看板 Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://www.chelseafc.com/zh/news/article/tuchel-we-lacked-a-lot 圖赫爾:今天我們缺少很多東西 06 Sep 2022 沮喪的圖赫爾觀看了藍軍在本賽季第一場歐冠比賽中0-1落敗,他誠實地評價了 自己和球隊的表現。 https://i.imgur.com/nxi9n10.jpg
薩格勒布迪納摩在對陣克羅埃西亞的比賽中率先領先,一直保持到比賽結束。藍 軍的進攻戰術只有兩腳射正,里斯˙詹姆士在比賽接近尾聲時擊中了門柱,這次表現 遠低於圖赫爾的預期。 “我對自己很生氣,我對表現很生氣,”主教練圖赫爾分析道,“我們所有人的 表現都非常糟糕,不夠精確,不夠快速,不夠有攻擊性,不夠堅決。個人表現是不夠 的,整個球隊也是不夠的,這就是我們今天輸掉這場比賽的原因。” 圖赫爾承認,目前並沒有多少球員能達到巔峰狀態,他補充道: “我需要找到一個解決辦法。很明顯,每個人都表現不佳。我真的不知道今天的 表現是怎麼來的。在我看來,這就是缺乏渴望,缺乏強度,缺乏贏得對抗的決心,無 法在最高水平和最艱難的比賽中拿出好的表現。” “我們不能指望這樣在英超和歐冠中取得勝利,歐冠是我們能參加的最艱難的賽 事,我們顯然還沒有達到想要的水平。我曾認為我們走在不錯的道路上,而我對球隊 今天的表現感到驚訝。” 圖赫爾說,他對自己不滿意的原因是,他沒有看到好的表現... “我認為上一場比賽幫助了我們,我們在對陣西漢姆聯的艱難時刻做出了反應, 我們在需要一點運氣的情況下很走運,然後我們完成很好的訓練,我認為球隊已經準 備好了。” 圖赫爾被問到切爾西是否低估了迪納摩... “我個人沒有,但如果我們這麼做了,我們就有大問題了。”他表示。 https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/article/tuchel-we-lacked-a-lot Tuchel: We lacked a lot - 06 Sep 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20220907A00CXY00 直播吧9月7日訊 歐冠小組賽首輪比賽,切爾西在客場以0-1的比分不敵薩格勒布迪納摩,遭遇開 門黑。 賽後,切爾西主帥圖赫爾表示:“我們沒有拿出應有的表現,同樣的事情總發生 在我們身上。我們比賽開局踢得不錯,那些半得分機會我們沒能很好的把握。前15分 鐘還是20分鐘,當我們本該讓比賽在自己的掌控之下。然後,我們被對手通過反擊打 進一球,我們太輕易丟球了。自那之後,我們就陷入了掙扎中。” “顯然,我們沒有出現想要的位置以及應該處在的位置。所以,這取決於我和我 們一起找到解決方案。在目前情況下,我們什麼都東西都缺失了,我們要分析的東西 太多,我也是其中之一,我對自己很生氣,對我們的表現也很生氣,我沒想到情況會 是這樣。” (二怪) https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/62815129 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/article/ chelsea-football-club-part-company-with-thomas-tuchel Chelsea Football Club part company with Thomas Tuchel 07 Sep 2022 Chelsea Football Club has today parted company with Head Coach Thomas Tuchel. 切爾西俱樂部今天宣佈與主教練托馬斯˙圖赫爾解除合約。 https://i.imgur.com/cM6dPdm.jpg
On behalf of everyone at Chelsea FC, the Club would like to place on record its gratitude to Thomas and his staff for all their efforts during their time with the Club. Thomas will rightly have a place in Chelsea's history after winning the Champions League, the Super Cup and Club World Cup in his time here. 俱樂部謹代表切爾西的每一個人,對托馬斯和他的團隊在俱樂部工作期間所做的一切 努力表示感謝。托馬斯在切爾西的日子裡贏得了歐冠、超級盃和世俱盃,他將理所當 然地在切爾西的歷史上佔有一席之地。 As the new ownership group reaches 100 days since taking over the Club, and as it continues its hard work to take the club forward, the new owners believe it is the right time to make this transition. 接管俱樂部100天之後,切爾西新東家將繼續努力工作,帶領俱樂部向前發展,新東 家相信現在是進行換帥交接的好時機。 Chelsea's coaching staff will take charge of the team for training and the preparation of our upcoming matches as the Club moves swiftly to appoint a new head coach. 切爾西的教練組將負責球隊的訓練和即將到來的比賽準備工作,俱樂部將迅速任命一 位新的主教練。 There will be no further comment until a new head coach appointment is made. 在新的主教練任命完成之前,不會有進一步的評論。 https://www.chelseafc.com/zh/news/article/ chelsea-football-club-part-company-with-thomas-tuchel -- ╔══╗╔╗╔╗╔══╗╔╗ ╔══╗╔══╗╔══╗ ║╔═╝║╚╝║║╔═╝║║ ║╔═╝║╔═╝║╔╗║ ║║ ║╔╗║║╔═╝║║ ╚═╗║║╔═╝║╚╝║ ║╚═╗║║║║║╚═╗║╚═╗╔═╝║║╚═╗║╔╗║ ╚══╝╚╝╚╝╚══╝╚══╝╚══╝╚══╝╚╝╚╝ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1662516481.A.898.html
grace0805: 哇塞 下課了… 09/07 17:12
grace0805: 老實說球隊真的踢得很爛 09/07 17:13
horse0910: 美國爸爸好狠 09/07 17:13
grace0805: 不過幾個新援 都還沒磨合好就下課 有點急了 09/07 17:14
grace0805: 換個角度想 長痛不如短痛 但現在又能找到誰呢? 09/07 17:15
https://twitter.com/Matt_Law_DT/status/1567439610401226753 https://twitter.com/AbsoluteChelsea/status/1567441333354110978 下午5:15 · 2022年9月7日 Thomas Tuchel sacked by Chelsea. Graham Potter the early favourite to replace him 圖赫爾被炒,波特是熱門人選。 Thomas Tuchel's sacking is not based purely on results or Chelsea's poor start to the season. Concerns had been growing over whether he was the right man to lead the new era. His future was in doubt win, lose or draw in Zagreb. 圖赫爾被炒並非單純是開季以來的爛狀態,對於他是否是帶領先新時代的正確人選, 疑問逐漸增加。在札格瑞布不論是贏、是平、是輸,都不影響對他未來的疑問。 https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1567441296658243585 下午5:15 · 2022年9月7日 Thomas Tuchel is gone. The decision was made overnight following the Dinamo result 圖赫爾下課了,最終決定在札格瑞布之夜做出。
Drogba11: 你看吧............ 09/07 17:16
Drogba11: 哀 頭鐵阿 跟藍帕德最後面那時候一模一樣 09/07 17:17
Drogba11: 誰來接 波特 波切蒂諾? 09/07 17:19
calsdark: 太急了 09/07 17:19
e19910209: 太快下課了吧 09/07 17:20
Drogba11: 才說可能會續約 結果馬上火 09/07 17:21
dululu: 太快了吧 換一坨人不用磨合嗎 09/07 17:21
Drogba11: 靠杯 這樣還買奧巴 傻眼 09/07 17:22
calsdark: 為了讓C羅來嗎?有不好的預感.... 09/07 17:22
Drogba11: Matt Law是說波特主要人選 波切蒂諾次要 09/07 17:22
grace0805: 感覺是圖鶴自己辭職(? 伯利季初看起來是願意給時間 09/07 17:23
grace0805: 的 09/07 17:23
michaelkobe: ......太快了吧,覺得沒必要這樣 09/07 17:23
grace0805: 這樣還買奧巴是真的傻眼= = 09/07 17:23
kurtisgod: 直接官宣... 09/07 17:23
Drogba11: 基本上這個可以直接說更衣室炸了 不然不會這麼快 09/07 17:26
trent427: 乾 最喜歡的教練 不多給時間是哪一招 09/07 17:26
g21l: 布老爺也沒這麼快吧 09/07 17:26
grace0805: 看起來應該是更衣室問題 隊長管不住了唉… 09/07 17:27
calsdark: 要有心理準備了,弟媳這些老將可能都會被清 09/07 17:27
Drogba11: 好事情是 目前買的人選基本上都不算是教練特別要的 09/07 17:28
Drogba11: 除了奧巴 09/07 17:28
Drogba11: 庫Z8Z 酷酷 佛法那 斯特林 跟這些小朋友中場 09/07 17:29
Drogba11: 下一位教練用起來應該不會差到哪 09/07 17:29
ise: 這發展太扯了 09/07 17:31
ise: TT是不是自己也不想幹了 09/07 17:32
ise: 以為新老闆不像阿布,結果比阿布更狠... 09/07 17:32
gj93jo3: 怎麼下課了.... 09/07 17:32
VCvinsanity: 應該更衣室爆炸,老闆不得不炒 09/07 17:33
allgking: 下課了 有點意外的早 09/07 17:33
Drogba11: 阿 不就還好沒續約 不然違約金又不知道要給多少 09/07 17:33
https://twitter.com/alistairmagowan/status/1567446112285462528 下午5:34 · 2022年9月7日 Understand that decision would have been taken to sack Tuchel regardless of result against Dinamo. It was felt he had lost confidence of players & board, and had been less communicative with new ownership. Chelsea coaches will step in but new appointment should be swift. 據了解,開炒的決定與札格瑞布之敗無關,感覺上圖赫爾已經失去球員和董事會的信 任,和新老闆們也缺乏交流。剩下的教練將接管球隊,但新主教練很快會到來。
hababy: 昨天踢成這樣老闆看不到未來吧 09/07 17:34
allgking: 叫Terry來帶吧 09/07 17:34
VCvinsanity: 正常啦,老闆才剛來還沒看到實績,本來就不會馬上續 09/07 17:35
allgking: Di Matteo也可以 09/07 17:35
ise: 不太懂那怎麼會買奧巴 難道昨天更衣室一場爆炸就馬上炒人? 09/07 17:35
peterpp: 夏窗買的人不都是按照TT的意思嗎 怎麼不多磨合一下 09/07 17:37
https://twitter.com/Matt_Law_DT/status/1567446908351774720 下午5:37 · 2022年9月7日 Why Chelsea's new owners sacked Thomas Tuchel CFC 老闆們為何開炒 * Results and performances not just to blame 戰績和表現 * Tension since tour and communication dried up 季前關係緊張、缺乏交流 * Players unhappy with decisions 球員不滿許多決定 * Desire for a long-term head coach 高層希望找到長期教練 * The need to buy in to the new culture 希望有新文化
allgking: 買奧巴感覺還ok 把握性應該是大於timo 09/07 17:38
kuanhung93: 靠北太突然了吧 09/07 17:38
pieceofcake: 好急.... 09/07 17:38
grace0805: 我是不太相信伯利不給時間啦 所以只有更衣室爆炸或圖鶴 09/07 17:38
grace0805: 自己不幹這兩種 09/07 17:38
sindarin: ...太可惜了 原本覺得TT可能是長期解答的 09/07 17:40
ise: 看來車子更衣室比巴黎還難搞嗎 09/07 17:40
a2156700: ... 09/07 17:42
trent427: 如果圖赫自己不幹可以接受 09/07 17:42
Drogba11: 圖赫爾這季幹得最好的事情 就是阻止C羅加盟 09/07 17:43
kuanhung93: 我也以為圖賀會是長期的教練…. 09/07 17:43
https://twitter.com/NickPurewal/status/1567448748237766657 https://twitter.com/NickPurewal/status/1567450187152384004 下午5:44 · 2022年9月7日 The ChelseaFC new owners were understood to have already made their decision to sack Thomas Tuchel ahead of last night's Dinamo Zagreb defeat. Todd Boehly and Behdad Eghbali are thought to have analysed general CFC trends in coming to what they see as a considered decision 輸給發電機之前,老闆們就已做出決定要開炒,他們分析了他們看到的趨勢後做出決 定。 The ChelseaFC owners are thought to have feared Thomas Tuchel had lost the energy and drive to find solutions to growing problems on the pitch. Tuchel also understood to have lessened communication with CFC board and players recently 他們擔心圖赫爾已經失去了解決場上日漸嚴重問題的能量與動力,圖赫爾最近與董事 會和球員們的溝通也越來越少。
trent427: 買了一堆人如果新教練來了不喜歡酷酷 弗法那 斯特林 情 09/07 17:44
trent427: 何以堪 09/07 17:44
Drogba11: 圖赫爾賽後訪問 又說了類似的話阿 09/07 17:44
Drogba11: 有人出公不出力阿 09/07 17:44
https://twitter.com/AbsoluteChelsea/status/1567448964185595904 https://twitter.com/AbsoluteChelsea/status/1567448936406827010 下午5:45 · 2022年9月7日 [via @Matt_Law_DT] The atmosphere at Chelsea's training ground has been described as tense. A group of players felt they had been treated unfairly, both in terms of team selections and positions asked to play by Thomas Tuchel. 最近訓練場上的氣氛很緊張,有一群球員覺得自己被圖赫爾不公平對待,不論是陣容 還是位置選擇。 The Chelsea owners want it to be clear that the next head coach will be somebody who is invested in their project and who the players expect to be in charge for many years. 老闆們表明希望下一任主教練可以符合他們的計劃,球員們也認為他會待上好幾年。
liuchun1331: 前幾個星期才說要續約 結果現在變下課??!! 09/07 17:45
Drogba11: 很難吧 這後防線來說 我覺得給其他教練都算OK阿 09/07 17:45
Drogba11: 你說之前買喝水 ZAP這種 下一任教練要怎麼用 09/07 17:45
https://twitter.com/RobDorsettSky/status/1567449206800924675 下午5:46 · 2022年9月7日 Understand CFC been considering this decision for some time. Not a knee jerk reaction to CL defeat. New owners have had concerns for a while and now want long term appointment to move club forward. Potter fits that plan. 據了解,開炒的決定已經考慮了一段時間,並非是輸球後的膝反射回應。新老闆們對 圖赫爾已有疑慮一陣子,現在他們想要能推動俱樂部的長期人選,而波特適合這個計 劃。
allgking: 不知道JT能不能當主教練 讓小朋友知道什麼是鐵血 09/07 17:46
Santos: 這麼快又要拿歐冠了嗎? 09/07 17:46
https://twitter.com/siphillipssport/status/1567449298127781889 下午5:46 · 2022年9月7日 I didn't want to believe it. But been told for weeks now that Tuchel has lost many players in the dressing room. Style of play, arguments, much more. Not saying it's right, but that's what's happened here. 我不想相信,但過去幾週我被告知圖赫爾已經失去更衣室裡許多球員的信任,球風、 爭論、等等。並非說這是正確的事,但這是球隊裡已發生的事。
RlexCY37: 火了~這帖藥又急又猛啊!! 09/07 17:48
ise: 其他新人都可以理解 就庫庫看不太懂 09/07 17:50
g21l: 而且現在能找誰?然後又來三後衛四後衛陣痛一次? 09/07 17:53
liuchun1331: 真好奇是誰有可能在更衣室氣氛 美隊? 09/07 17:53
https://twitter.com/JacobsBen/status/1567451200064262145 https://twitter.com/JacobsBen/status/1567451203063226368 下午5:54 · 2022年9月7日 Chelsea have sacked Thomas Tuchel. He was informed this morning. The decision is not only down to mixed results or a reaction to the poor Dinamo loss alone. It's part of a wider summer of strategic change, too. 圖赫爾今早被通知下課。這決定不單是因為最近的爛戰績或剛吃的敗仗,而是更廣泛 的夏天策略改變。 The new American owners had every intention of sticking with Tuchel when they first joined. And by spending £270m+ they backed him with a record spend. But there were doubts (and eventually friction) over how he handled the ownership transition. 美國新老闆剛加入的時候對圖赫爾信心滿滿,破紀錄花了超過270億英鎊來支持他們 的主教練,但對他是否能處理這種東家轉移的疑慮 (甚至是磨擦) 卻產生了。 https://twitter.com/JacobsBen/status/1567451205466480640 https://twitter.com/JacobsBen/status/1567451207857328134 https://twitter.com/JacobsBen/status/1567451210428420096 Tuchel was given more responsibility and ultimately authority. To some degree every manager wants this, but with Boehly as interim sporting director Tuchel's role became pivotal. Boehly and Tuchel were in daily contact, often for hours. There was a constant stream of calls. 圖赫爾曾被賦予更多的權力,這可能是每個主教練都想要的。伯利擔任臨時的體育總 監,圖赫爾的作用變得更加重要,雙方每天交流好幾個小時,一直打電話。 Tuchel became frustrated during the window and communication broke down at times right when Tuchel's input was needed the most. This was pretty apparent at times in America. 但圖赫爾在轉會期間變得越來越挫折,在球隊最需要圖赫爾出力的時候,交流中斷了 好幾次,這在美國期間非常明顯。 Tuchel wanted to focus on football. New owners, on the other hand, felt he could have done more to aid with transfers. This was very obvious during parts of the failed chase for Raphinha and Jules Kounde. Xavi was far more part of the pitch. 圖赫爾想專注在足球上,但新老闆們卻認為他應該做得更多以幫助轉會,這點在對拉 菲尼亞和孔德的追求失敗上非常明顯,哈維可是做足了工作。 https://twitter.com/JacobsBen/status/1567451212840148992 https://twitter.com/JacobsBen/status/1567451215138537474 https://twitter.com/JacobsBen/status/1567451217302880256 Romelu Lukaku's exit didn't influence much, although he was frank with Boehly before he left. But it started a trend of Boehly talking directly and openly to players, including Cesar Azpilicueta, Thiago Silva and Reece James. 盧卡庫的離去影響不大,儘管他走之前對伯利非常坦率。但此後伯利卻開始越來越跟 球員直接交流,包括阿斯皮利奎塔、蒂亞戈˙席爾瓦和里斯˙詹姆士。 In the end there was a feeling, even before indifferent results, that a new manager might be better for a new era. This is also in part because the Abramovich tenure was so atypical in many ways it might be easier with a new boss. 最後就有一種感覺,新時代最好有一個新主教練來帶領,畢竟阿布時代的成功就是經 常更換主教練。 Tuchel is obviously hugely respected. But told the new owners want a manager who is both a fit the team and business, with the latter so different to the old regime. Graham Potter is the early favourite to replace Tuchel. 圖赫爾無疑是備受尊敬的,但我被告知新老闆們想要一個能配合球隊和商業上的主教 練,後者和舊時代大有不同。波特是目前的熱門人選。
Cowyau: 居然下課了 09/07 17:55
Aquarius128: 美隊這麼菜還當聲仔嗎..不知道現在有沒有隊委會 唉 09/07 17:59
e19910209: 懷念一下鐵血隊長特里 09/07 18:00
qwer7788: 看最近踢得荒腔走板 總覺得有種蘭帕德執教後期球員擺爛 09/07 18:04
qwer7788: 的既視感 還想說現在會不會也是球員擺爛要逼走教練.... 09/07 18:04
https://twitter.com/AbsoluteChelsea/status/1567454622385688577 下午6:07 · 2022年9月7日 [via @Matt_Law_DT] Todd Boehly's interest in signing Cristiano Ronaldo provided an early difference of opinion, with Boehly reluctant to simply take 'no' for an answer from Thomas Tuchel, who seemed exasperated at having to explain his reasons for not wanting him. 伯利對C羅的興趣證明了雙方的意見不同,伯利想從圖赫爾那裡得到的答案不只是個 "不",但圖赫爾對於還要解釋為什麼他不想要C羅感到極度厭煩。
whitehumor: 傻眼到不行 那這個夏天大筆簽約是誰主導的? 感覺是更 09/07 18:07
whitehumor: 衣室出大問題了 不然不會前場只有1929沒有吵鬧 09/07 18:08
whitehumor: 那這樣是不是代表 Lukaku來季還有機會回歸? 09/07 18:08
trent427: 以為新老闆來不用再搞火教練這一套 我難過 09/07 18:10
whitehumor: 另外 有可能是圖赫爾想要的都沒買到? 只有奧巴? 09/07 18:11
u83nk4: 以為夏轉這麼挺主帥,至少會撐完這季,結果…… 09/07 18:11
whitehumor: 而且直接官宣連一點消息都沒有走漏... 09/07 18:12
whitehumor: 題外話 該不會是想去撬席丹??? 09/07 18:16
z83420123: 太快了吧 我傻眼 09/07 18:21
z83420123: 夏轉挺成這樣 還以為要拖一段時間 09/07 18:21
z83420123: 首選波特 備選波切 09/07 18:24
z83420123: 我以為至少還會有2-3場 畢竟夏天挺成那樣 09/07 18:25
whitehumor: 天體說已經接觸波特了 可能就直接砸違約金? 09/07 18:25
whitehumor: 開始有一些媒體透露跟多名球員交惡... 09/07 18:26
https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1567459748932456450 下午6:28 · 2022年9月7日 Tuchel let go in a face-to-face meeting with the new owners this morning. It is assumed his staff will leave with him as a Cobham group of staff will prepare the team for the upcoming Fulham game. 圖赫爾今早和老闆們面對面會談,他的教練團將和他一起離開,科本剩下的教練會帶 領球隊備戰對富勒姆的比賽。
z83420123: 交惡也不是什麼新聞吧 但伯利很挺他 都虧錢把盧卡庫 09/07 18:29
z83420123: 提摩送走了 所以這麼快才意外 09/07 18:29
u83nk4: 才剛關窗,非待業中的不會來吧? 09/07 18:29
z83420123: 挺成這樣我還以為輸輸贏贏能撐1個月 除非連敗 結果伯 09/07 18:30
z83420123: 利這麼快就下手 09/07 18:30
whitehumor: 感覺交惡的不是少數 今年前場沒鬧著要走的也就1929... 09/07 18:33
g21l: 其他不說,門迪玩火那麼多次然後都沒事,美隊野鶴跟大便一樣 09/07 18:34
g21l: 依舊照用 09/07 18:34
https://twitter.com/Matt_Law_DT/status/1567461476536827905 https://twitter.com/Matt_Law_DT/status/1567461563593883648 下午6:35 · 2022年9月7日 Basically, all Chelsea's owners have to worry about is will the decision be accepted by the dressing room. Sure they obviously take fan reaction into account but other noise is just blah, blah, blah. Fwiw, I believe they have made the right decision (blah, blah, blah). And all the evidence suggests that the majority of the dressing room will accept it 老闆們要考慮的是更衣室是否能接受圖赫爾被炒,還要顧慮球迷反應,而目前所有證 據都顯示大部分的球員能接受。
VCvinsanity: 撇除已離隊的,美隊野鶴已經算壓到板凳底部了吧 09/07 18:38
mobilesuit: 19不可能吵,隊上都公認圖赫爾最愛他了,之前圖赫爾也 09/07 18:38
mobilesuit: 說過,只有芒特有辦法能趕走他的壞心情 09/07 18:39
Drogba11: 雖然說更衣室炸掉 可是怎麼看這些球員 趴數都不夠阿 09/07 18:40
VCvinsanity: 貌合神離吧,也許沒有人帶頭對著幹,但冷戰可能有 09/07 18:41
Drogba11: MATT LAW直接說 TT跟波利不合 09/07 18:42
g21l: 波利想清掉舊朝廷的人,只能這樣想了 09/07 18:43
a2156700: 總感覺和西螺有關 09/07 18:44
z83420123: 認真說阿布其實也沒那麼快XD 09/07 18:45
z83420123: 博阿斯當初也撐蠻久的 09/07 18:47
Drogba11: 波利想給TT更多權力 TT只想管好球場上的事情 09/07 18:47
Drogba11: 感覺跟TT離開PSG有點像 09/07 18:49
min1978: 這絕對是個糟糕的決定 09/07 18:50
ise: 跟波利不和說不過去吧 買人挺成這樣了 09/07 18:51
ise: TT 感覺脾氣也很硬 自己不想幹的機率滿高的 09/07 18:52
DIO13579: 這太快了吧!?才剛買人耶… 09/07 18:54
TKW5566: … 09/07 18:58
https://twitter.com/Matt_Law_DT/status/1567467987766071297 下午7:01 · 2022年9月7日 Exclusive: Chelsea make approach to Brighton to speak to Graham Potter 已向布萊頓要求與波特對話。 https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1567468347310080003 下午7:02 · 2022年9月7日 Chelsea have approached Graham Potter as one of the candidates to replace Thomas Tuchel. He's not the only one in the list — including four candidates. Todd Boehly will continue talks in the next hours to find the replacement. 已接觸波特,他是四個人選之一,伯利在未來幾個小時將繼續尋找人選。
Drogba11: 100場 60W 24D 16L 其實還算不錯阿 09/07 19:05
b710168: 我總覺得是TT想專注在球場上但波利想賦權...看的出來夏窗 09/07 19:06
b710168: 他很累 09/07 19:06
g21l: 有說不想管太多事,但波利想他管多一點,切赫去職也有影響吧 09/07 19:06
sfh20230: 更衣室爆炸了阿 不換俯衝降級區 09/07 19:06
starW: ???傻眼 09/07 19:13
https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1567469937857363968 下午7:08 · 2022年9月7日 Graham Potter has already been contacted by Chelsea who want to make an appointment ASAP. A good relationship with Brighton might help. Mauricio Pochettino is also in the running 已接觸波特,接任速度越快越好,和布萊頓的不錯關係或有幫助。波切蒂諾也是人選 之一。 https://twitter.com/MikeKeegan_DM/status/1567470045156065281 下午7:09 · 2022年9月7日 On Chelsea: - Tuchel departure set to cost around £15m 圖赫爾解約金約1500萬鎊 - Aim to have replacement in by Fulham on Saturday 希望週六前有主教練 - Potter no 1 target 波特是第一人選 - Decision made before last night's defeat 開炒決定昨晚前已決定 - Form at end of last season/unhappy camp also 上賽季末爛狀態/季前不開心 taken into account https://twitter.com/NickPurewal/status/1567470858129625095 下午7:12 · 2022年9月7日 The ChelseaFC owners built up a strong rapport with Brighton over the Marc Cucurella transfer, based on mutual respect amid appreciation for how the negotiations were handled. The CFC bosses will hope to lean on that again amid approach for Seagulls manager Graham Potter 老闆們和布萊頓做庫庫雷利亞這筆生意時建立了堅固的關係,談判過程很好,雙方互 相尊重,希望對引進波特有幫助。
Drogba11: 海鷗隨隊 : 海鷗不會阻止波特跟我們談 09/07 19:13
z83420123: 目前看起來更像是和伯利理念有衝突09/07 19:14
z83420123: 但我說這開的時間也太爛了09/07 19:14
https://twitter.com/Nathan_Gissing/status/1567471335902789633 下午7:14 · 2022年9月7日 Tuchel was informed this morning of his sacking. Tuchel and his staff were not expecting this moment to happen today. 圖赫爾今早被告知下課,他和他的教練團都沒想到會被炒。
Drogba11: 目前看消息來說 波利跟TT不合的機率大蠻多的 09/07 19:14
https://twitter.com/siphillipssport/status/1567471620473737221 下午7:15 · 2022年9月7日 Why Thomas Tuchel got sacked: 為何圖赫爾會被炒 - Football being played 足球因素 - Relationship/communication breakdowns with 和球員和老闆的溝通破裂 players/owners - Many players were considering futures 許多球員都在考慮自己的未來 - Tuchel's energy changed, looked at walking 圖赫爾的活力改變了 - Potter, Poch, and more being considered 新人選有波特、波切蒂諾等人
Darvish5566: 換了老闆 高速換帥的文化仍然繼續嗎XD 09/07 19:16
https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1567470507368321029 https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1567470818120110084 https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1567471143996588035 下午7:16 · 2022年9月7日 Tuchel's sacking had been coming since they lost 4-0 to Arsenal in preseason. The feeling was it was unravelling, both his aptitude as a coach and the relationship with the new owners-players. 圖赫爾的下課要追溯到季前賽慘敗給阿森納,他的教練能力和與新老闆和球員們之間 的關係逐漸顯露。 Thomas Tuchel's press conferences increasingly felt detached from reality (to me) but it wasn't him putting on a front to media - that's what he like behind the scenes. 他的記者會對我來說也越來越脫離現實。 The new owners initially really believed in Thomas Tuchel's ability to be a long-term manager. He criticised them at a PR event in Orlando in an unprompted moment, got a terrible result vs Arsenal, complaining about the preseason in USA generally 新老闆們一開始的確相信圖赫爾是長期人選,但圖赫爾在奧蘭多的一個公關場合主動 批評了他們,然後慘敗給阿森納,又抱怨了整個美國季前備戰。 https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1567471426361327617 https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1567471530149289985 The data is plain to see as the season began: six wins in 14 games in all competitions, poor xG in wins vs Leicester and West Ham - where manager claimed they were good wins 數據很明顯了:14場比賽只拿了六勝,對萊斯特城和西漢姆聯雖然得勝,但預期進球 數非常慘,而圖赫爾竟然宣稱這兩場是很好的勝利。 In Tuchel's first 50 games they only conceded 24 goals, while in his last 50 they have conceded 53 goals. The data was instructive in the decision 圖赫爾首50場比賽只丟24球,後50場卻丟了53球,這種數據對最終決定產生了影響。 https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1567471730620354561 https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1567471812153430027 https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1567472363758915584 The Dinamo Zagreb result was not the reason for the sacking but that defeat was staggering bad. Boehly-Clearlake watched on at the defeat to a team who's yearly budget is £54m. Cucurella was £62m alone 輸給發電機不是下課原因,但這場敗仗卻是驚人的糟,伯利和清湖看著自己的球隊輸 給一支一年預算只有5400萬鎊的球隊,而單庫庫雷利亞的轉會費就高達6200萬鎊。 Tuchel hasn't seemed himself and it was perhaps illustrated by his I was 'watching the wrong movie' comments last night. In his CFC TV interview, he couldn't answer a how to fix it question with a 10 second awkward silence 圖赫爾自己也混亂了,昨晚他對敗仗的評論是 "走錯影廳看錯電影" 。在接受俱樂部 官方電視台訪問時,被問到如何解決困境,他竟然有10秒鐘的沉默。 Chelsea's goal this season is to finish in the top four but that looked impossible all season with only one good display vs Tottenham. The owners are ambitious and informed of their decision to relieve Tuchel of his duties this morning 球隊本季目標是前四,但如果只有對熱刺一場好表現,這目標是不可能達到的。老闆 們野心勃勃,只能今早通知圖赫爾下課。
starW: 真的像是撐到轉會窗完才走的 09/07 19:19
Courtois: 喜歡管事的教練 前幾場跟他對掌那個要不要考慮一下 09/07 19:22
lynnc: 換換也不錯,目前看不出圖赫有啥解法 09/07 19:22
https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1567473578425081858 下午7:23 · 2022年9月7日 Contacts ongoing between Chelsea and Brighton for Graham Potter, as he's the priority option — Mauricio Pochettino has been proposed to Todd Boehly as available option in the four-names list. Talks ongoing — Boehly, on it. 波特是優先人選,持續對話中。波切蒂諾也在四人名單之內。伯利忙碌中。 https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1567473853269426176 下午7:24 · 2022年9月7日 It's also true that Tuchel was loved at Cobham. He has been an absolute gentleman with everyone over his time at Chelsea and made a lot of allies. The decision was made based on data, that he wasn't right for a new club culture and on him losing people 圖赫爾確實曾備受愛戴,他對俱樂部的每個人都極為紳士,朋友也多。下課的決定基 於數據,他不是俱樂部新文化的正確人選。
Formsan: 好快 超出預期的快 09/07 19:27
Formsan: 更衣室崩盤了嗎 09/07 19:30
https://twitter.com/Matt_Law_DT/status/1567476963840860160 下午7:36 · 2022年9月7日 Update: Potter given permission to speak to Chelsea 波特已被允許對話。 https://twitter.com/NickPurewal/status/1567477010636673024 下午7:36 · 2022年9月7日 Todd Boehly and Behdad Eghbali understood not to be worried about a compensation fee for Brighton boss Graham Potter. Seagulls understood to have given ChelseaFC permission to speak to their manager 波特的解約金對伯利和埃格巴里來說不是問題,布萊頓已允許俱樂部和波特對話。
whitehumor: 大家對呼聲高的波特有甚麼想法嗎? 沒甚麼看海鷗的球 09/07 19:41
whitehumor: 似乎也是今年開季才比較有聲量 09/07 19:42
PowderSnow: 我看了什麼…這麼快09/07 19:43
joydivision: 他本來就要走了吧…只是還沒找到新教練? 09/07 19:43
joydivision: 我支持西螺過來啊 現在就是沒人想贏球不是嗎 士氣好 09/07 19:45
joydivision: 差(其實誰來都一樣) 09/07 19:45
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2022/09/07/chelsea-approach-brighton -speak-graham-potter/ By Matt Law, - 7 September 2022 ‧ 12:47pm Stamford Bridge co-owners face compensation bill of over £12m to appoint coach after sacking Thomas Tuchel 波特的解約金大約1200萬英鎊。 https://twitter.com/MiguelDelaney/status/1567479654323200000 下午7:47 · 2022年9月7日 Things already moving with Potter. He does have a release clause, that would prob work out at around £15-16m - but a few variables to it 波特的違約金大約1500~1600萬英鎊。
Drogba11: 甚麼大風大浪都見過了~~~祝福圖赫爾了 09/07 19:47
trent427: 祝福圖鶴 09/07 19:47
trent427: 看到新聞人選名單 波切 波特 席丹 本菲卡教練 09/07 19:49
trent427: Sporting Portugal教練 09/07 19:49
trent427: 席丹能來最好 但是很難 09/07 19:51
https://twitter.com/David_Ornstein/status/1567481021989265411 下午7:52 · 2022年9月7日 Chelsea have made approaches to Graham Potter + Mauricio Pochettino - high among manager options. CFC owners very fond of Potter + know clause, so can be done swiftly if job offered & he agrees. Pochettino would be similarly quick @TheAthleticUK 已接觸波特和波切蒂諾。老闆們很欣賞波特,也知道他的解約金額,所以上任速度可 能很快,波切蒂諾也是。
joydivision: 凱指導怎麼沒在教練賭盤裡面(開玩笑 09/07 19:53
https://twitter.com/Nathan_Gissing/status/1567483036870000641 下午8:00 · 2022年9月7日 Todd Boehly had already planned a meeting before the game against Dinamo Zagreb for Wednesday morning with Thomas Tuchel, but Tuchel didn't have a feeling he was going to be sacked - he thought it was going to be a “normal morning”. 在輸給發電機前,伯利就已經安排好週三早上要找圖赫爾談了,但圖赫爾不知道自己 會被炒,他還覺得這就是一個 "普通的早晨"。 https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1567483506531385344 https://twitter.com/standardsport/status/1567483888422748167 下午8:02 · 2022年9月7日 Talks between Chelsea's new owners and Brighton's Graham Potter will be done face-to-face today. Brighton give Potter permission to discuss £16m Chelsea move 新老闆們今天會和波特面對面會談,布萊頓已許可。波特的解約金大約1600萬鎊。
starW: 還是感謝上半年他協助穩定軍心 祝福 09/07 20:13
faelone: 看起來像賦權問題,但這時間點真的蠻爛的,還沒走漏風聲 09/07 20:17
faelone: 原本以為至少能看TT五年以上的,哀 09/07 20:17
https://twitter.com/TomRoddy_/status/1567487774449700866 下午8:19 · 2022年9月7日 Piece on why CFC sacked Tuchel: 為何圖赫爾會被炒 ˙ Decision made well before Zagreb 開炒決定在輸球前已定 ˙ Cracks began to show in Orlando 裂痕在奧蘭多已開始 ˙ Excuses & blaming players for defeats 輸球一直找藉口+批評球員 ˙ Owners felt TT lacked emotional intelligence 老闆覺得圖赫爾缺乏EQ in takeover ˙ Auba transfer signed off despite plan to sack TT 要開炒還是簽了奧巴...
liuchun1331: 我也以為圖赫是教練的長期解... 09/07 20:21
e19910209: 找特里回來把球員罵一罵好了哈哈 09/07 20:42
RockBottom: ....這下課節奏比阿布時代還快 好狠 09/07 20:51
RockBottom: 冬窗可能會看到C羅了 09/07 20:52
elvis0109: 車車換帥傳統 深植人心了 09/07 20:54
https://twitter.com/NickPurewal/status/1567499383029075974 下午9:05 · 2022年9月7日 Thomas Tuchel always feared steering ChelseaFC through the sale only to wind up with the sack. TT a vital Stamford Bridge statesman through the CFC sale. New owners felt he lost that polish in recent months. TT a great character and personality though and will be a real miss 在俱樂部收購期間,圖赫爾總是害怕被炒,但他在那段期間內的表現非常重要。現在 新老闆們覺得他在過去幾個月失去了光彩。圖赫爾是個偉大的人物,人們將會想念他 的。
palc: 本來還想說新老闆對教練的容忍度真好 09/07 21:17
https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1567502488818913290 下午9:18 · 2022年9月7日 Chelsea coach Anthony Barry is taking first team training today. 教練安東尼˙巴里今天接管球隊訓練。
trent427: 已經有消息說給波特3+1合約了 這麼快難不成早有預謀.. 09/07 21:24
Drogba11: 今天訓練是巴里帶 09/07 21:34
peter308: Lampard了嗎? 09/07 21:48
https://twitter.com/alistairmagowan/status/1567516793048014852 https://twitter.com/alistairmagowan/status/1567517634727448579 下午10:15 · 2022年9月7日 Players and board might have lost confidence in Tuchel, and he's become quite irritable recently. But for the months where Chelsea threatened to fall apart after sanctions were imposed, he was its leader. For that, and his other achievements, he should be commended. 球員和董事會可能已經失去對圖赫爾的信任,他最近也變得相當煩躁。但在俱樂部被 制裁的那幾個月,圖赫爾是領袖,再考量到他的成就,他應該被表揚。 The other thing to add is, if Potter does become Chelsea boss, I don't think its an appointment you could ever imagine under Roman Abramovich. Which proves that the new owners are taking a different approach 如果波特最終接手,我不認為這會發生在阿布時代,這說明新老闆有新想法。 https://twitter.com/CFCPys/status/1567517656294559745 https://twitter.com/CFCPys/status/1567518199545053186 下午10:18 · 2022年9月7日 (@FabrizioRomano) Tuchel and Boehly tried to make it work in the summer, Tuchel was not so happy with some situations like not landing De Ligt who he wanted as top priority, Boehly wanted Ronaldo at Chelsea but Tuchel said no, many things were not perfect between Tuchel & Boehly. 今年夏天圖赫爾和伯利試著合作,圖赫爾對某些情況不太開心,例如他的頭號目標德 里赫特沒得手。伯利想要C羅但圖赫爾不要,雙方有許多意見不合。 Boehly wants a manager who has ideas close to his plan, he wants to rebuild everything at Chelsea, the feeling around Boehly is this is just the beginning. 伯利想要一個貼近他計劃的主教練,他想全面重建俱樂部,感覺這只是剛開始。 https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1567517929670852608 下午10:19 · 2022年9月7日 Chelsea are preparing the contract proposal for Graham Potter but main priority will be discussing on long-term project. He's the favourite — while Pochettino is now waiting for Chelsea to decide. Brighton will discuss with Chelsea on compensation/clause right after. 波特的合約正在準備中,但優先討論事項是長期計劃,他是熱門人選。波切蒂諾正在 等待決定。布萊頓稍後將討論解約金事宜。 https://twitter.com/Nathan_Gissing/status/1567519377288826880 下午10:25 · 2022年9月7日 Confidence growing in Chelsea's pursuit for Graham Potter - he is the frontrunner and is expected to be CFC's next head coach. 追求波特的信心增加中,他是頭號熱門人選。 https://twitter.com/RobDorsettSky/status/1567525558568755201 下午10:49 · 2022年9月7日 Potter not expected to be appointed as new CFC boss today. Will meet Boehly and other key management later in central London when final talks will be held. Likely to be confirmed as new Chelsea head coach tomorrow. Will be a long term contract to intro new football ethos. 波特今天還不會成為新主教練,稍後將會和伯利以及和其他高層在中倫敦進行最終會 面,可能明天才會上任,新時代將會是一份長期合約。
Formsan: Porter鎮得住休息室嗎,球員一不爽就做掉教練 09/07 22:50
https://twitter.com/David_Ornstein/status/1567526518233907200 下午10:53 · 2022年9月7日 Chelsea meeting Graham Potter this afternoon with view to naming him as head coach. Brighton understood to have granted permission for talks after CFC indicated readiness to pay release clause + Potter gave blessing to discussions @TheAthleticUK 今天下午和波特會談,已獲布萊頓許可,違約金不是問題,布萊頓祝福波特。
aeoleron: 唉 TT近期肢體語言已經訴說了一切 09/07 23:41
whitehumor: 傻眼啊 越來越多新聞說是因為C羅轉會間接導致lol 09/07 23:45
https://twitter.com/JacobsBen/status/1567541801841577985 https://twitter.com/JacobsBen/status/1567541804567764994 下午11:54 · 2022年9月7日 Chelsea ideally want a new boss in place before the weekend and are acting with urgency as a result. Things moving very fast with Potter. Brighton fully cooperative. Potter himself keen on the move. Pochettino has been approached, too, but Potter the top target. 俱樂部希望週末前就有新主教練,目前進度飛快,波特希望加盟,波切蒂諾也被接觸 但波特是頭號目標。 As an aside, told Brighton may turn to Brendan Rodgers if Potter departs. Rodgers (like Zinedine Zidane) has not been contacted yet regarding Chelsea. 我被告知布萊頓可能會找羅傑斯來接班,羅傑斯和席丹還沒被卻爾西聯絡。
JamesCaesar: 我只覺得 被趕走的青訓 好心酸 09/07 23:59
siulou: e04 09/08 00:01
https://twitter.com/Matt_Law_DT/status/1567544445830053888 https://twitter.com/CFCPys/status/1567545649192701954 上午12:04 · 2022年9月8日 Three members of Potter's backroom team, including recruitment specialist, set to follow him to Chelsea - talks between Potter and Chelsea this afternoon. Recruitment specialist Kyle Macauley helped indentify Marc Cucurella and Moises Caicedo, Potter's two assistants would also follow him to Chelsea. 雙方在下午會談,波特的教練團也會追隨他加盟,包括兩名助教和引援專員 Kyle Macauley,他曾協助招募過庫庫雷利亞和卡塞多。 https://twitter.com/cfbayern/status/1567544848621658113 上午12:06 · 2022年9月8日 TRUE - the fact that Thomas Tuchel resisted buying @Cristiano Ronaldo was one reason for the bad relationship with Todd Boehly. Boehly wanted Ronaldo. Tuchel said: “He will distroy the Spirit in my dressing room” 圖赫爾不想要C羅是他與伯利交惡的原因之一,他覺得C羅會摧毀更衣室的精神。
z83420123: 要說被趕走就Tammy和Gilmour吧 09/08 00:09
z83420123: Guehi就自己想跑了 09/08 00:09
z83420123: 現在還沒球員發文感謝 應該是被高層摸頭 09/08 00:09
z83420123: 很好奇到底是怎樣 09/08 00:09
https://twitter.com/cfbayern/status/1567546030035435524 上午12:11 · 2022年9月8日 TRUE - Todd Boehly fired Thomas Tuchel with the words: “We want to make a new start”. Tuchel was totaly surpised and shocked @BILD_Sport 伯利開炒時跟圖赫爾說: "我們想要一個新的開始。" 圖赫爾完全訝異且震驚了。
ise: 奧多伊算一個嗎? 09/08 00:16
CHRush: 好突然 09/08 00:19
CHRush: 天空體育說已經激活了Porter的解約金了 09/08 00:22
https://twitter.com/siphillipssport/status/1567549968851865602 上午12:26 · 2022年9月8日 I'm told Graham Potter has asked Chelsea for long-term reassurances and for them to be on board fully together with the plans. Talks this afternoon included Potter asking about a new DOF coming in, to which Chelsea insisted they plan to. 我被告知波特要求長期的保證,需要全力配合他的計劃,下午的會談波特還要求一名 新的足球總監,這本來就在計劃內。 https://twitter.com/CBSSportsSoccer/status/1567551387021594624 上午12:32 · 2022年9月8日 Thomas Tuchel was not sacked on results alone. Tension has been building since the American owners first arrived. 圖赫爾被炒不只是因為戰績,緊張的關係從美國老闆剛到來就已經開始。 ˙ Tuchel felt the new structure was chaotic 圖赫爾覺得新架構很混亂 ˙ Todd Boehly wanted Tuchel to communicate more 伯利希望圖赫爾有更多溝通 ˙ Graham Potter is keen on replacing Tuchel 波特很希望加盟 https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022/sep/07/chelsea-sack-thomas -tuchel-as-manager-after-defeat-at-zagreb-champions-league David Hytner, Ed Aarons and Fabrizio Romano - Wed 7 Sep 2022 17.36 BST One example was the case of Anthony Gordon, who Tuchel did not want. Boehly's data analysts had pushed for the Everton midfielder after being impressed by some of his performance metrics. Tuchel came to feel he had too many players to accommodate and not enough he could count on. 雙方意見不合的例子有戈登,伯利的資料分析師被某些指標打動,強推戈登,但圖赫 爾覺得手下有太多球員,但可靠的卻不夠。 Chelsea paid £55m for Cucurella despite having the England left-back Ben Chilwell in their ranks. It is unclear quite how badly Tuchel wanted or needed Cucurella, who Manchester City had chased before deeming him too expensive. 已經有了奇爾維爾,但還是花了5500萬鎊買了庫庫雷利亞,並不清楚圖赫爾到底有多 想要或多需要庫庫雷利亞,但曼城可是覺得那價位太貴了。 Chukwuemeka, the 18-year-old rising midfield star, was more of a club signing. Boehly is determined to foster a second track of players within the first-team squad, comprising a significant number of academy products and young prospects. 18歲的楚克維梅卡更像是俱樂部自己要的,伯利希望一線隊成員有第二條軌道,包括 一定數量的青訓球員和新星。 Tuchel was prepared to allow the academy product Armando Broja to leave, believing he was not yet ready for his team and with West Ham having offered £30m. But the club ended up giving the striker a lucrative new six-year deal, leaving Tuchel under pressure to give him minutes. 當西漢姆出價3000萬鎊的時候,圖赫爾本想讓布羅亞離隊,覺得他還沒準備好,但俱 樂部喊停了這筆交易,還用高價與這名新星續約六年,增加了圖赫爾要讓他上場的壓 力。 https://twitter.com/NickPurewal/status/1567553751690403841 上午12:41 · 2022年9月8日 The new ChelseaFC owners thought to be confident of selling their vision of a long-term operation to Graham Potter, despite Thomas Tuchel's quick sacking. The CFC chiefs still determined to install a coach for the long-run and build the new era around that manager 新老闆們自信能用他們的展望和長期計劃來打動波特,雖然他們很快的就炒掉了圖赫 爾,但新時代需要長期圍繞著新教練打造。 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2022/09/07/thomas-tuchel-left-shocked -chelsea-sacking-did-not-see-coming/ By Jason Burt - 7 September 2022 ‧ 7:48pm Thomas Tuchel was annoyed by how hands-on Todd Boehly and Behdad Eghbali intended to be with first-team matters and did not take kindly to being asked to explain his tactics and selections. 圖赫爾對伯利和埃格巴里插手一線隊事務的意圖感到惱火,也不喜歡被要求解釋他的 戰術和陣容選擇。 Thomas Tuchel was left in a state of shock after being summoned yesterday to a 9.30am meeting at Chelsea's training ground during which he was sacked. By 10am, the news had broken. 圖赫爾早上 9:30 在訓練場被告知下課時非常震驚,10:00 新聞開始擴散。 Although Tuchel was acutely aware of the tensions that existed between himself and the club's new owners, led by chairman Todd Boehly, he was still unaware that he was on the brink of being dismissed until the call came to go to Cobham. 雖然圖赫爾知道他和新老闆們之間的緊張關係,但他仍不知道自己處在下課邊緣,直 到科本的那個通知。 He reacted calmly and maturely, even though he believed it was a decision that had been taken far too early. There was no argument or shouting match as he accepted it and began clearing his desk to abruptly end his time in charge. 他的反應冷靜而成熟,儘管他認為下課這個決定做得太早了。雙方沒有爭論或吵鬧, 圖赫爾接受了事實,開始打包走人。 Tuchel will receive a £6.9 million pay-off for the remainder of his contract, which ran until 2024, and will take some time off before deciding where his next role will be. 圖赫爾會收到大約690萬鎊的解約金,合約原本到2024年。他會休息一陣子,思考方 向。 https://twitter.com/AdamNewson/status/1567556592094134272 上午12:53 · 2022年9月8日 Chelsea confirm Anthony Barry led training today at Cobham. Thiago Silva was involved having not travelled to Zagreb for Thomas Tuchel's final game in charge. 安東尼˙巴里今天帶領球隊訓練,缺席圖赫爾最後一場比賽的蒂亞戈˙席爾瓦也加入 了訓練。 https://twitter.com/AdamNewson/status/1567559599347179520 上午1:05 · 2022年9月8日 To Chelsea fans, Thomas Tuchel will forever be the Deutscher Maestro. But his sacking, which came after a face-to-face meeting this morning, has been brewing throughout the summer. 對球迷來說,圖赫爾將永遠是德意志大師,但通過面對面告知的這個下課,從夏天就 開始醞釀了。
grace0805: 看起來是 圖圖不傾向用青訓 伯利想要從這發展 09/08 01:29
z83420123: 無論如何還是感謝圖禿 09/08 01:35
JamesCaesar: 應該說 新老闆是美國錢球數據派 09/08 01:41
faelone: 看報導被火是遲早的事無關戰績 09/08 01:48
faelone: 棒球那種可以靠前球數據派,足球還是蠻依賴教練體系的 09/08 01:50
JamesCaesar: 只是這次演得滿好的,官網沒發文澄清直接炒 09/08 01:50
JamesCaesar: 連教練團都覺得自己沒事 09/08 01:50
faelone: 炒的時間不好而已,要嘛你夏窗想要塞羅的時候就炒 09/08 01:51
faelone: 演了這麼久甚至美羊都買了,現在才炒真的微妙 09/08 01:52
JamesCaesar: 卡倫 安帕度 吉爾莫 科爾維爾 奧巴:幹 09/08 01:59
Drogba11: 波特我覺得也待不久 09/08 02:06
z83420123: Gilmour直接中計 09/08 02:08
z83420123: 卡倫 安怕度 柯爾維爾還會回來 09/08 02:08
Formsan: 我們就沒有教練待的久的吧哈哈 這賽季保四就是成功 09/08 02:13
https://twitter.com/TeleFootball/status/1567579278975418368 上午2:23 · 2022年9月8日 The Chelsea job is effectively Potter's to lose and he could be in charge as early as the trip to Fulham on Saturday lunchtime. @Matt_Law_DT 新主教練幾乎確定是波特了,週六作客富勒姆時有望現場指揮。 https://twitter.com/CFCPys/status/1567582126811348994 上午2:34 · 2022年9月8日 (@Matt_Law_DT) Chelsea's shocked players were informed via text messages with Boehly and Egbhali offering to answer any questions at the cobham training ground. 震驚的球員們被簡訊告知,伯利和埃格巴里會在科本回答任何問題。
airways: 錢球派不會去買cucu跟Fofana吧? 09/08 02:37
JamesCaesar: 說不定他們覺得四年後這價格很便宜呢 09/08 02:41
https://twitter.com/siphillipssport/status/1567584292749942786 上午2:43 · 2022年9月8日 Decision was made 2 games ago. 開炒決定在兩場比賽前就已做出。
airways: 還砸錢簽史特林 庫里巴里 奧巴 09/08 02:45
airways: 結果最後是想練青訓 伯利也逗了吧 09/08 02:46
JamesCaesar: 夏天買的一堆小球員幾年內都不會升上一線隊 09/08 02:52
JamesCaesar: 砸了好幾億的那幾個都是為了這個賽季,不算衝突吧 09/08 02:53
JamesCaesar: 美國高層有自己的新玩法,覺得圖赫爾不適合一起玩 09/08 02:53
JamesCaesar: 應該是這樣 09/08 02:54
https://twitter.com/JacobsBen/status/1567587132419575812 上午2:54 · 2022年9月8日 Told Graham Potter has verbally agreed to take over as Chelsea boss. Formal paperwork expected to follow soon with Chelsea hoping to finalise the appointment before Fulham this weekend. 我被告知波特已口頭答應,正式文件將會盡快簽訂,希望週末德比戰前一切就定位。
Formsan: 波特會聽話嗎 0.0 09/08 03:21
https://twitter.com/NickPurewal/status/1567596309921632256 上午3:30 · 2022年9月8日 New ChelseaFC owners expected to continue plans for a director of football, with CFC hopeful of appointing Graham Potter in time for Saturday's Fulham trip. Potter to have own recruitment specialist, with Blues chiefs keen to align wider visions with the anticipated new coach 新老闆們繼續找足球總監,並希望波特趕得上週末的比賽。波特將會有自己的引援專 員,高層希望與新教練一起更寬廣的合作。 https://twitter.com/SJohnsonSport/status/1567597958312370179 https://twitter.com/SJohnsonSport/status/1567598163065724930 上午3:37 · 2022年9月8日 One of the more minor factors in Rudiger's decision not to sign a new deal at CFC, was his concern about Chelsea's history of firing managers and what would happen if Tuchel, who was the Chelsea coach he bonded with the most/played best football for, left. Before that his status wasn't assured and he never forgot how he was treated by the club when frozen out of the first team under Lampard. 魯迪格不續約的其中一個小原因就是俱樂部頻繁換帥的歷史,是圖赫爾帶出他最好的 狀態。此前他的地位並不穩固,他不會忘記蘭帕德冷凍他時俱樂部是如何對待他的。 https://twitter.com/SJohnsonSport/status/1567631236612472834 上午5:49 · 2022年9月8日 Been told there were positive talks between Graham Potter and CFC today. More tomorrow. Nothing agreed yet. 我被告知波特和俱樂部的對談相當樂觀,明天繼續談,目前還沒有談成。
anarchy: 晴天霹靂 竟然就這樣走了09/08 08:04
Maupassant: 這…有點狠吧09/08 09:18
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-11190815/ By ADRIAN KAJUMBA - UPDATED: 02:51 BST, 8 September 2022 Long-running tensions have been building behind the scenes and led to the irreparable breakdown in relations. And without good results, performances and having his players onside to fall back on, Tuchel eventually ran out of reasons to be kept on. 在幕後的長期緊張關係造成了無法彌補關係破裂,沒有好戰績、沒有好表現、沒有球 員足夠的支持,圖赫爾的下課是難以避免的。 His tetchy post-match press conference and strong words, particularly cutting criticism about his attackers and their lack of threat – 'it's the same players [as last season], so why should anything change?- raised eyebrows among his squad and were noted by those above him. 慘敗給阿森納後的記者會上,他重炮抨擊自己無力的鋒線: "都是跟上賽季一樣的球 員,為何會有改變?" 這種說法讓他的球員吃驚,也引起高層的注意。 Tuchel also openly questioned the commitment of some of his stars. A number wanted to leave at this stage, a situation that was impacting his mood and that around the camp. Chelsea losing out on players to Barcelona such as Raphinha and later Jules Kounde was a source of annoyance for Tuchel, compounded by two of his squad Cesar Azpilicueta, at the time, and Marcos Alonso wanting to follow Andreas Christensen to the La Liga giants. 圖赫爾還公開質疑某些球員的忠誠度,那時有些球員想離隊,那種情況影響了他的心 情和季前訓練營。當時拉菲尼亞和孔德都選擇去了巴薩,而阿斯皮利奎塔和阿隆索也 想去,也是造成圖赫爾惱怒的原因。 At one point, Tuchel is said to have asked his players outright who wanted to stay and who wanted to leave and not been happy about the answer he received and number that wanted out. This was a continuation of the situation that had rolled over from the previous season when sources described towards the end of last campaign that the number of players he had a strong bond with was reducing, with his treatment of some of those who felt mishandled, a big factor. 在某個時間點,據說圖赫爾還公開質問他的球員有誰想留下來、有誰想離開,結果得 到的答案和想離開的人數讓他並不滿意。這種情況是上賽季的延伸,消息來源宣稱上 賽季末期和圖赫爾關係密切的球員正在減少,很大原因是圖赫爾讓某些球員感到被不 當對待。 Already in pre-season questions were being asked about what impact a poor start to 2022/23 would have for Tuchel. By the time it rolled around Tuchel appeared to be in an improved mood admitting that 'seeing that we are succeeding in the market' helped calm him down after Marc Cucurella joined Raheem Sterling and Kalidou Koulibaly as major additions and captain Azpilicueta was retained. 季前備戰相當糟糕,不過隨著庫庫雷利亞、斯特林、庫里巴利等強援的的到來,阿斯 皮利奎塔又決定留隊,圖赫爾心情似乎緩解了下來。 But in a rollercoaster start once the action got underway, the blame game the owners felt Tuchel played, especially following defeat, was being noted. In fairness, at times he held his hands up and included himself. But, in their view, it was often aimed at others including his players, 'aggressive negatively' and painted a picture in stark contrast to the one they wanted of a team. His highlighting of Chelsea's coaching staff having to travel to Leeds by bus while the players flew was among those digs that caught the attention. 但隨後的敗仗又讓事態惡化,老闆們對圖赫爾的抱怨感到不滿,雖然有時候他是在承 認錯誤,包括他自己,但就老闆們的觀點來看,他經常指責別人,包括他的球員,這 種負面的攻擊不是老闆們想看到的。在輸給里茲後,圖赫爾稱球員搭飛機而他的教練 團只能搭巴士去客場,諸如這種抱怨引起了高層的注意。 And now things had gone downhill to the point that there was surprise from above that Tuchel had spoken openly and encouragingly about the prospect of a Chelsea contract extension. It did not feature prominently on the agenda anymore. While there was hope expressed by some close to the Chelsea squad that the transfer window might settle things down once the focus was removed from ins and outs, much of the damage had already been done. 接下來是事情更糟了,高層對於圖赫爾公開談論自己的續約事宜感到訝異,那已不再 在日程上。球隊希望轉會窗口關閉後能將注意力放回球場,但傷害已經造成了。 Having wanted to be on the same page as Tuchel, the opposite increasingly happened. During the summer he was alarmed by Boehly's talks with super agent Jorge Mendes over Cristiano Ronaldo. Tuchel also wanted Romelu Lukaku to be kept on until a replacement had been found before Boehly stepped into find a quick loan resolution with Inter Milan before that point so everybody could move on. 分歧越來越多,圖赫爾被伯利和門德斯就C羅的會談震驚了,圖赫爾還覺得在找到替 代人選前應該將盧卡庫留到最後一刻,但伯利直接站出來快速完成盧卡庫的外租,這 樣大家都能往前看。 In a number of cases they felt Tuchel was simply making decisions on his own and ones that a club should be involved in rather than just the manager. Billy Gilmour and Armando Broja were two further players they had differences of opinion over. Tuchel was happy to let both move on, that eventually happening in the case of the former, but the club wanted them to stay. 有些時候高層覺得圖赫爾在自己做決定,但那些決定都應該讓俱樂部參與。吉爾莫和 布羅亞又是意見不合的兩個例子,圖赫爾很樂意讓他們兩個都走,雖然最終是吉爾莫 離開,但俱樂部其實是想讓兩人都留下。 His former Borussia Dortmund talisman Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang did arrive last week but that was as much due to Barcelona finally agreeing to accept the fee Chelsea were willing to pay at the outset of those discussions as Tuchel's influence. 奧巴梅楊上週加盟,但只是因為巴薩最終同意一開始討論所開出的轉會費,圖赫爾的 影響力並不特別重大。 As his reign under the Boehly-Clearlake consortium progressed communication between Tuchel and his bosses became another growing problem. Tuchel is said to have discovered on TV that Callum Hudson-Odoi was in Germany to finalise a move to Bayer Leverkusen. 圖赫爾和高層的溝通問題越來越大,據說他是在電視上發現哈德森奧多伊在德國準備 外租勒沃庫森的。 Meanwhile for their part, the owners found Tuchel difficult to reach at times and sources warned that the lack of contact was a sign of where things were heading. So too was Tuchel's job security being pondered as decisions were being made about players' futures last month - in short, the sense that some were considering the call they are making in the context that the manager may not be around for too much longer. 老闆們有許多次很難聯繫到圖赫爾,消息來源警告缺乏接觸是不好的兆頭。圖赫爾帥 位是否穩固也成為球員們上個月心中決定未來的一點,有些球員可能覺得主教練待不 久了。 Chelsea's results and performances also pointed to the problems Tuchel had with his squad and that the dressing room had been lost, adding to all the other issues. Many managers available to a club like Chelsea can coach and impress on the training field as, it should be pointed out, Tuchel has done successfully, winning the Champions League, Super Cup and World Club Cup. 場上的成績和表現說明了圖赫爾在球隊的問題,他也失去了更衣室的支持,再加上其 他因素。許多教練都有執教卻爾西這樣的豪門,並在訓練場上發揮的能力,但圖赫爾 確實成功的獲得了歐冠冠軍、超級盃冠軍和世俱盃冠軍。 But not everyone possesses the human touch, people and relationship-building skills and willingness to work alongside them that the club's new owners want. That, as much as anything else, contributed to Tuchel's Chelsea downfall. 不是每個人都有新老闆想要的那種人情味、人際關係建立技巧以及和老闆們一起工作 的意願,最終圖赫爾只能下課。
mirac1e: 他這季走人是遲早的事 只是沒想到這麼早 09/08 11:42
mirac1e: 雖然昨天踢的亂七八糟也是事實 09/08 11:43
JamesCaesar: 把推文都翻了翻,加減看吧 09/08 12:09
z83420123: 目前看起來和JC說法比較吻合 就玩不到一塊 09/08 12:21
z83420123: 剛好戰績也不是特別好就讓他走人 09/08 12:21
z83420123: 波特剛好也是在布萊頓錢球體系下混最好的教練 09/08 12:21
a2156700: 每個環節都很重要吧 09/08 12:31
u83nk4: 一堆獎牌的功勳球員會理一個沒奪冠履歷的新主帥嗎…… 09/08 13:47
PowderSnow: 感謝JC辛苦整理 09/08 14:00
GroveStreet: 祝福圖赫爾 09/08 14:01
https://twitter.com/RobDorsettSky/status/1567756377971359744 下午2:07 · 2022年9月8日 Talks between CFC and Graham Potter continue today with both sides expecting agreement to be reached within the next 24hrs. Potter had “positive talks” with Todd Boehly yesterday afternoon, but is now back in Brighton. Todays talks will focus on contractual and legal detail. 會談繼續,希望未來24小時能達成協議,昨天下午波特和伯利談得很好,波特目前已 回到布萊頓。今日會談重點在於合約和法律細節。 https://twitter.com/siphillipssport/status/1567764630113509379 下午2:39 · 2022年9月8日 Matt Law on @LondonBluePod: “Everyone will think it's short termism to sack Tuchel so early. But the long-term plan and philosophy is that their next appointment will be for the long term.” 梅特羅: "大家都認為這麼早炒掉圖赫爾是短期主義,但長期計劃和哲學是下一任主 教練所要的。" https://twitter.com/GraemeBailey/status/1567766370934296576 下午2:46 · 2022年9月8日 Graham Potter has agreed to become manager of Chelsea. Plan for him is to take charge against Fulham at the weekend. 波特已經同意成為下一任主教練,週末準備對戰富勒姆。 https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1567767072477745153 下午2:49 · 2022年9月8日 No press conference today for Potter as talks are entering into final stages with Chelsea. All parties expect the agreement to be completed in the next hours. Graham Potter will not speak to the media ahead of BHAFC's game at Bournemouth, @AndyNaylorBHAFC reports. 會談進入最後階段,今天波特沒有記者會。各方都預期接下來幾個小時會達成協議, 波特在布萊頓對戰伯恩茅斯前不會對媒體發言。 https://twitter.com/siphillipssport/status/1567767580605128706 下午2:51 · 2022年9月8日 @Matt_Law_DT on @LondonBluePod "Thomas Tuchel said NO to signing Cristiano Ronaldo five to six times. While Boehly and Eghbali wanted an explanation as to why, Tuchel grew frustrated as he felt too much time was being wasted." 梅特羅: "圖赫爾對簽下C羅否定了五到六次,當伯利和埃格巴里要個解釋時,圖赫 爾開始覺得挫折,他認為已經浪費太多時間了。" https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1567784140078022657 下午3:57 · 2022年9月8日 Chelsea have their contract proposal ready to complete the appointment of Graham Potter, today is the day for final decisions. It's up to Potter, now. …and it's not over. Todd Boehly also wants a new director of football to be appointed soon and he's working on it. 卻爾西準備和波特簽約,今天波特就會做決定。伯利還希望足球總監盡快上任,他正 在努力中。 https://twitter.com/JacobsBen/status/1567786663291588613 https://twitter.com/JacobsBen/status/1567786665510404096 下午4:07 · 2022年9月8日 Chelsea are finalising the appointment of Graham Potter as manager today. They expect everything completed ahead of Fulham on Saturday. Yesterday Todd Boehly assured Potter he'll be given time and explained a sporting director is incoming soon. 今天將會完成波特的簽約,週末德比戰前一切就位。昨天伯利向波特保證他會得到時 間,體育總監也即將就位。 Potter's history of improving players, and his ability to work smoothly with a sporting director, are both seen as big assets by Chelsea. He comes highly recommended by Dan Ashworth (now at Newcastle). FA also earmarked Potter as a future England manager. 波特讓球員進步的歷史、和體育總監合作的能力都是卻爾西看中的優點。布萊頓前任 技術總監、紐卡現任體育總監 Dan Ashworth 對他的評價非常高,英足總也視他為未 來的英格蘭主教練人選。
Drogba11: 確實阿 執著在C羅上面 浪費太多時間 09/08 16:16
https://twitter.com/RobDorsettSky/status/1567791829961113604 下午4:27 · 2022年9月8日 EXCL CFC have interest in Sporting manager Ruben Amorim which may pursued in the future or if talks with Graham Potter fail at late stage. Boehly has been v impressed with the young Portuguese coach I'm told, though he is no threat to Potter getting the job now, which is close. 卻爾西曾對葡萄牙體育主帥 Ruben Amorim 有興趣,未來、或是波特談判破裂才可能 有機會。我被告知伯利對這位葡萄牙少帥印象非常深刻,不過目前的頭號熱門還是波 特。 https://twitter.com/Matt_Law_DT/status/1567796911578423298 下午4:48 · 2022年9月8日 Graham Potter has verbally agreed to become the new Chelsea head coach. All that remains is to complete the formal process. Graham Potter will be the new Chelsea head coach 波特已口頭答應,今天就會成為新任主教練。 https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1567798892477005825 下午4:55 · 2022年9月8日 Graham Potter will be appointed as new Chelsea manager, as expected. Agreement in place, contracts now being prepared as proposal has been accepted. Here we go. Chelsea will complete the agreement with Brighton in the next hours. 波特一如預期將會成為新任主教練,萬事俱備,接下來幾個小時將完成簽約。 https://twitter.com/JacobsBen/status/1567796364876054530 https://twitter.com/JacobsBen/status/1567801079550672897 https://twitter.com/JacobsBen/status/1567801597333225472 下午5:06 · 2022年9月8日 And just a reminder, as reported yesterday, Chelsea have been talking to other candidates, too, as part of a thorough hiring process. This was always the plan before any final decision is made regardless of how close/keen Potter is. 如昨天報導,卻爾西也同其他人選談過,這是正常現象,不論波特多接近簽約。 With Ruben Amorim specifically, there was nothing more than an exploratory call. No formal approach to Sporting. Amorim was actually the one manager wanted Ronaldo less than Tuchel. Still very young, and prone to fallouts (look at Slimani), but a top manager with huge potential. 對 Ruben Amorim 只是試探性的,沒有跟葡萄牙體育有任何正式接觸。Amorim 比圖 赫爾更不想要C羅。他很年輕,但有巨大潛力。 What these other candidates illustrate is Chelsea made up their mind to sack Tuchel long before the Dinamo loss and scoured the market. But I am told not too read too much into other names right now with Potter very close. 其他候選人只是下定決心炒掉圖赫爾前在市場上的瀏覽而已,我被告知不用理會太多 名字,因為波特非常接近簽約。 https://twitter.com/AbsoluteChelsea/status/1567805079691960323 下午5:20 · 2022年9月8日 [via @Matt_Law_DT] Chelsea's managerial change will cost the club over £20M, with Graham Potter's release clause thought to be set at £15M and Thomas Tuchel receiving almost £7M in compensation. 這次換帥將花費超過2000萬鎊,其中波特解約金約1500萬,圖赫爾賠償金約700萬。 https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1567805329143889923 https://twitter.com/CFCPys/status/1567807095583416321 https://twitter.com/CFCPys/status/1567807915171450880 下午5:21 · 2022年9月8日 Been told Todd Boehly was already well informed on Graham Potter, his ideas, concepts and methods when he decided to sign Cucurella from Brighton this summer. Many managers have been offered to CFC but Potter, only priority. 我被告知,伯利在決定簽下庫庫雷利亞時就對波特的想法、概念和方法非常了解。許 多主教練都想要這個位子,但波特是唯一優先選擇。 Graham Potter asked for some guarentees, one being power on the market in January and next summer to decide together with the club. Potter will be involved in contract decisions including Mason Mount, Jorginho and N'Golo Kante. 波特要求許多保證,其中之一是明年冬季和夏季轉會的權力,他也會參與續約決定, 包括芒特、若日尼奧和坎特。
Drogba11: 來了就是歡迎 09/08 17:33
Drogba11: 希望能撐過兩年 09/08 17:33
trent427: 波利豪賭一把 希望能成功 09/08 17:47
https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1567812110867959808 下午5:48 · 2022年9月8日 Graham Potter is clearly a talented coach, hugely respected among his peer and has worked wonders at Brighton. It will be interested to see if he can turn himself into a winning coach with the resources at Chelsea. That's all a bit of an unknown despite his Swedish cup win. 波特無疑是有天賦的教練,受到同行極大的尊重,他在布萊頓的工作也很棒。看看他 是否能利用卻爾西的資源變成冠軍教練,可能沒有很多人知道他贏過瑞典盃。 https://twitter.com/David_Ornstein/status/1567823831615545348 下午6:35 · 2022年9月8日 Graham Potter appointment as Chelsea head coach in process of being completed. Agreements between parties getting formalised. If everything goes to plan, expected to sign contract tonight + be in charge at Fulham this Saturday @TheAthleticUK 波特和卻爾西已經達成協議,如果一切順利,今晚將簽約,週六就會出現在場邊。 https://twitter.com/TomRoddy_/status/1567828188281061376 下午6:52 · 2022年9月8日 Graham Potter set to sign a five-year contract at Chelsea. He will be the head coach rather than manager. Potter travelling to Chelsea's Cobham training base this afternoon after saying goodbyes to Brighton staff this morning. 波特預計將簽約五年,他的職務將是 head coach 而非 manager。他今早跟布萊頓說 掰掰後下午前往科本。 https://twitter.com/Matt_Law_DT/status/1567831214874136577 https://twitter.com/AbsoluteChelsea/status/1567831564695863296 下午7:04 · 2022年9月8日 Aubameyang receives assurances over his Chelsea signing and role post-Tuchel and striker is backed to flourish under the new head coach (Graham Potter) 奧巴梅楊在後圖赫爾時代獲得了保證,俱樂部希望他在新教練的指揮下繼續發揮。 While being shocked by Thomas Tuchel's dismissal, Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang has not had any second thoughts over his decision to join Chelsea. He is looking forward to working under Graham Potter. 雖然圖赫爾下課讓他感到震驚,但奧巴梅楊對於加盟的決定沒有動搖,他很期待與波 特合作。 https://twitter.com/JacobsBen/status/1567833850771816449 下午7:14 · 2022年9月8日 Potter will sign a five-year deal. Boehly's relationship with Paul Barber key to the speed and smoothness of the deal. Potter has already said his Brighton goodbyes. 波特將簽約五年,雙方老闆的好關係讓這筆交易進展快速,波特已和布萊頓告別。 https://twitter.com/TheAthleticUK/status/1567837601138098176 https://twitter.com/CFCPys/status/1567841438146215937 下午7:56 · 2022年9月8日 (Liam Twomey, Simon Johnson and more) Inside Tuchel's CFC sacking - told by both sides ˙ Tensions as Tuchel delegated recruitment meetings ˙ 'Slapstick moments' as owners adjusted to new sport ˙ German seemed detached ˙ Tuchel felt close to sack in pre-season By The Athletic UK Special Report team... Boehly described Tuchel as a nightmare to work with to a league executive. Tuchel was unhappy at being asked to report back to Egbhali about his team meetings and felt he was likely to be sacked during pre season. After Leeds, they stopped communicating. 伯利認為圖赫爾極難共事,圖赫爾不爽被要求向埃格巴里回報他的球隊會議內容,並 認為自己有可能在季前賽就下課。輸給里茲之後,他們就停止溝通了。 https://twitter.com/CFCPys/status/1567842398784425986 https://twitter.com/CFCPys/status/1567844211323506688 Tuchel did not initiate a single conversation with one first team player at Chelsea for more than a year, offering him no guidance on how they could get back into his team whenever they fell out of the starting 11. 圖赫爾超過一年沒有主動和隊上任何一名球員有過單獨對話,他們對於自己如何回到 先發11人感到茫然。 Tuchel's initial wishlist included De Jong, De Ligt, Raphinha and Kimpembe, the owners delivered none. Boehly and Egbali leant on data analysts with experience in US sports while Tuchel stressed the need for him to talk to potential signings. 圖赫爾一開始想要的球員是德里赫特、拉菲尼亞和金彭貝,最後全部都沒來。伯利和 埃格巴里是依靠有美國體育經驗的資料分析師,而圖赫爾則強調他自己和潛在引援目 標對話的需要。 https://twitter.com/CFCPys/status/1567847865975771136 Tuchel has no desire to take time away from Football, the abrupt ending has left a bitter taste in his mouth as he is understood to indentify more closely with Chelsea than any of his other clubs. 圖赫爾並不想離開足球,而這次突然被炒只留下了苦澀的味道,據了解,相比他之前 效力過的俱樂部,圖赫爾和卻爾西是比較親近的。
wesbox: 職務是head coach非manager,但老闆又想要他參與轉會決定 09/08 20:07
wesbox: 。看不懂…09/08 20:07
wesbox: 希望波特能夠穩定又有成績。祝福圖帥,真心感激他在球隊 09/08 20:10
wesbox: 最動盪時表現出的堅定!09/08 20:10
https://twitter.com/SiandDanTalkCFC/status/1567848272231899137 下午8:12 · 2022年9月8日 @siphillipssport “I know many won't believe this, but the new owners want a long-term manager and project, and they have been looking at Graham Potter for a little while for this project.” 我知道很多人不會相信,但新老闆們的確有長期計劃,也想要長期主教練,他們已經 觀察波特一陣子了,因為他適合這個長期計劃。
z83420123: 他們希望你要或不要都能和他們解釋理由 09/08 20:17
JamesCaesar: 現在都歐陸化了應該沒有多少 manager 了,老實說如果 09/08 20:29
JamesCaesar: 切赫還在的話,圖赫爾應該會撐得久一點 09/08 20:29
JamesCaesar: 但切赫也是聰明人,知道文化不對,先閃為妙 09/08 20:29
https://twitter.com/alistairmagowan/status/1567852751375269888 下午8:29 · 2022年9月8日 By Alistair Magowan and Simon Stone Graham Potter: Chelsea set to appoint Brighton boss as manager in next 24 hours 卻爾西將在未來24小時內任命波特為新任主教練。 https://twitter.com/footballdaily/status/1567868784727261186 (影片) 下午9:33 · 2022年9月8日 BREAKING - Graham Potter has arrived at Chelsea's Cobham training ground! https://twitter.com/sistoney67/status/1567873844429332480 下午9:53 · 2022年9月8日 Been told compensation figure to @OfficialBHAFC for Graham Potter and staff is £21m +. Chelsea have invested a lot in the Brighton model this summer. 我被告知波特和他的教練團解約金是2100萬鎊,卻爾西這夏天給了布萊頓不少錢。
teata: 哇!好突然 09/09 17:24
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-11200349/ By ROB DRAPER - PUBLISHED: 22:31 BST, 10 September 2022 Pre-season should have been a launch pad for the new executive team and manager, but instead proved an aborted take-off. The 4-0 defeat by Arsenal in Orlando, followed by what seemed to be a grump from Tuchel — 'It's the same players, so why should everything change?' — was said to have been received terribly by the board. They felt they had an adversary rather than a partner. 圖赫爾在輸給阿森納後的那番話 "都是一樣的球員,為何會有改變?" 據說被新董事 會視為大忌,他們覺得講那種話根本是敵人,而不是夥伴。 https://twitter.com/Nathan_Gissing/status/1568746811426226180 上午7:42 · 2022年9月11日 True - and this was when Tuchel feared he was close to getting sacked. 上面那段講的是真的,那時候圖赫爾覺得自己接近被炒。 https://twitter.com/TTuchelofficial/status/1569032860782182400 https://twitter.com/TTuchelofficial/status/1569032863202553856 https://twitter.com/TTuchelofficial/status/1569032864754286592 上午2:39 · 2022年9月12日 This is one of the most difficult statements I have ever had to write - and it is one which I hoped I would not need to do for many years. I am devastated that my time at Chelsea has come to an end. This is a club where I felt at home, both professionally and personally. Thank you so much to all the staff, the players and the supporters for making me feel very welcome from the start. The pride and joy I felt at helping the team to win the Champions League and the Club World Cup will stay with me forever. I am honoured to have been a part of this club's history and the memories of the last 19 months will always have a special place in my heart. ※ 編輯: JamesCaesar ( 臺灣), 09/12/2022 03:00:13
z83420123: 感謝圖赫爾! 09/12 05:36
JamesCaesar: 他推特根本沒什麼在更新的,這次講真多話 09/12 07:37
Drogba11: 祝福圖赫爾 希望有機會可以看他回藍橋 09/12 12:01
GroveStreet: 祝福圖赫爾 09/12 15:15
z83420123: 不過剛好可以去接拜仁? 09/12 19:25