看板 Christianity 關於我們 聯絡資訊
去教會怎麼那麼恐怖 有人去教會結果被強迫與牧師發生多次關係 還要被軟禁起來 隨時滿足牧師的需求 有些人去教會就是要去教會把妹 看妹 約妹 打炮 現在看起來 比較正的都會先被牧師約去推炮 以後想約很多很多泡 乾脆當牧師比較快 http://www.courant.com/breaking-news/hc-manchester-youth-pastor-0805-2-20150804-story.html MANCHESTER — A Massachusetts youth pastor was arrested Tuesday, accused of manipulating a teenage girl in his charge into a long-term sexual relationship, police said. Jimmy Chang, 32, of East Longmeadow, was charged with 12 counts of second-degree sexual assault. Chang was being held on bail of $350,000 and is to appear in Manchester Superior Court on Sept. 11. Police say Chang persuaded the girl to sneak out of her Manchester house and convinced her that she did not have to save her virginity. The victim was 17 at the time of the offenses, from March 14 to Sept. 11, 2012, police said. State law prohibits sexual relations between a person over age 20 who "stands in a position of power, authority or supervision" over a person under age 18. The girl was living in Manchester and was a member of a Christian youth group based in Agawam, Mass. at the time of the assaults, according to an arrest warrant. Chang was a leader of the group and also a tutor with a company based in Longmeadow, police said. The girl reported the assaults to Manchester police on March 26. Her sister told police that she found detailed descriptions of the sexual relationship in the victim's online diary, police said. Chang and the girl had sex in the back seat of his vehicle on several occasions, police said. Although she expressed love for Chang in her online diary, the girl also wrote that she felt "used and pathetic," police said. Chang confessed to having sex with the girl in May, police said. He said he had left the unnamed church where he was a youth group leader because, "I realized I messed up as a volunteer leader and there was no way to go back," the warrant says. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Christianity/M.1438836600.A.351.html
sCHb68: pipi正常能量釋放中~~ 08/06 13:00
Pietro: 牧師約炮成功率咧? 08/06 13:08
speed2: 的確是有一些盲目的信徒 被握有職權的人員給迷惑 08/06 15:44
speed2: 就像一堆台灣神棍 欺騙女人要獻身消業障一樣 08/06 15:45
pipiboy1980: 偏偏牧師神父比較嚴重 08/06 17:17
feeks: 不管什麼教都有這種人 08/06 17:34
Pietro: 比較嚴重的資料引據咧? 08/06 18:24
pipiboy1980: 樓上關你屁事 不會去找你的被強暴的聖母媽媽嗎 08/06 18:45
Pietro: 哪個牧師會說瑪麗亞只是肉便器 你先回答我啊XDDDDDDD 08/06 19:36
kreis414: 沒做過愛就懷孕你也信 綠光充滿 08/06 20:47
sCHb68: 真好奇pipi一直貼這類新聞是在實踐藏傳佛教教義嗎? 08/06 20:48
Pietro: 沒聽過試管嬰兒逆? 還有我在問pipi 大人說話 英阿麥剎 08/06 22:04
neohippie: Pipi為什麼這麼熱衷性侵新聞? 08/07 01:07
evilcherry: 偶感覺喇,他可能曾經是受害者 08/07 01:51