看板 Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/2021/04/18/club-statement Club statement 18 Apr 2021 Chelsea FC has today joined eleven of Europe's leading clubs in forming a new mid-week competition, the European Super League. 切爾西俱樂部今天加入了11家歐洲頂級俱樂部的行列,組成了一個新的週中比賽 — 歐洲超級聯賽。 https://i.imgur.com/flmWvaz.png
A joint statement released by all twelve founding clubs is below. Further information will be provided in due course. 以下是12家創始俱樂部發表的聯合聲明,我們會在適當時候更新進一步的訊息。 We look forward to working with all key stakeholders, particularly our supporters, as this competition develops. 隨著這項賽事的發展,我們期待與所有重要的相關人士,特別是我們的支持者進行合 作。 == LEADING EUROPEAN FOOTBALL CLUBS ANNOUNCE NEW SUPER LEAGUE COMPETITION == == 歐洲主要足球俱樂部宣佈成立新的超級聯賽 == Twelve of Europe's leading football clubs have today come together to announce they have agreed to establish a new mid-week competition, the Super League, governed by its Founding Clubs. 歐洲12家領先的足球俱樂部今天宣佈,同意建立一個新的週中的比賽 — 超級聯賽, 由創始俱樂部進行管理。 AC Milan, Arsenal FC, Atletico de Madrid, Chelsea FC, FC Barcelona, FC Internazionale Milano, Juventus FC, Liverpool FC, Manchester City, Manchester United, Real Madrid CF and Tottenham Hotspur have all joined as Founding Clubs. It is anticipated that a further three clubs will join ahead of the inaugural season, which is intended to commence as soon as practicable. AC米蘭、阿森納、馬德里競技、切爾西、巴塞隆納、國際米蘭、尤文圖斯、利物浦、 曼城、曼聯、皇家馬德里和托特納姆熱刺都已經加入了創始俱樂部。預計將有另外三 家俱樂部在新賽季開始前加入,新賽季將會盡快開始。 Going forward, the Founding Clubs look forward to holding discussions with UEFA and FIFA to work together in partnership to deliver the best outcomes for the new League and for football as a whole. 展望未來,創始俱樂部期待與歐足聯和國際足聯進行討論,共同努力,為新的聯賽和 整個足球世界帶來最好的結果。 The formation of the Super League comes at a time when the global pandemic has accelerated the instability in the existing European football economic model. Further, for a number of years, the Founding Clubs have had the objective of improving the quality and intensity of existing European competitions throughout each season, and of creating a format for top clubs and players to compete on a regular basis. 超級聯賽的形成正值疫情期間,疫情加劇了現有歐洲足球經濟模式的不穩定性。此外 多年來創始俱樂部的目標是在每個賽季中提高現有歐洲賽事的水準和強度,為頂級俱 樂部和球員建立一種定期比賽的模式。 The pandemic has shown that a strategic vision and a sustainable commercial approach are required to enhance value and support for the benefit of the entire European football pyramid. In recent months extensive dialogue has taken place with football stakeholders regarding the future format of European competitions. The Founding Clubs believe the solutions proposed following these talks do not solve fundamental issues, including the need to provide higher-quality matches and additional financial resources for the overall football pyramid. 疫情證明俱樂部需要有戰略眼光和可持續的商業做法,提高自身價值,支持整個歐洲 足球金字塔的利益。最近幾個月,我們與足球利益相關人士就歐洲比賽的未來形式進 行了廣泛的對話。創始俱樂部認為,這些會談提出的解決方案不能解決根本問題,無 法滿足為整個足球金字塔提供更高品質的比賽和額外財政資源的需要。 == Competition Format == == 比賽模式 == ˙20 participating clubs with 15 Founding Clubs and a qualifying mechanism for a further five teams to qualify annually based on achievements in the prior season. ˙20個參賽俱樂部中包括15家創始俱樂部和另外五支球隊,每年根據前一個賽季的成 績獲得參賽資格。 ˙Midweek fixtures with all participating clubs continuing to compete in their respective national leagues, preserving the traditional domestic match calendar which remains at the heart of the club game. ˙所有參加週中比賽的俱樂部將繼續參加各自的本國聯賽,保留傳統國內比賽日程, 這仍然是俱樂部比賽的核心。 ˙An August start with clubs participating in two groups of ten, playing home and away fixtures, with the top three in each group automatically qualifying for the quarter finals. Teams finishing fourth and fifth will then compete in a two-legged play-off for the remaining quarter-final positions. A two-leg knockout format will be used to reach the final at the end of May, which will be staged as a single fixture at a neutral venue. ˙八月開始,俱樂部將參加兩組10支球隊的比賽,分為主場和客場比賽,每組前三名 自動晉級四分之一決賽。獲得第四和第五名的球隊將進行兩回合附加賽,爭奪剩下 的四分之一決賽位置。決賽之前採用兩回合淘汰賽制,五月底的決賽將採用單回合 賽制,在一個中立的場地舉行。 As soon as practicable after the start of the men's competition, a corresponding women's league will also be launched, helping to advance and develop the women's game. 男子比賽開始後,在確實可行的情況下,相應的女足聯賽也將啟動,促進女足運動的 發展。 The new annual tournament will provide significantly greater economic growth and support for European football via a long-term commitment to uncapped solidarity payments which will grow in line with league revenues. These solidarity payments will be substantially higher than those generated by the current European competition and are expected to be in excess of €10 billion during the course of the initial commitment period of the Clubs. In addition, the competition will be built on a sustainable financial foundation with all Founding Clubs signing up to a spending framework. In exchange for their commitment, Founding Clubs will receive an amount of €3.5 billion solely to support their infrastructure investment plans and to offset the impact of the COVID pandemic. 新的年度聯賽將為歐洲足球提供更大的經濟增長和支持,通過長期承諾提供無上限的 團結資金,資金將隨著聯賽收入的增長而增長。團結資金將遠高於目前歐洲比賽獲得 的費用,預計在俱樂部最初的承諾期將超過100億歐元。此外這項賽事將建立在一個 可持續的財務基礎上,所有創始俱樂部都簽署了一個支出框架計劃。作為承諾回報, 創始俱樂部將獲得35億歐元,用於支持其基礎設施投資計劃和抵消疫情造成的影響。 Florentino Perez, President Real Madrid CF and the first Chairman of the Super League said: 皇家馬德里主席兼超級聯賽首任主席佛洛倫蒂諾表示: “We will help football at every level and take it to its rightful place in the world. Football is the only global sport in the world with more than four billion fans and our responsibility as big clubs is to respond to their desires.” “我們將在各個層面幫助足球,讓足球在世界上得到應有的地位。足球是世界上唯一 的全球性運動,擁有超過40億球迷。作為頂級俱樂部,我們的責任就是滿足他們的願 望。” Backing the new European league, Andrea Agnelli, Chairman of Juventus and Vice-Chairman of the Super League said: 尤文圖斯主席兼超級聯賽副主席安德里亞˙阿涅利表示支持新的歐洲聯賽: “Our 12 Founder clubs represent billions of fans across the globe and 99 European trophies. We have come together at this critical moment, enabling European competition to be transformed, putting the game we love on a sustainable footing for the long-term future, substantially increasing solidarity, and giving fans and amateur players a regular flow of headline fixtures that will feed their passion for the game while providing them with engaging role models.” “我們12家創始俱樂部代表了全球數十億球迷和99個歐洲冠軍獎盃。我們在這個關鍵 時刻聚集在一起,改變歐洲足球的競爭方式,使我們熱愛的足球比賽處在一個長期的 未來可持續基礎上,大大增強了團結性。讓球迷和業餘球員觀賞常態的頂級賽事,既 能激發他們對足球的熱情,又能激勵他們更好地成長。” Joel Glazer, Co-Chairman of Manchester United and Vice-Chairman of the Super League said: 曼聯聯合主席兼超級聯賽副主席格雷澤說: “By bringing together the world's greatest clubs and players to play each other throughout the season, the Super League will open a new chapter for European football, ensuring world-class competition and facilities, and increased financial support for the wider football pyramid.” “通過將全世界最偉大的俱樂部和球員聚集在一起,在整個賽季中相互進行比賽,超 級聯賽將為歐洲足球掀開新的篇章,確保世界級的比賽和設施,為更廣闊的足球金字 塔增加財政支持。” https://www.chelseafc.com/zh/news/2021/04/18/club-statement --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://sports.sina.com.cn/g/pl/2021-04-19/doc-ikmxzfmk7588251.shtml 2021年04月19日 06:24 新浪體育 北京時間4月19日早,曼聯、利物浦、曼城、阿森納、切爾西、熱刺、巴薩、皇 馬、馬競、國米、AC米蘭和尤文一共12家俱樂部共同宣佈成立一個新的賽事:歐洲超 級聯賽   12家俱樂部成為這項賽事的創始俱樂部,他們同意成為一項新的週中賽事,而在 新賽季正式開始前,預計還有三家俱樂部加入。賽事方表示,將和歐足聯以及國際足 聯進行協商,方便進行合作。   皇馬主席弗洛倫蒂諾將成為首任超級聯賽主席,副主席有克倫克、安德里亞˙阿 涅利、約翰˙亨利和格雷澤。   在公告中,歐洲超級聯賽確認了他們的賽制:比賽預計八月開始,20支球隊分成 兩組進行雙循環小組賽,小組前三直接進入八強,第四、五名爭奪剩餘的八強名額。 八強產生後進行兩回合淘汰賽,決賽採取單回合賽制。所有比賽都在週中進行。 (卡拉斯) -- ╔══╗╔╗╔╗╔══╗╔╗ ╔══╗╔══╗╔══╗ ║╔═╝║╚╝║║╔═╝║║ ║╔═╝║╔═╝║╔╗║ ║║ ║╔╗║║╔═╝║║ ╚═╗║║╔═╝║╚╝║ ║╚═╗║║║║║╚═╗║╚═╗╔═╝║║╚═╗║╔╗║ ╚══╝╚╝╚╝╚══╝╚══╝╚══╝╚══╝╚╝╚╝ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1618824912.A.F69.html
z83420123: 很好奇JC怎麼看這東西XD 04/19 18:11
batman0620: 希望板上的巨頭們可以好好討論這件事 04/19 18:18
batman0620: 感覺會很精彩 04/19 18:18
sfh20230: 有錢分阿 沒看刺刺一下就付違約金 04/19 18:29
RockBottom: 看戲就好 反正有錢大家分 要死也一起死 04/19 18:38
a2156700: 六支球隊一起扛 沒事兒 04/19 18:45
Drogba11: 退出ECA了 04/19 18:47
roka: 那月底的四強賽還踢不踢啊,才剛和馬迷朋友打賭誰輸請吃飯。 04/19 19:28
wakana0916: 請問ECA是啥? 04/19 19:31
CHRush: ECA=歐洲俱樂部協會 04/19 20:03
Drogba11: 當地球迷要去藍橋抗議了 04/19 20:09
sfh20230: 以後不用爭4了 鳥叔剛好臥底任務結束 04/19 20:25
Formsan: 抗議抗起來~ 04/19 20:34
Drogba11: TT賽前訪問 打太極拉~~~ 04/19 20:45
Formsan: 他也不好說什麼 04/19 20:49
trent427: 支持 歐冠改那樣根本不合理 你要亂搞不如我們自己搞 04/19 21:22
minagiyu: 支持啊 04/19 21:29
Drogba11: 球隊去哪邊踢我是覺得沒差 反正只要有得看就好 去英乙 04/19 21:34
Drogba11: 我也會看 根本沒差 04/19 21:34
Formsan: 不支持 但希望uefa改善制度 04/19 21:44
GroveStreet: UEFA就是爛,這幾年的吃相愈來愈難看 04/19 22:22
johnny12: 支持UEFA主席自己下來踢十場... 04/19 23:45
JamesCaesar: 我覺得足球賽太多了,很煩 04/20 00:06
OrzJ: 不支持,但是希望這樣能逼到UEFA改革 04/20 00:45
IronChef: UEFA 甲賽啦 04/20 00:47
z83420123: 我一直以為JC是基本教義派XD 04/20 01:03
Drogba11: 這次UEFA不退回原本的歐冠歐霸的樣子 我就支持歐超聯 04/20 01:08
Drogba11: 硬要弄 那就大家來難看 04/20 01:09
a2156700: 新歐冠或歐超的場數都會變多吧 只是強度和獎勵差太多了 04/20 02:28
a2156700: 錢少事多離家遠 搞到12大球團團結 04/20 02:30
grace0805: 新歐冠實際上跟歐超只差幾場 但歐冠要飛的距離更遠 04/20 02:38
GroveStreet: 場數差不多,但距離跟收入天壤之別 04/20 02:54
CHRush: 歐足聯吃相難看啊 04/20 09:02
andy00xx: 期待新聯盟 但有點擔心這季歐冠直接被踹掉 04/20 11:33
qaz630210: 都撕破臉了當然直接ban掉,站歐足聯角度留車馬城打完 04/20 12:36
qaz630210: 這賽季是花錢給人羞辱自己嗎? 04/20 12:36
liuchun1331: 虎撲上面消息說 接下來四強的歐超三隊會被禁賽 04/20 13:46
liuchun1331: 大概冠軍直接給大巴黎吧 04/20 13:47
Drogba11: 我笑歐足聯不敢禁剩下的比賽拉 轉播金要不要賠 合約要 04/20 14:06
Drogba11: 不要賠 歐足聯就是個笑話 04/20 14:06
Drogba11: 只是去了歐超聯 我們在疫情下有錢的優勢就沒了QQ 04/20 14:07
wengbenson: 不過新版歐冠太垃圾。不去也好 04/20 14:15
slayer6603: 所以直接宣布大巴黎冠軍?(* ̄︶ ̄) 04/20 14:20
CHRush: 不太可能會被踢掉 轉播商跟贊助商肯定不會放過歐足總,歐 04/20 14:32
CHRush: 足總在怎麼不爽頂多派裁判搞事情而已。 04/20 14:32
GroveStreet: 那我們跟皇馬誰會被搞得比較多?XD 04/20 14:46
elvis0109: 大巴黎的冠軍484要加上** 04/20 16:36
christing19: 估計皇馬吧,反正星期五歐足聯要開會討論怎麼處理, 04/20 17:06
christing19: 看是要直接宣布無效,還是拜仁,多特來遞補 04/20 17:06
a2156700: 就算阿布有錢 還是希望他也許不用花費過兇 砸到我會怕 04/20 17:37
aeoleron: 感覺uefa放話太早 看皇馬老神在在完全沒在怕 04/20 17:48
wengbenson: 這12隊加起來在全球的影響力,UEFA 只能恐嚇!沒了這1 04/20 18:07
wengbenson: 2隊歐冠轉播價值可能只剩三分之一不到 04/20 18:07
wengbenson: 英超六隊吃亞非洲市場,拉丁語系西甲三隊顧,加上意 04/20 18:10
wengbenson: 甲獨大時代三王者都有囤了很多粉絲,歐超氣定神閒 04/20 18:10
GroveStreet: 這12隊合縱成功,UEFA正面硬剛只會讓自己當砲灰 04/20 18:12
a2156700: 不知道英國政府會不會不發勞工証 04/20 18:17
wengbenson: 後面有JP摩根的這個美國金融大鱷,英西義政府會踩多硬 04/20 18:20
wengbenson: 令人好奇 04/20 18:20
Formsan: 我車跟曼城動搖了 兩隊本來就不是歐超計畫的推動者 04/20 19:58
wengbenson: 不太相信約都簽了錢也拿了 如果反悔也太沒誠信 04/20 20:31
TKW5566: Danoan說動搖的是假消息 04/20 20:43
TKW5566: Danoan 04/20 20:43
liuchun1331: 不太可能動搖吧 已經簽了23年的合約 04/20 21:08
Aquarius128: 誰叫歐冠新制比賽太多,爛。 04/20 21:34
GroveStreet: UEFA只要不撤回歐冠改制,應該都沒什麼好談的 04/20 21:55
micbrimac: 球員方面是很動搖阿 球會方面不清楚 04/20 22:50
https://twitter.com/JacobSteinberg/status/1384542341806104576 "Fuck Super League" https://twitter.com/willreyner/status/1384543981615386626 "ROMAN DO THE RIGHT THING"
Formsan: 左邊的好像guardiola 04/21 00:39
sfh20230: 反正還是相信阿布 04/21 00:47
z83420123: 球迷組織宣導不是說要帶口罩 怎麼一堆都沒帶== 04/21 01:34
https://twitter.com/GNev2/status/1384565333546217476 Gary Neville: Chelsea pulling out @SkySportsNews reporting
Drogba11: 我們要退了?! 04/21 02:03
https://twitter.com/SJohnsonSport/status/1384567044935491589 Don't ever underestimate fan power.
Drogba11: 切賀還出來安撫球迷 04/21 02:04
https://twitter.com/MaccaSport/status/1384568767422763019 Dan McCarthy: Petr Cech. Forever a Chelsea legend.
z83420123: 現階段就是看戲阿XD 04/21 02:05
GroveStreet: 相信阿布 04/21 02:05
Drogba11: 看消息我們算是有點搖擺不定就是了 04/21 02:06
https://twitter.com/Matt_Law_DT/status/1384569065231028226 Roman Abramovich decided Chelsea could not go ahead with joining the ESL and, together with the board, he gave the green light for the club to start preparing documentation to pull out. https://twitter.com/JBurtTelegraph/status/1384568705892368385 Told Roman Abramovich was never comfortable with the Super League idea.
Drogba11: 看推特上面的影片 還蠻多人去抗議的 04/21 02:09
https://twitter.com/SonOfChelsea/status/1384568694492352513 彷彿戰勝般....
christing19: 真的跑路的話也太快了吧= = 04/21 02:11
christing19: 但能理解 04/21 02:12
https://twitter.com/Chelsea_HQ/status/1384569919736582147 Super League lasted shorter than a Spurs title charge.
Drogba11: 當地球迷超多人去抗議 我估計阿布也沒想到這麼多人吧 04/21 02:12
Drogba11: 還把切赫推上去救火 感覺應該是火燒屁股 04/21 02:13
Drogba11: 而且巴士好像還被圍 比賽可能會晚開場的樣子 04/21 02:13
Formsan: 爽 再說球迷沒力量ㄚ 04/21 02:14
Drogba11: 看瓜禿的賽前訪問 也不太支持進入歐超聯 04/21 02:14
Drogba11: 看到消息了 曼城也要撤了 04/21 02:15
Chelsex: 我們財政的確不需要 沒想到這麼戲劇性 04/21 02:18
Drogba11: 我是覺得有達到一些目的了 歐足聯也吐錢出來 04/21 02:19
faelone: 圖書館球迷這麼兇的嗎 04/21 02:20
https://twitter.com/liam_twomey/status/1384573425419800577 It's a party now
GroveStreet: 圖書館球迷不愧戰自己人最厲害 04/21 02:21
GroveStreet: UEFA餵屎的時候看這些球迷有沒有講過話 04/21 02:21
a2156700: 看到別隊在哭窮 布爺還是當大買家花錢 沒問題嗎 04/21 02:22
Drogba11: 說真的依照財政方面來說 我們確實是很健康的狀態 04/21 02:23
Drogba11: 退出的原因我覺得跟可能會拔工作證也有關係吧 04/21 02:24
christing19: 等後續發展吧,明天看怎麼談了 04/21 02:26
andy00xx: 沒想到給UEFA凹贏了 拜託接下來的比賽車偵組不要上工 04/21 02:27
icheers: 先不說別的 歐超是這麼簡單能說退就退的嗎 04/21 02:28
wengbenson: 什麼鬼 這種東西不是都有先簽約的 還可以這樣反悔退出 04/21 02:37
wengbenson: 的 歐洲人這樣做生意也是開眼界 04/21 02:37
wengbenson: 如果真的可以隨便退出,那以後跟歐洲人做生意也蠻可 04/21 02:38
wengbenson: 怕的 04/21 02:38
https://twitter.com/SkyKaveh/status/1384574484129239043 Chelsea made a last minute decision last week to join the ESL. They now regret the decision and accept it was a mistake. They felt they had to “jump on the train because it was leaving the station”. Turned out it was a train to nowhere.
z83420123: 竟然這麼快縮手 有點太意外 04/21 02:49
z83420123: 還以為會談 04/21 02:49
z83420123: 聽說簽的是意向書拉 其實也可以預期 你簽太強制綁死的 04/21 02:50
z83420123: 反而很多球團不會願意簽 會更像PSG 拜仁那樣觀望 04/21 02:50
z83420123: 不過國家機器都動起來了 退出好像也不意外 04/21 02:51
wengbenson: 這個應該是還沒有簽正式合約吧!不然光付違約金給JP 04/21 02:53
wengbenson: 摩根搞不好就影響到轉會投入金額 04/21 02:53
https://twitter.com/alibendertv/status/1384579977912463361 It is my understanding that Chelsea did not pull out in response to the fan protests, but as a response to the overall backlash, they decided they could not be a part of something so universally despised and realised it would undo all of the hard work they stand for ※ 編輯: JamesCaesar ( 臺灣), 04/21/2021 02:53:44
JamesCaesar: Alison Bender 才是正確的想法,球迷好天真的 04/21 02:53
wengbenson: 如果真的已經簽約 我是不相信敢輕易退出 04/21 02:54
z83420123: 反正就看戲阿XD 這場戲真的挺精彩的 04/21 02:58
GroveStreet: 笑死,然後三德就這樣下台了 04/21 03:00
wengbenson: 這件鬧劇,讓我理解為什麼歐洲左膠會那麼多 04/21 03:04
GroveStreet: 如果最後歐冠10場小組賽還是上路的話,真的會氣死 04/21 03:06
grace0805: 希望這樣有逼到UEFA...不然新歐冠真的太不合理了 04/21 03:06
roka: 真樣真的有點糗啊,形象受損不在話下,日後被秋後算帳的機會 04/21 03:49
roka: 恐怕多的是。 04/21 03:49
wakana0916: 可以想像VAR的表現了 04/21 09:16
christing19: 反正被清算還有皇馬呢QQ,四強戰不好受了 04/21 09:52