看板 Cubs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
今年我們有近8M的規則四選秀金能用,首輪24號籤握有2.724M,二輪籤有三支,分別 值1.06M、0.775M、0.762M。看看各家預測 BA:高中捕手Anthony Seigler Seigler has done a lot to raise his stock this spring, hitting with authority from both sides of the plate and playing solid defense behind the plate. At this point he should be the first prep catcher off the board aside from Noah Naylor (who many teams might prefer to push as a third baseman) and several teams sound interested in this range. (P.S. 高中捕手下場好像都不好,左右開工、還能上投手丘投球。) KLaw:高中右投Grayson Rodriguez The Cubs seem likely to go for upside with this pick, with a young and relatively full major league roster but lacking potential stars in the system; Rodriguez has some of the best pure stuff in the draft class and is one of the very few pitchers you might project as a potential No. 2 starter or better. (P.S. 快速球有plus-plus的評價,滑球、曲球、變速球都會投。感覺有點像雷雞。) FG:大學右投Jackson Kowar The Cubs have taken almost nothing but college pitching recently, and we think that mostly continues. We also have heard them tied to Steele Walker, possibly for this pick, and Arizona State CF Gage Canning, who is a target for later. (P.S. 完成度高的投手,像紅鳥的Luke Weaver,業餘時的變速球已經plus,Low90s快 速球。如果要成為SP,必須練出第三球種,他好像有一個滑曲球!?) Steele Walker和Gage Canning都是矮小的角落或中外野手,最棒的天賦都是Hit,速度、 Power、防守普普,沒有太多天花板想像空間的安全牌。如果在首輪選他們,應該是已經 與其他業餘新秀談好價碼,或者是某些受傷動刀的投手新秀? Jim Callis:高中右投Kumar Rocker Chicago has pounded college pitching in each of the last two Drafts and still could use more arms, though this time the prep route might be more attractive in the first round. A hamstring injury has slowed Rocker down the stretch, giving the Cubs an unexpected shot at a guy who can bring mid-90s heat and a wipeout slider at his best. Rodriguez and Wilcox are two more comparable options. (P.S. Kumar Rocker近況不佳,而且傳聞要高額簽約金) Jonathan Mayo:大學左投Ryan Rolison Rolison's stock has taken a hit with a bit of an uneven junior season, but he did once have top-half-of-the-first-round buzz, so he could be a nice steal here. (P.S. Low-90s速球,有必要時可以扔到Mid-90s,高於平均的曲球有機會成為plus,變速 球是第三球種,現在因為投球方式會有控球問題。最好的模板是三號先發。) 接下來談談IFA的Victor Mesa,Ben Badler將他類比為國際牌的Victor Robles。跑速70 分、傳球臂力也是70分,17歲時拿到古巴聯賽的中外野金手套,16-17年在古巴聯賽長打 數比三振還多,兼盜40的壘包。Badler認為下個月的規則四選秀,已經有A+甚至AA小聯盟 實力的Victor Mesa是TOP10內甚至是1-1的貨色,在18-19的IFA會是頭號新秀。現在就看 哪一支隊伍有錢能簽下他了,從目前的乳摸來看,小熊在這屆的IFA,檯面下協議的最大尾 球員是Richard Gallardo,這位恐怕要花掉總額4.983M中的2M才能簽下,再加上次級新秀 Jose Lopez的簽約也超過1M,簽約金剩不到1M能花,一定難以讓Victor Mesa和小熊會面, 但其他球隊一定也有同樣的困境。所以要簽下Victor Mesa幾乎確定得靠交易IFA選秀金額 ,拿小熊來說撐上去175%頂會有8.72M可以用,這時候斧頭幫和紅人隊的IFA簽約金就好用 了(6.0M和4.95M)。 -- やっ..........!!!!!!止めろペイモンこの野郎~~~~~~っ 地獄でいきなり聖書なんえ 読み上げやがってえ~~~~~~~~~っ!!殺すえおっ!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cubs/M.1526565283.A.573.html
ghoster7: Hankins不考慮看看嗎 不知道他的傷會不會讓他掉到首輪 05/17 22:58
ghoster7: 後段 05/17 22:58
Roshiel: 多謝Z大分享訊息 05/18 09:57
Zamned: 假如Hankins有機會選到,他的傷病疑慮鐵定很大吧 05/18 16:40
Zamned: KLaw 第二版預測說小熊選Noah Naylor 05/18 16:42
Zamned: http://i.imgur.com/mHierd7.jpg 05/18 16:44
※ 編輯: Zamned (, 05/18/2018 21:59:40
ghoster7: Mize今天小爆掉 05/19 12:38
LucasDuda: 挺喜歡Steele Walker,棒子感覺比麻吉Swaggerty好一點 05/20 19:40
LucasDuda: ,不過整體感覺像二輪貨。 05/20 19:40
ghoster7: Anthony Seigler好酷哦 還可以雙手投球 感覺右邊比較好 05/21 17:57
Zamned: 幾份付費媒體的乳摸猜測小熊會在首輪選大學打者 05/23 22:22
Zamned: Seigler去年在這邊有點到 沒想到竟然會變成第一輪貨 05/23 22:27
Zamned: 而且小熊可能選不到ㄡ... 05/23 22:27
Zamned: BA昨天出來的好幾個可能人選都是投手 05/23 22:31
Zamned: Seigler也在裡面 但標註為投手 05/23 22:31
Zamned: 對了 Kyler Murray似乎打算要在大學多待一年 05/23 23:13
Zamned: 他還沒下定決心要打football或棒球 05/23 23:13
Zamned: Mike Vasil要去UV報到 真的還是假的啊?! 05/31 13:40
Zamned: UV這幾年可說是毀投手而不倦 05/31 13:42
Zamned: HSLHP Mitchell Parker給我們選秀前測試 05/31 13:46
Zamned: 他本人的YouTube https://youtu.be/RMllKQ5Znq8 05/31 13:47
Zamned: KLaw最新預測 小熊打者優先 05/31 20:35
Zamned: https://i.imgur.com/MN9XvLt.jpg 05/31 20:35
LucasDuda: Groshans讚 06/02 08:36
UKG: 是不是選了個爆冷的選擇阿 06/05 10:55
Zamned: Brennen Davis索價1.2-1.5M 06/05 11:43
jorgesoler: 史丹佛的SS? 06/05 12:25
Roshiel: 還以為會選一堆投手,結果還是野手優先 06/05 13:12
Zamned: 看來這次選得 天賦最佳是Cole Roederer 速度 power兼具CF 06/07 06:48
Zamned: 小熊跟他有協議吧 第一時間Cole Roederer宣布不會去UCLA 06/07 06:50
Zamned: IG改成替小熊打球 06/07 06:50
Zamned: 第一輪的Nico Hoerner是TLS型打者,應該很便宜 06/07 06:51