看板 Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/2021/07/09/ caballero-s-thanks-to-the-chelsea-family- Caballero's thanks to the Chelsea family 09 Jul 2021 Willy Caballero has posted a heartfelt farewell message to the Blues fans and his team-mates, with the goalkeeper departing Stamford Bridge this summer after four seasons at the club. https://i.imgur.com/Or6KU9b.jpg
The Argentine was a popular member of the dressing room and played a key role in supporting the goalkeepers during his time at Chelsea, lifting the FA Cup, the Europa League and the Champions League since joining from Manchester City. His contract expired last month however and now the goalkeeper is embarking on a new challenge in football but Willy has took to Instagram to say his goodbyes to everyone in the Chelsea 'family'. 'I just want to thank all of the Chelsea family for these beautiful four years together,' said Caballero via Instagram. 'Thank you for all of the achievements, and to my team-mates for so many fun memories. 'It has been a pleasure and honour to defend this shirt and colours with my all and I want to wish you the best for the next season ahead. https://i.imgur.com/RpsWcct.jpg
Caballero departs as a Champions League winner 'I'm excited for whatever follows, and I'm eager to continue my career for the new challenges which football brings to me and excites us all every day.' https://www.instagram.com/p/CRFJcS0jy7L/ -- http://jamescaesar.pixnet.net/album/photo/110781933 永遠以摸過它為榮 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1625882828.A.11E.html
GroveStreet: 謝謝卡巴大叔QQ 07/10 13:34
Drogba11: 卡巴大叔應該還能去美國賺一份合約 07/10 13:36
batman0620: 歡迎卡巴大叔來我們 lafc 打個工再退休 07/10 13:43
teata: 謝謝卡巴叔 07/10 15:15
Aquarius128: 祝福 07/10 20:03
smygbrew: 謝謝卡巴 07/10 20:30
OrzJ: 祝福 07/10 21:36
chris820: 祝福!! 07/11 11:04
nastycurry: 祝福! 07/12 08:50
james79821: 感謝卡巴大叔 敬業的運動員 07/12 11:05
DIO13579: 祝福卡巴大叔 07/14 15:24