看板 Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/2021/06/04/giroud-contract-extended Giroud contract extended 04 Jun 2021 Chelsea Football Club can confirm that an option to extend Olivier Giroud's contract by one year was exercised in April this year. 切爾西俱樂部在此確認,今年四月吉魯的合同已經自動延長一年。 https://i.imgur.com/sZuFT5v.jpg
The Frenchman's current deal was due to expire at the end of this campaign but an extension means the 34-year-old's three-and-a-half-year stay in west London continues for another year. 目前法國前鋒吉魯與藍軍合同將在本賽季結束後到期,合約延期後,34歲吉魯將在與 藍軍三年半合同的基礎上繼續在俱樂部多留一年。 Since his move across the capital from Arsenal, Giroud has helped the Blues secure three major honours, as well as claiming World Cup glory with France in 2018. He has 32 goals to his name for the club, including half-a-dozen this season in the Champions League, making him the top scorer for the European champions in that competition. 從阿森納轉會到切爾西後,吉魯幫助藍軍獲得了三項主要榮譽,並在2018年與法國隊 一起奪得了世界盃冠軍。他為切爾西俱樂部打進了32個進球,其中包括本賽季歐冠的 六個,使他成為藍軍的歐冠最佳射手。 A four-goal haul against Sevilla was the standout performance for the striker in 2020/21, though his most telling contribution came in the Round of 16 as he fired in a vital away goal against Atletico Madrid with a stunning overhead kick. 吉魯在對陣塞維利亞的比賽中打入四個進球,這是他在2020/21賽季最出色的表現, 但吉魯最重要的貢獻是在16強對陣馬德里競技時,他的一記漂亮的倒鉤射門為藍軍打 進了一個關鍵的客場進球。 https://i.imgur.com/VMNPpnh.jpg
吉魯在塞維利亞打入了四個進球 Chelsea director Marina Granovskaia said: 'Olivier has been such a crucial part of so many big moments for this club, from his contribution to our FA Cup victory in 2018 to scoring 11 goals on the way to winning the Europa League in 2019. He has continued to score significant goals, and we will never forget his effort against Atletico Madrid on the way to winning the Champions League this season. 切爾西主管瑪麗娜˙格拉諾夫斯卡亞說:“在俱樂部的許多重要時刻中,吉魯都起到 了至關重要的作用,他為我們贏得2018年足總盃冠軍做出了巨大貢獻,並在2019年藍 軍捧起歐聯盃的道路上打進了11球。現在他仍在持續打進重要的進球,我們永遠不會 忘記他在本賽季贏得歐冠的過程中對陣馬德里競技的進球。 'With so much to still to play for, there was only one decision we could make when we exercised the option to extend his contract back in April.' “他做出了這麼大貢獻,我們能做的只有一個決定,那就是今年四月我們行使選擇權 延長了他的合同。” https://www.chelseafc.com/zh/news/2021/06/04/giroud-contract-extended -- Burrell: "If the Gods are fucking you, you find a way to fuck them back. It's Baltimore, gentlemen. The Gods will not save you." - The Wire Season 3 Episode 3 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1622821725.A.0DD.html
minagiyu: 吉魯也續約了 讚06/04 23:16
roka: 吉魯居然願意留?06/04 23:17
starW: 吉魯留隊好意外 06/04 23:25
GroveStreet: 弟媳!!!吉魯!!! 06/04 23:28
GroveStreet: 歐冠真香06/04 23:28
Aquarius128: 米蘭傳了個寂寞啊~06/04 23:34
Chelsex: 吉魯!!!稍早才在妄想沒想到成真了 畢竟中鋒有可能買不到06/04 23:42
DarthVader: 推特消息是雖然續一年但還是有可能收轉隊費讓他離開06/04 23:43
DarthVader: 以上說的是吉魯06/04 23:44
a2156700: 車車觸發續約一年的條款 但不確定下賽季會不會留車06/04 23:43
g21l: 大吉魯竟然留隊了! 06/04 23:45
GroveStreet: 很ok呀,米蘭想買就請付轉會費 06/04 23:45
Chelsex: ok 希望留下 英超賭德國人穩定發揮不太現實 06/04 23:48
starW: 看其他專頁討論 也是讓我們最後可以拿到轉會費 06/05 00:01
a2156700: 看德轉標價4M... 06/05 00:07
Drogba11: ?! 居然 06/05 00:11
Drogba11: 也是 保障G魯一定有球隊要他 可以 06/05 00:12
RockBottom: 看消息是說如果有海外球隊要 還是會免費放他走 算是對 06/05 02:23
RockBottom: 功勳老臣的禮遇 但如果最後沒談妥 也歡迎他留下來 06/05 02:25
a2156700: 也避免在英超相愛相殺XD 06/05 02:51
a2156700: 這兩三年吉魯也幫了大忙 06/05 02:53
faelone: 去年消息不是說吉魯老婆跟格姨關係不錯? 06/05 04:49
Nvil: 想看吉魯上場啊!!!! 06/05 06:52
teata: 驚訝的好消息! 06/05 12:42
trent427: 不錯 如果目標那幾個都沒買到留下來輪換 06/05 19:46
CHRush: 應該是怕某個叛徒事件再發生一次吧 全世界都知道你缺守門 06/05 19:51
CHRush: 員 所以價格不給砍 06/05 19:51
Chelsex: 米蘭媒體開始放話吉魯TT關係差 免簽失敗的怨念XD 06/06 00:25
fox391823: https://youtu.be/HOWiZHEy7YQ 06/06 09:22
fox391823: 這賽季若沒有吉魯 我們絕對到不了波爾圖的 06/06 09:24
fox391823: 他的經紀人沒有跳出來抱怨 這代表其中應該有君子協議吧 06/06 09:29
fox391823: 算是對吉魯薪資的一種保障 對奪冠功臣的殊榮 06/06 09:29
https://sports.sina.com.cn/g/pl/2021-06-07/doc-ikqcfnaz9605554.shtml “我想澄清,切爾西是在四月份激活了條款,他們最近才宣佈,是為了遵循英超 規則。別忘了,我喜歡巴斯滕和舍甫琴科,米蘭是一家大俱樂部,是歐洲最好的球隊 之一。但今天,我不會談論我在俱樂部的未來,因為我專注於法國隊和歐洲盃。” https://www.goal.com/en-gb/news/giroud-hints-at-possible-milan-switch -despite-chelsea/1glzhi9k26gk9zb5tr1humdxo ※ 編輯: JamesCaesar ( 臺灣), 06/08/2021 23:30:39
Sidney1010: 好棒 06/14 18:15