看板 Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/2021/07/22/bate-moves-to-leeds Bate moves to Leeds 22 Jul 2021 Academy midfielder Lewis Bate has today completed a permanent transfer to Leeds United. https://i.imgur.com/OkM3iZM.jpg
Bate first started training at Chelsea at the age of eight and captained our Under-18s in the FA Youth Cup final last year, as well as featuring three times for our development squad during their title-winning Premier League 2 campaign. The 18-year-old has been named among the substitutes for the senior men's team on three occasions, most recently for our FA Cup fifth-round tie against Barnsley in February. Last season, Bate was a mainstay in our development squad's midfield and played 26 times in total across the age groups, picking up the PL2 Player of the Month award in December. We thank Lewis for his time at the club and wish him well in the future. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://twitter.com/LewBate/status/1418135659844411394 Thank you, @ChelseaFC https://www.instagram.com/p/CRn7g6KAncw/ 10 years ago I walked through the doors at Cobham for the first time. Since then the players and staff I have worked with over the years have helped me become the player and person I am today. However, I now believe it is time to move onto a new chapter in my career. I would like to thank everyone at Chelsea, and will forever be grateful for what they have done for me! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://twitter.com/SJohnsonSport/status/1417793976896208901 Lewis Bate is expected to complete move to LUFC tonight after CFC agree to sell for £1.5m, plus add-ons. Has arrived in Leeds for medical. https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1417747697113706497 Leeds will pay around £1.5m for Bate but there's add-ons and a sell on fee percentage due for Chelsea too https://twitter.com/Sam_InkersoleTM/status/1418135098629763075 Confirmed: Lewis Bate leaves Chelsea to join Leeds. Fee believed to be around £1.5m and understood that CFC have a sell-on clause in the deal. https://twitter.com/AdamNewson/status/1418136769573314565 And so as we all knew, Lewis Bate joins Leeds United. Initial fee of £1.5m, add-ons included + sell-on fee. He'll initially join up with Leeds' Under-23s. -- Burrell: "If the Gods are fucking you, you find a way to fuck them back. It's Baltimore, gentlemen. The Gods will not save you." - The Wire Season 3 Episode 3 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1626944957.A.103.html
Drogba11: 這價碼會不會有點稍低 07/22 17:25
GroveStreet: 被里茲撿到便宜= = 07/22 17:25
Drogba11: 應該還會有好幾個青訓的官宣 07/22 17:27
JamesCaesar: 他不續約,那要不要賣? 07/22 17:27
JamesCaesar: 這批除了利夫拉門托,誰走我都覺得不可惜 07/22 17:30
GroveStreet: JC大在上季U23最後一場推文好像有說過利夫跟貝特都 07/22 17:35
GroveStreet: 不錯,但利夫更值得期待的樣子? 07/22 17:35
GroveStreet: 最近的消息倒是斯特林準備要續約了 07/22 17:37
JamesCaesar: 貝特鬥志和技術都不錯,但吉爾莫先卡位了,本來就不 07/22 17:44
JamesCaesar: 覺得留得住 07/22 17:44
JamesCaesar: 利夫拉門托左右都可以打,留下來機率高那麼一些 07/22 17:46
JamesCaesar: U23這批大概就這樣了 07/22 17:46
z83420123: 這批我覺得就立夫跟貝特可惜吧 07/22 17:50
z83420123: 另外這批我總覺得只會踢順風球 常常一段時間有人失誤 07/22 17:51
z83420123: 造成意外失球 就不會踢球直接崩盤了 07/22 17:51
※ 編輯: JamesCaesar ( 臺灣), 07/23/2021 08:00:42
fox391823: 還好啦 這算是合理的價格 畢竟他去利茲也是得從青年隊 07/23 12:46
fox391823: 開始踢起 07/23 12:46
fox391823: https://i.imgur.com/EICmofw.jpg 07/23 12:47
fox391823: 比起前幾梯的學長 他們的天賦還差得遠了 07/23 12:48
GroveStreet: 老一代的青訓,轉眼間只剩下奇克、貝克、克拉克索爾 07/23 13:46
GroveStreet: 特和穆桑達了 07/23 13:46
michaelkobe: 利夫拉門托真的不錯,隊長退化其實可以把他拉上來踢 07/23 19:03
michaelkobe: 看看替補翼衛,不然每次看隊長踢翼衛都走廊化就覺得 07/23 19:03
michaelkobe: 很難過QQ 07/23 19:03
GroveStreet: 利夫應該是想踢先發,這點無解 07/23 19:38
GroveStreet: 希望安喬林跟馬特森有機會站穩一線隊 07/23 19:44
GroveStreet: 額,才剛講完就看到馬特森即將外租的新聞 07/23 20:03