看板 Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/2021/12/19/ tuchel-confirms-request-to-postpone-today-s-game-was-rejected Tuchel confirms request to postpone today's game was rejected 19 Dec 2021 Thomas Tuchel has confirmed that a Chelsea request to postpone today's game with Wolves was rejected by the Premier League. https://i.imgur.com/8xq25Qr.jpg
The Blues arrive at Molineux with several players missing through injury and covid, with Tuchel left frustrated that the game goes ahead as planned when the security and health of his squad are currently at major risk. With more and more players returning positive covid tests over the past few days, Tuchel believed there was a strong case to call off the fixture. 'Yes, we did ask to postpone the game,' Tuchel confirmed when speaking ahead of kick-off. 'We thought we had a strong case [to postpone the game] regarding the security and the health of the players. https://i.imgur.com/Mvk8zdW.jpg
The Blues arriving at Molineux earlier 'We have seven positive cases and every single day, we've had another positive case coming in. We travelled together for three hours on the bus, we are in meetings together, we have lunch and dinners together. The situation does not feel like it will stop. 'We applied to not play this game and to try and have some time to get the situation under control but it was rejected. It's very hard for us to understand this but it doesn't matter because this is the outcome. 'We are very concerned about the health of our players. We left Kai [Havertz] out against Everton even though he was negative, we sent Jorginho home even though he was also a negative test so we can protect the health of our players. https://i.imgur.com/v2kkjc9.jpg
'Because of this, we are now in a position where we are having to play players either from the start or on the bench who have only just come back from injury or from covid. We have to take this risk now. 'We play N'Golo Kante and Trevoh Chalobah from the start today and this is a huge risk because they are both not long back from injury. So we hope today goes well. 'From a medical point of view, I'm very worried because we have had four consecutive days of positive tests in the squad. 'How will this stop if we carry on and pretend it's not happening? This is my opinion and it's the medical opinion but it's not the opinion of the Premier League, so we have to play.' --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.chelseafc.com/zh/news/2021/12/19/tuchel-reacts-to-wolves-draw 圖赫爾:我們在艱難的環境中拿到了一分 2021.12.19 圖赫爾對藍軍在對陣狼隊下半場的表現感到滿意,但我們未能取得一場勝利,最 近藍軍已經戰平了伯恩利、曼聯和埃佛頓,對手的防守非常嚴密,我們則有一些自己 的問題。 https://i.imgur.com/VedVuSy.jpg
圖赫爾證實,現在七名球員和一些工作人員都感染了新冠,傷病也影響了藍軍的 訓練,他可以為球隊在莫利紐球場的表現感到自豪。圖赫爾也重申了賽前的評論,在 目前的情況下比賽不應該進行,但是比賽確實進行了,他在賽後給出了評估。 “最後時刻我們需要努力集中注意力。”圖赫爾說,“過去的24小時發生了很多 事,這絕對不是準備比賽的最佳環境。我們開了一個很晚的會議,一個很短的會議, 我們盡了最大的努力。” https://i.imgur.com/WJITPY5.jpg
“經過前五分鐘的強勢開局之後,我們在上半場有點掙扎。我們努力適應狼隊的 陣型,我們的反應有點慢了。下半場球隊的反應非常好,下半場的表現非常好。我們 又一次沒有失球,這場比賽有很多積極的方面。” “今天的比賽很難創造機會和進球,這在以前是很容易的。如果要單獨分析這場 比賽和純粹的表現,我完全沒問題。我們本可以靠一點運氣,或者多一點強度,多一 點射門,多一點我們這邊的東西,但我很高興我們在下半場的表現。” 圖赫爾強調了不推遲賽程造成的影響。 “我理解他們說我們還有14名球員,但如果仔細看看這14名球員是誰,就會發現 查洛巴才參加了兩次訓練,科瓦契奇只有一次訓練,坎特只參加了一次訓練。由於新 冠疫情,球員們面對著巨大的風險。” “我不能也不會對其他延期或未延期賽事的決定發表評論。我們從來沒有把自己 和其他球隊的情況作比較,我們只是擔心球員的安全。球員們都很擔心自己的健康, 連續幾天的新冠病毒檢測都有人呈陽性。” 兩名球員查洛巴和齊耶奇因傷病退出了比賽。 “我們可以踢完這場比賽,但某個時刻我們肯定會付出代價,也許我們所有的中 場球員已經付出了。查洛巴,希望他只是感到疼痛。現在他覺得非常疼痛,我們仍然 希望他的傷病不嚴重,但還需要等待進一步的檢查。” https://i.imgur.com/WNJSIvG.jpg
科瓦契奇中場換下了查洛巴 “齊耶奇,我覺得他的情況還不壞。他的小腿神經被踢到了,很難受,我們不得 不把他替換下場。” 圖赫爾被問及是否認為週三對陣布倫特福德的比賽將如期進行。 “我不知道。我們昨天晚上就在考慮會發生什麼,但沒有,所以我們不知道。我 們將繼續每天進行檢測,我們將繼續進行訓練。” “作為一家俱樂部,我們非常負責任。在對陣埃佛頓的比賽中,當我們非常需要 他的時候,我們仍然沒有讓哈佛茲上場,儘管他的檢測結果是陰性。” “今天我們讓若日尼奧休息了,直到現在都不清楚他是陽性還是陰性。我們非常 負責任,但過去的24小時裡發生了很多事。現在我們要在大巴上再坐三個多小時,明 天測試結束後就開始訓練。” https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/2021/12/19/tuchel-reacts-to-wolves-draw Tuchel takes a point in difficult circumstances - 19 Dec 2021 -- When it comes to a crisis, still keep on running. You believe in power. It's mental power. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1640015969.A.45F.html ※ 編輯: JamesCaesar ( 臺灣), 12/21/2021 00:16:51
pieceofcake: QQ 12/21 00:30
JamesCaesar: https://tinyurl.com/yckpy4fr 該高興嗎 12/21 00:32
Drogba11: 口罩真的要戴好.. 12/21 00:36
Drogba11: 希望若鳥媽媽沒有感染 12/21 00:36
JamesCaesar: 還可以出門吃飯就代表沒隔離啊 12/21 00:40
Drogba11: 若鳥訓練的照片出來了 偽陽性吧 12/21 01:17
JamesCaesar: he was also a negative 本來就陰性吧 12/21 01:18
g21l: 若鳥一直帶傷踢,沒中獎也不是能上的啊 12/21 02:26
teata: 哀 12/21 23:56