看板 Christina 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Sooner or later the lights up above Will come down in circles and guide me to love I don't know what's right for me I cannot see straight I've been here too long and I don't wanna wait for it Fly like a cannonball straight to my soul Tear me to pieces and make me feel whole I'm willing to fight for it To feel something new To know what it's like to be sharing a space with you Fall on me With open arms Fall on me From where you are Fall on me With all your light With all your light With all your light Sooner or later it all comes apart The walls are all shattered, I'm back at the start And I'm willing to follow this Wherever it goes The heart has its reasons that nobody knows And I wanna believe in a world we can't see Millions of particles passing through me And I know there's a meaning I feel it, I swear I can't see the future, but I know that it's there Fall on me With open arms Fall on me From where you are Fall on me With all your light With all your light With all your light With all your light I close my eyes And I'm seeing you everywhere I step outside It's like I'm breathing you in the air I can feel you're there Fall on me With open arms Fall on me From where you are Fall on me With all your light With all your light With all your light With all your light 作詞/作曲:Fortunato Zampaglione / Chad Vaccarino / Ian Axel / Matteo Bocelli 好久沒這麼美 但這首歌應該無法複製 SS 的熱度吧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Christina/M.1581442200.A.250.html
xxdam: 成本好低的MV 突然想到當年JessieJ的thunder 02/12 08:21
nttu94310: kouta大要排版一下歌詞嗎 XDD 02/12 09:42
nttu94310: 這首真的無法跟SS成績比 02/12 09:42
StanZZa: 她Youtube歌詞就這樣放哈哈哈 02/12 09:56
nttu94310: 真的欸… 唱片公司在幹嘛… 02/12 10:27
light20735: 美哭我了 02/12 16:06
※ 編輯: kouta ( 臺灣), 02/12/2020 19:42:18
Daniel2468: 歌和 MV 都很美,成績就放寬心吧 02/13 00:59
zzzzzken: 觀看人次我不忍直視,但人好美。 02/13 06:54
lambobo: 置底文可以更新了(欣慰) 02/16 01:24
star951357: 有瘦耶,雞姐真的是胖瘦自如。 02/24 03:18