看板 Cubs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Top 10 Prospects 1. Aramis Ademan, SS 2. Adbert Alzolay, RHP 3. Jose Albertos, RHP 4. Victor Caratini, C 5. Alex Lange, RHP 6. Oscar De La Cruz, RHP 7. Brendon Little, LHP 8. Thomas Hatch, RHP 9. Jen-Ho Tseng, RHP 10. Nelson Velazquez, OF SYSTEM OVERVIEW Strengths: The Cubs have binged on drafting and signing pitchers in recent years—they spent a pair of 2017 first-round picks on lefthander Brendon Little and righthander Alex Lange—thus turning what had long been an organizational weakness into the biggest strength of a thin system. The majority of those pitchers are still years away from Chicago, however. And some of the most talented pitchers have yet to log a full season of work in the minors. Weaknesses: The Cubs haven't drafted a position player in the top four rounds in the past two drafts, and they traded away outfielder Eloy Jimenez, shortstops Isaac Paredes and Gleyber Torres and third baseman Jeimer Candelario in the past 18 months. Coupled with graduations, this leaves the thinnest group of Cubs minor league position players in years. 1. Aramis Ademan, SS Scouting Report: Ademan has a high-waisted, projectable frame with solid athleticism, good body control and natural feel for the game. He plays under control and has savvy for his age, which is most evident offensively. He has surprising strength in his wiry frame and can drive balls to the gaps consistently and even over the fence. He has a feel for barreling the baseball, repeats his smooth swing and has shown some selectivity as well, allowing his average power to play. He should be a steady above-average hitter. Ademan is steady at shortstop with quick feet, excellent hands and a solid-average arm. He's still a teenager who makes some mistakes on routine plays, though scouts project him as an above-average defender, if not better, with time and experience. In 2017 he made 17 errors in 67 games at shortstop, 10 of them on throws. Ademan is an average runner with times in the range of 4.2 to 4.3 seconds to first base, though he will need to be a more selective basestealer at higher levels. Projected Future Grades On 20-80 Scouting Scale Hit: 55. Power: 50. Speed: 50. Field: 55. Arm: 50. The Future: Ademan has a high floor as a middle infielder who can hit, and he already has hopped on the fast track by reaching full-season ball. He'll have to gain strength and improve his ability to learn which plays he can make and which he cannot to be a future regular at shortstop. He likely will continue to move quickly because the Cubs need trade chips more than they need another middle infielder. Ademan should return to South Bend to start 2018, but if he heats up before July, his name will be involved in trade talks for pitchers. 2. Adbert Alzolay, RHP Scouting Report: A better fastball—up to a consistent 93-95 mph and touching 96—made Alzolay a better pitcher and better prospect. It started with a greater commitment to the club's throwing program, then continued with an improved delivery, drawing more power from his lower half. Alzolay always had shown the athleticism to repeat his delivery and pound the strike zone, but now he was beating hitters with his plus heater thanks to both its velocity and his up-tempo pitching style. He locates his average low-80s curveball well enough to throw it for strikes when behind in the count. The Cubs are focused on helping his below-average changeup make progress. The Future: The lack of a second plus pitch to go with his fastball profiles Alzolay as a future No. 4 starter. A strong start would make him an early candidate for a 2018 callup if Chicago needs help either in the rotation or in the bullpen. 3. Jose Albertos, RHP Scouting Report: A clean arm action, smooth delivery and athleticism helps produce the premium fastball velocity that Albertos has shown. He dialed back a bit to 93-94 mph for most of 2017, showing the ability to hit 97 when needed. His fastball has solid life as well, and he has harnessed it more, improving his control and hinting at future command. His changeup earns some plus-plus grades from scouts thanks to its action and the arm speed he uses to sell the pitch. He pitches backward at times and locates his changeup. That has inhibited the progress of his slider. He can spin a breaking ball but doesn't throw it enough. The Future: Throwing his slider enough to improve his feel and consistency will be one key for Albertos in 2018. The other will be staying healthy again as he makes the jump to low Class A South Bend. -- やっ..........!!!!!!止めろペイモンこの野郎~~~~~~っ 地獄でいきなり聖書なんえ 読み上げやがってえ~~~~~~~~~っ!!殺すえおっ!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cubs/M.1510634103.A.1DB.html
Zamned: 剩下的 你們有興趣我再貼 11/14 12:35
JenHoTseng: 想了解>< 11/14 13:04
acd51874: 非熊迷 但也想看 11/14 15:17
Zamned: 想看哪一位的?人心不古 分享東西還被告狀到美國去 11/14 15:45
Zamned: 全貼會被關切 11/14 15:45
phoenix286: 曾的 11/14 16:25
9. Jen-Ho Tseng, RHP Scouting Report: Tseng has the same stuff he has had, for the most part, since signing. His above-average changeup remains his best pitch. He locates his 90-93 mph fastball consistently to both sides of the plate. He's confident enough to throw his average curveball and cutter-type slider, a fringe-average pitch, in any count. Tseng trusted his catchers more and sequenced his pitches better in 2017, staying out of pitch patterns and using his offspeed stuff to different locations than he had in the past. Tseng's offseason preparation also was better, and he stayed strong throughout the season. The Future: Tseng profiles as a back-of-the-rotation starter with durability a key attribute. After throwing more than 150 innings in 2017, he's the Cubs arm most likely to earn a big league rotation spot in 2018. ※ 編輯: Zamned (, 11/14/2017 16:39:39
Roshiel: 曾明年就上來了啊 11/14 16:42
acd51874: 謝謝Z大 剛好就是想看曾的 11/14 17:27
nickyang: 曾的報告是沒有看比賽的寫的,去年曾仁和糟透了,絕不是 11/14 21:50
nickyang: the same stuff he has had 11/14 21:50
jorgesoler: 哈 我比較想看victor caratini的 11/14 21:52
Zamned: 別這樣 BA已經有升級自己的資料庫了 XD 11/15 05:38
Zamned: 老話一句 收貴鬆鬆的月費,寫出來的東西卻是江河日下 11/15 05:40
Zamned: 偶爾訂閱一次 每每讓人有後悔的感覺 11/15 05:41
vastrode: 想看Lange的 11/15 06:37
nickyang: 一直都是百大跟一些重點新秀有看頭而已 11/15 09:54
nickyang: 是說小聯盟這麼多人,要每個都派球探看好幾次是不可能 11/15 09:54
nickyang: 的 11/15 09:54
nickyang: 曾第一年大概有人看,後來就是問一問就看圖說故事寫了吧 11/15 09:54
Zamned: 後面很多是連問都沒問 幾年了 連更新都沒有 11/15 12:16
Zamned: 以前小學新秀海時BA鐵定要看很多小熊的比賽 11/15 12:16
Zamned: 一切就是偷懶而已 11/15 12:17
Zamned: BA的可看性是逐年降低 大概只剩選秀消息和Ben Badler的IFA 11/15 12:18
Zamned: 值得花錢去看 11/15 12:18
Zamned: BP你問問題 他們有辦法給你比較好的解答 11/15 12:19
Zamned: BA很多東西萬年不變 沒在更新的 11/15 12:20
Zamned: 問了也是換種說法 內容大同小異 11/15 12:20
Zamned: 就拿前新秀Isaac Paredes來說 11/15 12:22
Zamned: BA的模板還停在胖羅塔,一定沒看他打球才會這樣說 11/15 12:22
Zamned: 我聽到的對比比較常是Asdrubal Cabrera 11/15 12:23
vg175: BA又被雙城拐跑一個John Manuel 以後可能連看圖說故事的功 11/19 10:21
vg175: 力都要下滑了 11/19 10:21