看板 Christianity 關於我們 聯絡資訊
就我查到的資料想問neo幾個問題 1. 9.6% of LGBT Americans married to same-sex spouse. 2. This suggests there was a burst of same-sex marriages in the first few months after the Supreme Court ruling but little additional increase since then.他是說在前幾個月爆炸性成長,但之後成長趨緩,這兩個部分都是跟neo 說的一樣 3. 10%的同志結婚率並不代表90%的同志都都不結婚,25%完全不結婚的人也不代表75% 的人有結婚,根據你的推論我是不是可以說只有30%的人覺得宗教自由受到限制,那就表 示有60%的人不覺得?? 4. Neo 說要比較會結婚的數據,會結婚的意思應該是想要結婚而還沒結婚的人,引用 gallup在2013的數據,異性戀結婚率大約50%,但沒結過婚想結婚的只有20%,引用另外一 個2013的數據(If you could ,would you want to get married someday),對於沒有結 過婚卻想結婚的LGBT有52%的人想要,不確定的有33% 5. Time那篇,(The number of Americans who have always been single and will never marry is at a historic high),(the number of single Americans who wantto get married has dropped significantly even in the last four years.)他說不結 婚的人來到歷史新高,而想要結婚的人在最近四年顯著的下降,想問一下這為什麼可以說 是一個到頂的數據 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Christianity/M.1482550328.A.E2A.html
ka85c: https://goo.gl/21XXm3 12/24 11:53
ka85c: https://goo.gl/vdARbT 12/24 11:53
neohippie: 女同婚率占同婚 3/5... 12/28 09:30