our Premier League match in May, that is still plenty of opportunity for Thomas Tuchel to measure his team's progress against the side setting the pace in England, and our head coach wants those and other opportunities to help judge where his team are in comparison and what is needed in the future to close any gap. 'Don't forget they [Man City] had a very rough start to the season and that was the time where Chelsea were ahead, and then they had an incredible reaction and that started an incredible series of victories which brought them very well deserved to the top of the table,' says Tuchel. 'I will not judge now how many per cent behind Man City we are, but in the process when you want to compete for the top in any competition, it is important that you know and accept where we are, and we are behind City. https://i.imgur.com/D7sCUpk.jpg
'You close the gap step-by step. Recruiting, I don't know [if this is needed] because we show right now good performances in a very constant level in very important matches. At crucial moments we showed up, and I will tell you maybe after the season where I think we are and where we need to improve, and what the situation can be. 'Because the crucial moments come now and we are not that long together. We live these crucial moments now together. This is very nice because you get to know your team the very best if they are tight games and the pressure is on. We play a semi-final today and we play a semi-final in the Champions League and we play every game like a cup game in the league to finish in the top four. https://i.imgur.com/pgQrL9r.jpg
The head coach watching his team progress in European competition 'Then we will have a clear picture and from next year on we will start like everybody expects from us and like I expect from myself, we will start trying to win the very first match and we go from there to every match to win it. Then we will see how consistent we are and how good we are. This is a young team and I believe we will be stronger with every game and with every experience that we have, and a big experience is coming up today.' Tuchel will not go as far as saying taking on Guardiola's side is the one ultimate test but he readily admits they are one of a few setting the benchmark others strive to meet. 'This [game today] is the level where people like to watch these games and get excited, where I am getting excited because it is what I would normally watch on TV if I was not part of it. We are very excited to have these experiences now and to use them to grow, and the best feeling is we arrive in this game absolutely confident we have a chance to win this game, and from there we will see.' Taking on City also takes Tuchel back to a meal he had with Guardiola back when they were both managing in Germany. 'It was one of the first times when we met in person,' he recalls, 'and then after that we had one more dinner in Munich, and if you go out with Pep, why not talk about football? 'For me he was a huge influence so we started to talk about tactics and about positions on the field and what he did with Barcelona. He explained it to me and we had some drawings and we used what was on the table to explain the positions and the tactical situations. https://i.imgur.com/8m4yumb.jpg
Tuchel talks with Guardiola on the eve of the German cup final in 2016 'We were talking about a lot of positions from his Barcelona teams and how he changed them when he brought Fabregas, and how to play Messi as a false nine, and what was sometimes a double-six and a single-six and how to create in these spaces, or to play with a back-three or a back-four. These things like when two coaches talk.' -- 以伊露維塔的名為證發誓 — 若有誰敢奪取屬於我們的藍色之心,不論對方是天使 、惡魔、男人或女人,包括尚未出生者,若有任何的生靈,不論偉大或渺小,是善 還是惡,我們都將懷著復仇與憎恨之心直追到天涯海角,直追到世界結束之日。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1618671042.A.1BF.html
z83420123: 鴨脖大名單都沒進 夏天肯定要離隊了04/17 20:09
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beygwa: 紐卡又超前 加時真久 04/17 21:23
SilverBullet: 第二篇最後兩段像是說給亞伯拉罕聽的 04/17 23:34
https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11668/12277987/ A number of top clubs in the Premier League and across Europe are well aware of Tammy Abraham's lack of game time and are known to be considering a summer move to test Chelsea's resolve to keep their academy graduate ※ 編輯: JamesCaesar ( 臺灣), 04/18/2021 00:05:41