看板 ClashRoyale 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這是一篇在原文論壇上看到的文章,分析有關皇家巨人在遊戲中不平衡的原因 供大家參考,也希望有翻譯能力強的大大幫忙翻譯讓大家能夠理解 原文開始 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RG can't be efficiently shut down- Uncounterable tower damage troops are cancer. About me: 3080 max trophies, F2P, no legendaries. A game like CR should be based on skill, timing, and strategy. You should react to your opponent's moves, they should react to yours, and the winner should be based on the above attributes. Basically, if you can get more work done with less elixir, you should gain an advantage and eventually win. All troops in the game -- except the RG -- have efficient, reliable counters. I'm going to define a counter as something with the following attributes: 1. Completely prevents the other card from doing its job (damaging troops or towers) 2. Is efficient in terms of elixir (bomber vs barbarian horde is efficient, Pekka vs barbarians is not, even though both win) 3. Is reliable, which means reasonably forgiving in terms of placement and timing, and that the counter wins EVERY TIME, all other things being equal. Note: A counter is NOT the same as being able to kill something. I can kill a royal giant with any troop except a giant, hog, RG, or golem. Any troop. But there are no troops or spells that COUNTER him. ADDITIONALLY- he is very easy to protect because he has 2000+ life and any supporting troops are often on the far side of the bridge, safely out of Harm's way (I named my Valk Harm. Kidding.) Therefore, it's very frustrating to play against one unless you have legendary cards (which give their own advantage.) As an example to what I mean, almost every other troop in the game has --not one-- but MULTIPLE counters that exist. So if you really, really hate balloon decks, you CAN design a deck that will never lose to a balloon (I've done so) unless your balloon-based opponent is an evil genius. You CANNOT design a deck to counter a RG so efficiently (I've tried.) No matter what you do or how you play it, the RG gives an advantage, and is therefore bad design and cheese. Yes, he CAN be stopped, but NOT efficiently and THAT is the problem. RG needs a rework -- longer deploy time, shorter range, less life, something. The community isn't stupid and the frustration and negativity around this card is a BAD thing. Strong Emotions, Zenon -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ClashRoyale/M.1467943231.A.602.html
peterpan910: 真的要全靠技巧打,先把傳說拔光說,每張都超無恥 07/08 10:05
gaiaesque: 這篇在官方論壇討論到爆了 07/08 10:05
ice0514: 可是說實在 皇巨很煩,但不是打不贏阿.. 07/08 10:08
gaiaesque: 現在看到皇巨出來有人敢反推另一路的嗎 07/08 10:09
e1q3z9c7: 跟贏不贏有什麼關係 重點在卡牌平衡 07/08 10:10
e1q3z9c7: 你叫jason來打當然贏啊 問題是給jason皇巨呢? 07/08 10:11
howdou: 高端沒什麼在用皇巨的 07/08 10:21
gaiaesque: 呵呵能玩到高端了還在跟你怕皇巨????? 07/08 10:24
chengchicat: 都有傳說了 幹嘛用皇巨 07/08 10:24
crazy60p: 所謂不能無損守...不如換個角度,做低限度防守,讓1/3 07/08 10:30
crazy60p: 城血&用皇巨幫自己堆兵,然後一波反擊直接肛爆對面?最 07/08 10:30
crazy60p: 近我打皇巨贏的 sop 大多是這樣的... 07/08 10:30
imgkiller: 這篇就是BS 照他這種說法每張leg都是cancer 先nerf再說 07/08 10:30
imgkiller: 而且就算要比平民卡,hog牌組還更容易點,因為都配小怪 07/08 10:32
imgkiller: 我個人玩的話還覺得豬更容易上手,需要的技巧沒比較高 07/08 10:34
imgkiller: 看大型聯賽(600人)前20名最準,同等級時 皇巨根本稀有 07/08 10:37
imgkiller: 同等級的皇巨還好,日常打遇到高一級的皇巨才有壓迫性 07/08 10:40
imgkiller: 大型聯賽排名前面的勝率都要八九成以上 誰強勢一目了然 07/08 10:43
gaiaesque: 想問一下用皇巨需要什麼技巧?? XD 07/08 10:48
leotompp: 皇巨沒啥屁用 打不贏高一級的蠻廢的 07/08 10:53
popdoggy: 這遊戲中幾乎每張卡(即使是傳奇),都有留下一個缺口讓人 07/08 10:54
leotompp: 3000以後10等以上 野蠻人一堆 出去被笑的份 07/08 10:54
popdoggy: 去對抗,比如說公主血薄,比如說冰法攻擊力低,或電磁車攻 07/08 10:56
popdoggy: 速低,有人能夠點出巨皇有任何一個缺口嗎? 07/08 10:56
Epondo: 使用者會被攻擊無腦玩家 07/08 10:59
leotompp: 皇巨 不能當肉防守阿 巨人還可以拉皮卡女武 07/08 10:59
leotompp: 一開始卡牌不順 巨人好歹能檔一下 你一起手爛牌 07/08 11:00
leotompp: 可以就爆2/3的塔血了 07/08 11:00
e1q3z9c7: 這遊戲又不是只有4000+的玩家 A7 A8的不是人嗎? 07/08 11:08
drcula: 不是人,沒傳奇就是渣 07/08 11:08
imgkiller: 當初皇巨不帶傳奇 衝3000杯 我是衝不上去啦 多數人一樣 07/08 11:10
imgkiller: 皇巨需要的技巧,跟巨人類似吧,比較軟但遠距離 一樣都 07/08 11:11
imgkiller: 是帶兵硬推。硬推流的。 07/08 11:14
popdoggy: E大XDD 07/08 11:20
andrewliang8: 3261盃 無課無傳奇 皇巨真的破壞平衡 沒有效counter 07/08 11:38
andrewliang8: 比擬傳說 07/08 11:38
zxcbrian: 豬的技巧比皇巨高吧 XD 皇巨只要無腦擋一波就能爽爽攻擊 07/08 12:09
zxcbrian: 豬遇到塔就哭哭,要摸到塔的技巧就高多了 07/08 12:10
zxcbrian: 常遇到皇巨 冰法+公主,原理不也是正如此 07/08 12:14
zxcbrian: 會說皇巨高技巧的,開玩笑吧 www 07/08 12:14
zxcbrian: 3費加農砲隨便拉住豬,超低費超好解豬,完全不卡手 07/08 12:19
zxcbrian: 所以你拿皇巨比豬? 07/08 12:19
FoxQ: 皇巨比豬.. 豬通常配哥布林一起衝 同樣是六費的情況下 07/08 12:36
FoxQ: 加農砲+2費卡可以無損解豬 小皮卡+2費卡可以無損解豬 07/08 12:37
drcula: 結果皇巨可以打掉差不多800滴的塔血 07/08 12:41
drcula: 要無損解皇巨就要永遠手上扣著建築來擋 07/08 12:41
Melody818: 其實我覺得礦工才是低調的狗牌 07/08 14:01
Melody818: 打大型聯賽前幾名幾乎都有礦工 07/08 14:02
drcula: 礦工很傷啊,你不管它,除非你不帶水塔,問題讓他打公主磨也 07/08 14:06
drcula: 慢慢磨死你 07/08 14:06
drcula: 解它浪費水,不解又很傷,他攻擊力打一般兵可不低 07/08 14:06
e1q3z9c7: 礦工比冰法公主都還要雞掰 不過他是傳奇卡也沒辦法計較 07/08 14:08
ccs95209: 礦工都傳奇了,不機掰點玩家怎麼會課金買? 07/08 18:39
LordSo: 3181盃 無課金無傳奇.. 我也覺得同兵等下皇巨沒特別優勢 07/09 11:20
LordSo: 但是當兵等比對面高的時候 皇巨根本就無法阻止,, 07/09 11:21
LordSo: 然後日常3000附近就一堆10 11等皇巨 我亡靈才9 = = 07/09 11:22