看板 Crusaders 關於我們 聯絡資訊
猜測你會收到以下信件內容 讓你先有個預期心理可以準備一下,加油 ------------------------------------ Greetings! Thank you for contacting TOAST Support! I apologize for the inconvenience that this issue has caused you. There are a few things to try: 1. Restart your device 2. Close all other applications before starting Crusaders Quest 3. Check the App Store or Google Play store any updates to the game 4. Check that you are on a stable WiFi connection. 5. Make sure you have a good amount of free space available on your device. 6. Exit the game, go to your device’s settings and sync your Facebook/Google+/ Game Center Account to the device. Also do this for your Google Play/Game Center account. If these do not fix the issue please try the following after syncing your account to Facebook/Google+/Game Center: 1b. If you have an Android device try to clear the cache. This is an option in the device’s settings for apps 2b. Uninstall the game, restart your device, and then download the game again. Just a reminder that Google Play does not sync your data and is only used to connect to other players and keep track of achievements. Sincerely, TOAST Support 想了想最後還是應該要補個幹(? 去你媽的爛客服 -- 在幸福的方程式裡,唯有偶數才是正解。 by永遠的笨鳥 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Crusaders/M.1433319994.A.9C8.html ※ 編輯: s1s1 (, 06/03/2015 16:27:34
art0709: 推罐頭訊息 XDDD 06/03 16:28
for40255: XDDD 06/03 16:35
soga5731: 笑死 06/03 16:41
Takepan: 搞不好完全沒看系統直接回罐頭 06/03 16:46
a007son: s大猜錯了 http://i.imgur.com/IfpuZAV.png 06/03 17:18
a007son: 這次回信超快=..= 06/03 17:18
s1s1: 居然偷偷做了新的罐頭~Q A Q 06/03 17:21
soga5731: 憑什麼你的罐頭是繁體 我的就是簡體 06/03 17:22
soga5731: 我每個罐頭都要等12小時 你等一小時就好了? 06/03 17:23
soga5731: 你有課金對不對 Q_Q 06/03 17:24
a007son: s大是無辜的不要噓他,s大要噓噓我那篇好了(好饒舌 06/03 17:39
trollfrank: 一堆人開始退錢 會怕齁 06/03 17:39
kinqsman: 那個...我也不用12小時 http://imgur.com/PhZJOUh 06/03 17:40
a007son: 我連課員都不是 囧了這就是花錢找罪受嗎? 06/03 17:40
kinqsman: 根本複製貼上阿= = 我還打那麼多 06/03 17:41
為了測試是否是系統自動回文,我寫了一封冰島文版本的信過去了 待會再來看看會收到甚麼回信
for40255: 冰島文XDDDDD你是來亂的嗎XDDDD 06/03 17:55
lionclp: 冰島文XDDDDDDDDDDDD 06/03 17:56
Comebuy: 冰島文 你很會!! 06/03 18:09
love3034: 坐等冰島文的罐頭 06/03 18:09
trollfrank: 八國聯軍逆XDXDXDD 06/03 18:12
peter41308: 吐司:哩公撒小 溫跨謀~ 06/03 18:15
pphyy5844548: 冰島文?是否貼一下恐怖的 阿拉伯文呢? 06/03 18:19
trollfrank: 樓上你跟我想的一樣wwwwwwwwww 06/03 18:26
sasiru0959: 寫日文過去會不會被當成日服來亂的? 06/03 23:01
TGD01: 跪求冰島文後續XDD 06/04 08:48
還沒有收到回信,說不定被裝死就過去了XD 雖然是用GOOGLE翻譯機翻過去的,可是我是用德文翻的,意思應該不會差太多才是... ※ 編輯: s1s1 (, 06/04/2015 09:13:26