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※ 引述《mayu530 (mayu)》之銘言: : 近期要帶老公回台灣學中文,沒有打算去華語中心(因為只有一個月,家教貴請不起)打 : 算靠志工與語言交換來學習(加上我教),想請教大大有無適合初學華語階段的學習者用 : 書(如果有教師課本給我參考會更好),感謝指教 * 補充僑委會資源,對象以華裔兒少為主。(2016.04.24 編修) 全球華文網 http://www.huayuworld.org/ 電子書城 http://ebook.huayuworld.org/Course/BookCase.aspx 學習網 http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/ 我常把自學資源的網址(發音等)用電子郵件寄發給學生參考,以下照貼。 在 BBS 上若不易閱讀或點選, 可自行在文章列表模式內,利用轉寄至自己電子信箱的功能,即可收到電子郵件版。 [Textbooks] * 補充其他教材(2016.04.24 編修) + 新版實用視聽華語課本(附MP3、學生作業簿和教師手冊另購) http://www.ccbc.com.tw/pro_detail.php?book_sn=1483 + 遠東生活華語等教材 http://www.fareast.com.tw/learningchinese.html + 漢字的數位教材(建議等掌握聽說後才用,並先學習打字再練習手寫。) E-HANZI DIGITAL CHINESE http://www.fareast.com.tw/e-hanzi.html + 互動華語(適合專題式教學,無論短期集中或平常零散學習皆可。) http://www.liveabc.com/site/Online_Store/chinese_store/buymain_live_interactive.htm 基礎中文聽與說、基礎中文讀與寫 I. Basic Spoken Chinese (only Hanyu Pinyin shown) and Basic Written Chinese (selected Chinese characters shown) 1. Although the target learners are English-speaking adults who are in a non-Chinese-speaking environment (Chinese as a Foreign Language), yet the context and situation are designed for international communication, not only for a specific region. 2. The text is international. The English language has regional differences and at two official standards (U.S. and U.K.), so does Chinese (CN and TW). If you won't stay only in Taiwan, but also in other Chinese-speaking regions, this textbook is a better choice. 3. It gives abundant training of listening and speaking before the learners start to learn efficient reading and writing. Its learning schedule is flexibly later than Basic Spoken Chinese based on the course syllabus. The writing system of Chinese is special to alphabetical language readers, but it is only a psychological burden and myth if the learners understand no background knowledge or strategies for it. After the learner mastered listening skills, speaking skills, background knowledge, and learning strategies, the writing system will become a delicious cake. Basic Spoken Chinese (Textbook + CD) http://www.tuttlepublishing.com/language-books/mandarin-chinese/textbooks/basic-spoken-chinese-paperback-with-disc Basic Spoken Chinese (Workbook + CD) http://www.tuttlepublishing.com/language-books/mandarin-chinese/textbooks/basic-spoken-chinese-practice-essentials-paperback-with-disc Basic Written Chinese (Textbook + CD) http://www.tuttlepublishing.com/language-books/mandarin-chinese/textbooks/basic-written-chinese-paperback-with-disc Basic Spoken Chinese (Workbook + CD) http://www.tuttlepublishing.com/language-books/mandarin-chinese/textbooks/basic-written-chinese-practice-essentials-paperback-with-disc 當代中文課程 II. A Course in Contemporary Chinese 1. It is the best choice for those who are learning in Taiwan (Chinese as a Second Language). If you will stay only in Taiwan, and won't go to other Chinese-speaking regions, this textbook is a better choice. 2. The text is very contemporary. 3. It contains an independent Chinese Character Workbook. The font size is large enough and the stroke order is shown with other useful information. Therefore, the psychological burden is somewhat reduced. A Course in Contemporary Chinese (Textbook 1 + MP3 CD): See the introduction in English below the web page. http://www.linkingbooks.com.tw/LNB/book/Book.aspx?ID=18017701 A Course in Contemporary Chinese (Character Workbook 1) http://www.linkingbooks.com.tw/LNB/book/Book.aspx?ID=18017703 A Course in Contemporary Chinese (Workbook 1 + MP3 CD) http://www.linkingbooks.com.tw/LNB/book/Book.aspx?ID=18017704 [Self-Learning Resources] I. For Pronunciation and Transcription Systems A. Page of Mandarin Phonetic (Phonemic) Symbols/Bopomofo/Zhuyin Fuhao (with games) by R.O.C. Click on the symbols to listen and speak. http://www.5qchannel.com/qqflash/aindexp.htm B. Video of Bopomofo Learn the order of MPS by singing the song. https://youtu.be/Ng00kwpw0N4
C. Page of MPS and Hanyu Pinyin (with compound finals) by Hong Kong Click on the symbols to listen and speak. http://www.edbchinese.hk/pth/pycourse/index.htm D. Page of Hanyu Pinyin Romanization (with compound finals) by P.R.C. Click on the symbols to listen and speak. http://www.chinese.cn/onlinelearning/learningchinese/pinyin_basics/ E. Bilingual Book: Mastering Mandarin Pronunciation through E-learning (1 book + 1 DVD) There are some typos, but it remains a great bilingual reference book for pronunciation. English page: http://www.ccbc.com.tw/pro_detail.php?book_sn=1738 Chinese page: http://www.ccbc.com.tw/pro_detail.php?book_sn=1736 II. For Chinese Characters A. Video of Introduction to Chinese Characters https://youtu.be/s0h18Rdhb44
B. More knowledge about Chinese orthography (structures and components) http://other.allad.com.tw/chinese2/fonts.php C. Stroke Order (traditional characters of R.O.C.) http://stroke-order.learningweb.moe.edu.tw/home.do It is free! Please do consult this site whenever you learn new Chinese characters! You can learn the stroke order and enlarge characters on this useful site. D. To understand two official standards (ROC and PRC) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stroke_order http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%AD%86%E9%A0%86 E. To distinguish variants (CHJKT) http://chardb.iis.sinica.edu.tw/ http://hanzi.unihan.com.cn/#/chinaKoreaQuery/chinaKoreaQuery_functionHanZi F. Writing Chinese Characters (both traditional and simplified) http://www.skritter.com/ If you can afford it, it is a good App. G. Book with a Disc: A Character a Day: Mastering Basic Vocabulary for Everyday Life http://www.linkingbooks.com.tw/LNB/book/Book.aspx?ID=18016601 III. Input Methods Common input methods are based on pronunciation, but there are some input methods for advanced users, which are based on components in characters, which is faster than the other system. You can change the keyboard settings between bopomofo and Pinyin after you set up the IME. Neither bopomofo (MPS) nor Pinyin is perfect. The longer you learn Mandarin Chinese, the further you understand that they are good and bad in different aspects. Also, the punctuation marks are as big as a Chinese character. Please find the method to type the correct punctuation marks. Please download the bilingual manuals. http://www.sc-top.org.tw/chinese/download.php 設定微軟新注音輸入法 2009.7.8更新 注音符號打字方法 2009.7.8更新 設定微軟漢語拼音輸入法 2009.7.8更新 漢語拼音打字方法 2009.7.8更新 IV. Dictionaries Book with Discs: Everyday Chinese-English Picture Dictionary by LiveABC http://www.liveabc.com/site/Online_Store/book_store_pages/info_dictionary_chinese.html App: Illustrated Chinese-English Dictionary by LiveABC http://www.liveabc.com/english/EDM/2010_09/main.html Dictionary with analyses of components: http://hanzicraft.com/ Both print and digital dictionaries are useful. Please find them in bookstores and on the web! Usually, beginners buy the dictionaries published by Far Eastern. There are many applications on the web. Download some. e.g. Hanping Chinese Dictionary, Pleco, etc. Better choose the apps that support traditional characters, simplified characters, bopomofo (MPS), and Pinyin at the same time. Wikipedia can be a tool for equivalents (vocabulary) V. For Syntax Common Sentence Patterns: http://edu.ocac.gov.tw/culture/biweekly/99common/ VI. Websites or Blogs http://www.zhongwen.com/ http://chinesehacks.com/ http://www.hackingchinese.com/ The blogger is actually a foreign classmate of mine at NTNU’s graduate school of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. VII. Practice and Perseverance! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ChineseTeach/M.1461370572.A.5DA.html
mayu530: 你好謝謝你分享,不過我先生是韓國人,您分享的書似乎都 04/23 08:36
mayu530: 是英文解說的?不知道有沒有韓文或日文解說的書呢?謝謝 04/23 08:36
〔短期密集課程〕 初級如果是慢慢自學,能學的非常有限、也很慢。 上班族如果平常沒空,可利用長假到語言中心上短期密集班或參加新住民的中文課程。 過了初級門檻再自學比較好,因為已經掌握聽說讀寫的基礎和學習方法。 〔自學教材〕 一、您的配偶如果會在臺灣生活,仍建議使用中介語為英語的臺灣華語教材,選擇最多。 二、您的配偶如果會在韓國或日本生活,由於民間皆用簡化字的中國語教材, 而且內容情境的前提皆是「學習者日後會到中國大陸」,使用詞語自然也是大陸詞語。 我的韓國同學來臺留學之前,在韓學的是《漢陽中國語》頭兩冊 (第一冊場景是在韓國、第二冊場景是在中國)。 我看過,編得雖有點難但還不錯,設計先語後文(漢字逐漸增量)也有文化介紹。 http://www.gunpolib.or.kr/search/DetailView.ax?cid=1197757 可能因日韓有很多漢字詞,故日韓的中文教材都編得較難,詞語和句型常跳級、超等, 以免編得易懂,成人學習者反而會輕視而失去興趣吧。 然而,成人的盲點是:「懂」那個詞語或句型其實不等於能在聽說讀寫都能運用自如。 懂只是解決了認知,但溝通是靠實際技能,循序漸進且足夠的練習量才是重點。 如果您人在臺灣, 市圖的多元文化資料中心內有少量以韓語編寫的中文教材。 http://www.tpml.edu.tw/np.asp?ctNode=62050&mp=104021 臺灣淳久堂和紀伊國屋書店的語學區有很多以日語編寫的中文教材, 大多是大陸的情境,但也有一些是針對臺灣的。 http://www.junkudo.tw/ http://www.kinokuniya.com.tw/ 如果您人不在臺灣, 挑選原則就是找由日本人主編、華人審訂並錄音的教材,大多能指出關鍵異同。 如果該教材能介紹第三聲有三種,那麼在發音方面應該是個好教材, 因為大陸和臺灣的教材大多忽略前半上對於非母語學習者的重要性。 前半上≒半三聲(屬於變調)、後半上≒較低的第二聲(屬於變調)、全上≒全三聲 不推薦由華人主編的教材,因本位主義,反而不一定能指出關鍵異同。 三、由於兩岸差異用詞頗多,如果想學到臺灣詞語, 就要用我於正文提及的那些國際導向的教材或是臺灣出版的教材。 另外,韓國和日本會接觸傳統字的場所恐怕只有漢學系所以及當地的僑校或中華學校。 韓國的僑校也提供成人的中文教學,如果您的配偶每年會在韓國待數個月,可考慮一下。 http://blog.naver.com/hanxiaops
cz811: 推實用 04/23 17:15
mayu530: 感謝分享 04/24 18:00
grayshoes: 謝謝分享資訊 04/25 01:49
※ 編輯: nanpyn (, 09/21/2016 20:12:24