看板 Christianity 關於我們 聯絡資訊
浸信會的牧師對兒童性騷擾 可追朔到1994年 至少犯下50~60起的案件 不知道這樣的話 家長會不會安心帶小孩去教會 鄉下的教會 有的把自己塑造成類似周末的安親班 希望家長帶小孩去那邊 順便還可以收錢 要是每每國外的這種案件在台灣發生的話 感覺就是很恐怖 http://calgaryherald.com/news/crime/former-pastor-facing-child-sex-assault-charges Child abuse investigators have charged a former pastor in connection with alleged sexual assaults dating back to 1994. The charges came after a person contacted police to report a series of sexual assaults that allegedly occurred during counselling sessions with a pastor. The person has reported 50 to 60 cases of assault, including sexual touching and molestation, Staff Sgt. Robert Rutledge said. They occurred over a nearly two year period, beginning in 1994 when the alleged victim was 11 years old, Rutledge said. The boy came forward to police in 1996 but due to his young age the family decided not to pursue the matter before the courts, opting instead to have it resolved through the church, the sergeant said. The grown man and his family contacted police with the same allegations in 2012, when detectives reopened the file, re-interviewed witnesses and consulted the Crown prosecutor’s office. “The victim was almost 20 years older at this point, was safe, has had no contact with the alleged offender for many, many years, (and had) good family support,” Rutledge said. When asked if other accusers have come forward, police said they are speaking with a number of people but no other charges have been laid. Wagdi Yuosif Iskander, 52, of Calgary, is charged with sexual assault and sexual interference with a child under 14. At the time the abuse allegedly occurred, Iskander was the pastor of the Arabic Baptist Church, which used space at the Cambrian Heights Baptist Church. The Arabic Baptist Church is now known as the Arabic Alliance Church and uses space at the Foothills Alliance Church. Iskander was an active pastor until 2012, according to police. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Christianity/M.1429601962.A.035.html
Pietro: 真可怕 04/21 17:34
sCHb68: 其實原PO這樣一直提醒基督徒的軟弱挺好的。 04/21 17:46
pipiboy1980: 連牧師都那麼容易軟弱 動不動就性侵 偷情 04/21 17:53
pipiboy1980: 這個宗教本身就是一個有問題 04/21 17:54
sCHb68: 是的,依pi大這樣定義的話,每個宗教都有問題。 04/21 17:56
sCHb68: 廣義的講,應該說每個人都有問題,孰能無過? 04/21 17:57
sCHb68: 只不過pi大比較喜歡舉基督教的例子。 04/21 17:58
Jeby171: 某教的教牧道德比人類還低 就不用信這些邪教了 04/21 18:09
Jeby171: 若每個人都有問題 而教牧問題卻更多 不信問題還比較少 04/21 18:10
bleem1127: 耶和華坐視小孩被性侵,真可怕.小朋友沒有跟上帝禱告嗎? 04/21 18:36
bleem1127: 可能牧師的性心大於小朋友的信心吧 04/21 18:37
Pietro: 比人類還低? 動不動就? 這歸納法本來就ker ker 04/21 19:13
Jeby171: 貴教對人的歸納法本來就ker ker 還有臉說別人講的事實 04/21 19:52
Pietro: 西村 04/21 22:50