看板 Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://www.chelseafc.com/zh/news/2021/04/19/ tuchel-press-conference-team-news-ahead-of-brighton- 圖赫爾談球隊傷病、亞伯拉罕、反思莫里尼奧的離開 2021.04.19 圖赫爾將在明天晚上與布萊頓的英超聯賽中決定是否讓蒂亞戈˙席爾瓦首發,他 擔心席爾瓦最近的身體情況及克里斯坦森的回歸。 https://i.imgur.com/GeDyH8d.jpg
切爾西主教練下午在科本訓練前的賽前新聞發布會上通過視訊發言。克里斯坦森 有好消息傳來,他已經因為肌肉受傷錯過了過去的三場比賽,圖赫爾透露,他已經完 成了週日的訓練,可能會在對陣海鷗的比賽中出場,但科瓦契奇仍然無緣比賽。 “我預計克里斯坦森會回來,他可以出場,”圖赫爾說,“昨天他在訓練中的表 現很好,我希望今天能繼續。” https://i.imgur.com/OqqwIsS.jpg
克里斯坦森已經恢復訓練,可以在對陣布萊頓的比賽中上場 “對蒂亞戈來說情況有些不同,不是因為他的傷病,而是因為他在兩場比賽受傷 後嚴重的負荷過重。他沒有受傷,但我們必須看看他是否能再次參加比賽。我認為、 也希望我們的傷員只有科瓦契奇。” 圖赫爾被問到亞伯拉罕是否應該擔心他在切爾西的未來,自二月中旬以來他就沒 有出場。 “當他們不在陣容中時,所有人都很擔心,但這對我來說從來都不是一個容易的 決定。我很同情他,我能理解當我做出這些決定時,他會感到擔心和難過,也許還會 生我的氣。” “有時候我們會在最後一次訓練結束後花上一個小時的時間討論哪些球員應該上 場,哪些球員應該留在家裡,出場的人很少。” https://i.imgur.com/2Hurpre.jpg
“我們已經多次對亞伯拉罕做出這樣的決定,這並不是針對他個人的,但這是切 爾西球員的生活。我希望他不要過多地迷失在思緒中,他知道不需要太擔心自己的處 境。” “他所能做的就是保持專注,保持信念,前鋒的情況會在幾分鐘內改變。我們即 將進行一場重要的訓練,我還沒有做出明天的首發決定。” 圖赫爾還對當天早些時候莫里尼奧離開托特納姆熱刺主教練一職進行了反思。 “或多或少,當這種情況發生時,我總是有點驚訝,我們都是競爭對手,我們都 試圖擊敗對方,但最終我們希望每位主教練都有一個良好的工作氛圍。” “如果這樣的事情發生了,作為一名主教練,我永遠不會感覺良好,但很明顯, 我也沒有責任對此發表評論。每個人都在為好的結果而奮鬥,當這樣的重大事件發生 的時候,令人感到非常驚訝。說實話,我沒想到會這樣。” https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/2021/04/19/ tuchel-press-conference-team-news-ahead-of-brighton- Tuchel provides fitness update on two defenders, explains Abraham situation and reflects on Mourinho departure 19 Apr 2021 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.chelseafc.com/zh/news/2021/04/19/ thomas-tuchel-reacts-to-european-super-league-news 圖赫爾談歐洲超級聯賽 2021.04.19 今天的新聞發布會上,圖赫爾被問到了新的歐洲超級聯賽。 https://i.imgur.com/5b1vrDY.jpg
回答關於超級聯賽的問題時,圖赫爾明確表示,他的目標是讓球員在短期內集中 精力,專注於目前的比賽,從造訪布萊頓開始。 “我昨天就知道了,”圖赫爾證實了歐洲超級聯賽的計劃,“我來這裡是為了參 加最艱難的比賽,歐洲最艱難的聯賽,這是我喜歡的,也是我在切爾西的原因。” https://i.imgur.com/f6HOZeM.jpg
圖赫爾在英超與布萊頓的比賽前 “我是俱樂部的一員,我想參加這些艱難的比賽,我相信我的俱樂部會做出正確 的決定,現在評判一切還為時過早。” “我的切爾西徽章上寫著,我必須發揮自己的作用,每個人都必須發揮他們的作 用。我的角色是成為一名主教練,要集中注意力,明天我們有一場重要的比賽。外界 有很多評論、爭論和觀點,我絕對不想捲入其中,因為我不知道細節。” 圖赫爾說他還沒有和他的球員討論這個話題,在明天晚上的比賽之前,今天的訓 練很晚進行。 “最好的辦法是保持冷靜,努力把注意力集中在我們的比賽上,現在的比賽可能 比以前更不一樣了,”他解釋道。 https://i.imgur.com/aGnmaem.jpg
“當然我沒有參與,我的球員也沒有參與決策。我們有可能後退一步,不發表我 們的意見,也不會為此失去理智,這顯然是俱樂部之間的事情。” “我們必須確保自己仍在為本賽季的目標而奮鬥,這是我的工作,也是球員們在 未來幾天完成的工作,”圖赫爾補充道。 https://i.imgur.com/Qi8x0G5.jpg
“在球隊內部,我們信任俱樂部,在這種情況下,我們最好不要介入體育政治, 這超出了我們的能力範圍。這不是我們必須履行的角色,我們需要幫助俱樂部取得成 功。” “每個人都在談論這件事,也許球員不受影響是不可能的,但現在還太早,外界 有很多意見。希望我們能保持冷靜,就像我們在科本訓練一樣,對球員施加影響,讓 他們不分心,為明天的比賽帶來我們需要的表現。” https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/2021/04/19/ thomas-tuchel-reacts-to-european-super-league-news Thomas Tuchel reacts to European Super League news - 19 Apr 2021 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/2021/04/20/ tuchel--i-don-t-play-tennis-or-chess-so-players-deserve-the-cred Tuchel: I don't play tennis or chess so players deserve the credit 20 Apr 2021 After a week of knockout success in both European and domestic competition, the attention returns to the Premier League with two big matches for the Blues in the next five days... https://i.imgur.com/orf9y0D.jpg
Saturday brings a trip across the capital to take on West Ham, who currently sit above us in fourth, but first there is the visit to Stamford Bridge of Brighton, the side we beat 3-1 in the reverse fixture on the opening weekend of the season back in August. Thomas Tuchel has been encouraged by results going in our favour in recent days, namely the Hammers losing to Newcastle, and Everton drawing with Tottenham, but the Chelsea head coach is under no illusions that the tasks ahead are pivotal in achieving our aims. 'It's better if our direct competitors don't win but we have to do what we can do and what we can influence,' he noted. 'We have an absolutely crucial week coming up with Brighton and West Ham ahead of us so it's in our hands now to make a huge step. https://i.imgur.com/gMFuMF6.jpg
'We come from a very successful, very emotional and very demanding week with games in Seville against Porto and at Wembley against City, so now is the moment to put full focus back on the Premier League and to make hopefully a huge step in this race. 'We did not close this gap to give priority to any finals or semi-finals. We are clearly 100 per cent focused on the next week and there are no more important games than Brighton and West Ham.' Tuchel's triumph over Pep Guardiola on Saturday helped us book a place in the FA Cup final for the fourth time in five seasons and it also continued an impressive record against elite coaching contemporaries for the Bavarian. In almost three months in charge at Stamford Bridge, Tuchel has now overseen victories over Guardiola, Jurgen Klopp, Jose Mourinho, Carlo Ancelotti and Diego Simeone without even conceding a single goal. It is an admirable addition to any managerial CV and one that bodes well for the decisive run-in, although Tuchel refused to take the credit for those results, insisting they were team wins and 'not tennis or chess.' 'I never see it like me battling against coaches,' he explained. 'I am responsible for a huge club in the toughest league in Europe and I am here to have these kind of competitions. 'Once you have on the other sideline the most influential, successful and charismatic coaches out there in Europe, you know that the challenge is on and that's why I'm here. That's what excites me a lot and brings me out of bed early. https://i.imgur.com/9NGbpzJ.jpg
Tuchel got the better of Mourinho early on in his Chelsea career and hasn't looked back since 'I know very well that if you want to have results like we had then you need also a bit of luck and the momentum. I demand from myself that we do not get carried away by this and think that I beat someone. 'I did not play tennis or chess against them. In the end, I lead my team and the credit goes to the players. When you arrive with a team that is able to perform and create results against other strong clubs then you're a happy coach and this is what it is.' -- http://jamescaesar.pixnet.net/album/photo/110781933 永遠以摸過它為榮 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1618934276.A.130.html ※ 編輯: JamesCaesar ( 臺灣), 04/21/2021 00:09:11