看板 Christianity 關於我們 聯絡資訊
一樣都是性侵 國外的教會有地域性 一個地區教會的選擇性 不多 牧師 神父 同工 可以一個又一個性侵 直到性侵的量太多 而爆發 台灣鄉下鄉鎮 或是偏遠縣市 如花 東 宜 屏 尤其是原住民部落 也是一樣的狀況 都會區 教會很多 各教會之間 喜歡互相 搶羊 甚至有的人 不止去一個教會 只要有人被性侵 而離開A教會 就有可能跑去B教會 C教會...因為導告 懺悔 把過去被侵犯的事情講出來 到時候變成跨派系的教會流傳 http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/crime/article18892287.html A Kannapolis youth pastor has been arrested and charged with sex offenses against a 13-year-old church member. Benjamin Ross Hollifield, 25, of Salisbury, is in the Rowan County Detention Center on $1 million bail on charges of felony indecent liberties with a child and felony statutory rape or sex offense with a minor six or more years younger than himself, jail records show. He was placed in jail on Friday, records show. The Salisbury Post reported the victim is 13. Hollifield was youth and outreach pastor at Piedmont Baptist Church, multiple media outlets reported. In a statement on its website, the church said one of its employees was fired “for abusing a child and violating the church’s trust and policies.” The church’s statement said its senior pastor reported the case to police. “Our church has zero tolerance for child abuse,” the statement said. “We believe that transparency, child safety, and accountability are essential for successful ministry, and we are fully committed to ministering to our entire community in a safe and responsible manner.” The church is on Wright Road in western Kannapolis. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Christianity/M.1429471819.A.969.html
Pietro: 導告 04/20 05:51
rareone: 哀 04/20 12:57
bluebrown: 這是你長期追蹤觀察到的模式嗎XD 04/20 17:31
sCHb68: 這是種田野調查的概念。 04/20 17:35