看板 Coldplay 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《robinkidd (未來??)》之銘言:
mily0829 : 有人會有昨天舉高高愛心20秒之前的逐字稿嗎?太專心 11/12 19:20
mily0829 : 聽佈道沒有錄到影 11/12 19:20
purple27 : 逐字稿有網友放dcard喔 11/12 20:12
因為非常喜歡Fix you以及唱之前的這段Talking 雖然dcard那篇已經幾乎都記錄到了 還是想在ptt也留下這段的完整版 有錯漏之處還請指正,謝謝 ----分隔線---- OK, everybody, thank you. If you allow me, I’m just gonna say one thing. We feel so lucky and so grateful that the four of us are able to travel around the world and to visit incredible places like Taiwan, like Kaohsiung. We don’t take it for granted. And many time of the moment, the four of us, I’m sure like many of you, feel a little bit powerless and a little bit scared for things happening in the world, and we feel like “what can we do? ” Because we as a band, everywhere we go, we just see the beauty in people and the things that connect us like the kindness, the generosity, and the acceptance between all of our audience, you know. And that’s the world we believe, we believe that most human are very kind, and just want to let people be themselves and be their own person, too. And that‘s what I see when I look all of you, it’s the power of love and the connection and the acceptance. So thank you for giving us that good feeling here in Kaohsiung! (觀眾鼓掌) We do not believe in oppression, or occupation, or genocide, or terrorism, or anything like this. (觀眾鼓掌) We believe in the freedom of the heart, and the freedom of the soul, and the acceptance of other people to be their own person. So in this time, we would love to ask you please to take some of this energy that you created and the thing that we can do right now is send love out to the world, send acceptance, send kindness, send generosity, send good thoughts to those people that you feel might needed. You can choose where you send love, so you can send love right now to Gaza, and to Israel, and to the West Bank, and to the Congo, and Sudan , and Indonesia, and any place, and to the women in Iran. You can send love anywhere, to your sister, to your brother, to your uncle, to your grandmother, anywhere. For 12 seconds, this is what we’re gonna do together here in Kaohsiung, let’s lift your hand like this (手比愛心), please here, now! For 12 seconds, we’re gonna send love for everyone in signs. Are you ready? 3,2,1 go. (全體比愛心靜止12秒) (放煙火,全場驚呼) Thank you everybody, that’s beautiful, thank you! Let’s carry on! (接Fix you) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Coldplay/M.1699806688.A.4C6.html
with13kimo : 好喜歡 感動到眼淚一直流 11/13 00:42
tenghui : 這段真的讚 馬汀真暖男 11/13 00:45
TDKnight : 真誠到爆 圈粉 11/13 00:46
NEWme66 : 感謝!這段真的很暖心~ 11/13 00:46
RushMonkey : 當下真的很感動 尤其是他是真的很誠懇的侃侃而談 11/13 00:56
neverland : 讚! 11/13 01:00
staramit : 感謝紀錄 這段真的好感動 11/13 01:02
intro : 感動推 QQ 11/13 01:03
ahong88105 : 感動 被這段圈粉+1 11/13 01:12
hotrain13 : 真的很感動 11/13 01:18
tino40carter: 讚讚 11/13 01:22
lee0820 : 當下真的很感動!他們真的是很有愛的團體 11/13 02:38
fioo : 感動 11/13 07:44
petesam : 感動 11/13 08:47
Braket : 真的很感動,暖男 11/13 08:48
VinaYang : 謝謝 11/13 09:05
viewcom : 感謝紀錄!好感動! 11/13 09:07
gter : 這段很感動 11/13 09:08
QmaxQ : 感動 11/13 10:23
rainbowlove : 感動 11/13 11:19
yaGaga : 我已經開始想念了 11/13 15:09
KiDCuDi : 推推 11/13 15:34
sspc007 : 推推,真的已經開始想念了~想買MOTS巡演的DVD來填 11/13 17:00
sspc007 : 補內心空虛QQ 11/13 17:00
seaBottle21 : 感動推QAQ 11/13 17:43
milanlee : 感謝協助紀錄,看完又哭了一次 11/13 18:29
chochu99 : 很喜歡這段很感動 11/13 19:09
SyunYin : 11/13 22:58
silendy : 謝謝原po,這段談話真的就是這麼愛他們的原因QQ 11/14 01:07
----11/15補充ASFOS的部份---- : ※ 引述《robinkidd (未來??)》之銘言: : 18. A Sky Full of Stars (要大家放下手機站起來唱) 感謝大家的推文,演唱會的餘韻未退,再補上ASFOS的文字記錄。 相對於Fix you的感人氛圍,ASFOS這段可以稱之為溝通的典範。 ----分隔線---- (ASFOS第一段結束正要嗨時,音樂突然停止) Wait wait wait… Hold on, hold on. (走回主舞台) I think so far you are the perfect audience, you’re perfect, ten out of ten, 100% wonderful. (台下歡呼) And, I think in this song we can go a little higher, I think we can go a little higher together, that’s what I think. I trust you, I have faith, and I believe in you. And please forgive me speak in English, (半跪下來) I ask you please, for one song, let’s try... Because this group of people we will never in the same place all together again, this is one special family for one night. Now we would like to remember that human to human we come from so far away, brothers and sisters, and we like to just feel that connections. Now so I ask you for one song please and we do one song together with no cameras, no phones, no filming, no pictures, ...(被歡呼蓋過), nothing! You don’t need to film the song, I promise, it’s been filmed before, many times. (台下笑) All you need for this song... because we’re gonna sing a little bit louder, we’re gonna jump a little higher, we’re gonna go (比手勢) together. All you need is: "Your phone in your pocket, your hand in the sky" (複述3次,搭配手勢讓大家跟著唸) That’s the way we make Kaohsiung fly~ (全場LED手環重新亮起,音樂繼續,氣氛被點燃到更高點) ---- 也在這篇補感謝讓票給我的版友,幸好最後還是選擇了搖滾區!謝謝Coldplay! ---- 備註:自己當下聽主唱這樣說當然就把手機收起來了,逐字稿後半有參考youtube上一些 可能是聽不懂英文(?)的人上傳的內容,想想可能還是有點爭議就不另外發文了,改附加 在這篇的下面,純粹就還是想留下文字記錄,請見諒。 ※ 編輯: myflame ( 臺灣), 11/15/2023 01:21:52
storyo95352 : 紀錄的很用心,謝謝原po的文字分享:) 11/16 15:29
danisea : 謝謝紀錄!感動! 11/16 19:55