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摩門教與神化 還有一個問題像請教M長老,主要是關於這句話: Latter-day Saints see all people as children of God in a full and complete sense; they consider every person divine in origin, nature, and potential. Each has an eternal core and is “a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents.”1 Each possesses seeds of divinity and must choose whether to live in harmony or tension with that divinity. 末日聖徒認為所有的人在完整和完全的意義上是神的兒女;他們認為每一個的起源,本性和 潛能都是神聖的.每一個人都有一個永恆的核心,這個和信乃是'屬天父母之兒子或女兒的 靈'.每個人都擁有神性的種子,並需要選擇對神活在一種和諧或對立的狀態中. 我的問題主要在兩個方面: 1- 根據這段話,摩門教'似乎'認為在天上不僅僅有'一個'天父,而有'許多屬天的父母 (heavenly parents)' 2- 摩門教認為人類'與生俱來'就具有成為神兒女的能力(或所謂的'靈(spirit)','種子(seed)') 不知道您如何看待這篇文章,並這兩個說法? 以下為文章出處,並摘錄. --------------------- https://www.lds.org/topics/becoming-like-god?lang=eng Becoming Like God ===================== One of the most common images in Western and Eastern religions alike is of God as a parent and of human beings as God’s children. Billions pray to God as their parent, invoke the brotherhood and sisterhood of all people to promote peace, and reach out to the weary and troubled out of deep conviction that each of God’s children has great worth. But people of different faiths understand the parent-child relationship between God and humans in significantly different ways. Some understand the phrase “child of God” as an honorary title reserved only for those who believe in God and accept His guidance as they might accept a father’s. Many see parent-child descriptions of God’s relationship to humanity as metaphors to express His love for His creations and their dependence on His sustenance and protection. Latter-day Saints see all people as children of God in a full and complete sense; they consider every person divine in origin, nature, and potential. Each has an eternal core and is “a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents.”1 Each possesses seeds of divinity and must choose whether to live in harmony or tension with that divinity. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, all people may “progress toward perfection and ultimately realize their divine destiny.”2 Just as a child can develop the attributes of his or her parents over time, the divine nature that humans inherit can be developed to become like their Heavenly Father's. The desire to nurture the divinity in His children is one of God’s attributes that most inspires, motivates, and humbles members of the Church. God’s loving parentage and guidance can help each willing, obedient child of God receive of His fulness and of His glory. This knowledge transforms the way Latter-day Saints see their fellow human beings. The teaching that men and women have the potential to be exalted to a state of godliness clearly expands beyond what is understood by most contemporary Christian churches and expresses for the Latter-day Saints a yearning rooted in the Bible to live as God lives, to love as He loves, and to prepare for all that our loving Father in Heaven wishes for His children. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Christianity/M.1470285351.A.130.html ※ 編輯: df31 (, 08/04/2016 12:37:14