看板 Cubs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2018-2019 守位 國籍 金額 Richard Gallardo, RHP, Venezuelan 1.0M Jose Lopez, CF, Dominican Republic 1.5M Rafael Morel, SS, Dominican Republic 800,000 Joel Machado, LHP, Venezuelan 850,000 Yohendrick Pinango, OF, Venezuelan 400,000 2017-2018(最高0.30M) 守位 國籍 金額 (註:綠色表示被偷菜QQ) Florencio Serrano, RHP, Mexico 1.2M Luis Verdugo, SS, Mexico 1.2M Reivaj Garcia, SS, Mexico 500,000 Saul Vazquez, LHP, Mexico 450,000 Manuel Espinoza, RHP, Mexico 400,000 Fabian Pertuz, SS, Colombia 300,000 Alexander Ovalles, OF, Dominican Republic 300,000 Alexander Guerra, C, Cuba 300,000 Brailin Pena, OF, Dominican Republic 225,000 Nestor Heredia, SS, Venezuela 200,000 Widimer Joaquin, 3B 200,000 Jorge Remon, RHP, Panama 180,000 Orlando Zapata, MIF/CF,Venezuela 160,000 Misael Garcia, LHP, Dominican Republic 150,000 Jonathan Rodriguez, OF, Dominican Republic 150,000 Willy Cabrera, RHP, Dominican Republic 125,000 Carlos Morfa, OF, Dominican Republic 125,000 -- やっ..........!!!!!!止めろペイモンこの野郎~~~~~~っ 地獄でいきなり聖書なんえ 読み上げやがってえ~~~~~~~~~っ!!殺すえおっ!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cubs/M.1530447137.A.AB8.html Richard Gallardo Gallardo pitched for Venezuela at the 15U World Cup in Japan in 2016, then over the next two years broke out to establish himself as the top 2018 pitcher in the country and for some scouts the top pitcher in the entire class. Gallardo dazzled at the MLB international showcase in February, striking out six of the seven batters he faced. Gallardo has an impressive blend of present stuff, future projection, feel for pitching and ease of operation. He has one of the best fastballs in the class, pitching at 89-93 mph, with late life up in the zone to miss bats. He has the arm speed and physical upside to throw harder in the next few years. Gallardo throws a curveball from 70-75 mph that flashes as a plus pitch with sharp break and good rotation. He complements high quality stuff with advanced strike-throwing ability and fastball command for his age. Between his stuff, control and easy delivery, Gallardo has all the attributes to project as a starter, with a strong frame that bodes well for his durability. The Cubs are expected to sign Gallardo, who trains with Andres Veliz. Jose Lopez Lopez has the tools and quick-twitch athleticism to play center field. He’s a plus runner with good range and an above-average arm. At the plate, Lopez has good bat speed and drive balls with high exit velocity when his timing is right and he catches the barrel. What sticks out the most about Lopez, though, are his unorthodox hitting mechanics. His swing has a big hitch, as Lopez loads by starting his hands at his shoulder, dropping them to his obliques, then shooting them back up above his head before unleashing the bat head forward. It’s a red flag that leaves Lopez vulnerable on the inner third of the plate, so professional coaches will likely try to simplify his hand movement. Scouts highest on Lopez believe he has the athleticism to make the adjustments and a knack for hitting, with a good idea for being selective at the plate for his age. Lopez trains with Fausto Garcia and is linked to the Cubs, who are likely to sign Lopez for a bonus in the $1.5 million area. Rafael Morel Morel’s older brother, Christopher Morel, signed with the Cubs for $800,000 in 2015. While Christopher’s career was sidetracked by an off-field wrist injury that wiped out his 2016 season, he has shown flashes of promise between last year in the Dominican Summer League and this year in Arizona. Now the Cubs look like they will also sign Rafael Morel, with a bonus projected to be right around the same as what Christopher received. Morel is an athletic player who should play somewhere in the middle of the diamond. He’s a plus runner who reads hops well and has good body control, with a chance to stick at shortstop, though some scouts think Morel’s speed and athleticism would play better in center field. Morel has a flat swing path geared toward line drives and putting the ball on the ground, with enough power for the occasional gap shot. He tends to shift his weight out to his front side early, which hampers his balance and timing, so he will have to make adjustments to hit more in games. Morel trains with Bolsia. Joel Machado Machado pitched for Venezuela at the COPABE 15U Pan American Championships last year in Colombia, where over two games he threw 8.1 scoreless innings with just two hits allowed, four walks and five strikeouts. Machado isn’t overpowering, but he has a fairly clean, easy delivery with advanced touch and feel for pitching at 16. His fastball has grown from the low-to-mid 80s up to the mid-to-upper 80s over the past year, and while he doesn’t project to be a flamethrower, he has enough projection left to have a chance to eventually sit more in the low 90s. Machado has feel for a changeup, which is ahead of his slow curveball. He has the pitchability to miss bats by locating his fastball and mixing his stuff, throwing strikes from an athletic delivery and loose arm action. Machado is a more advanced pitcher right now compared to fellow Venezuelan lefthander Joalbert Angulo, though Angulo throws harder now and has more physical upside. Machado trains with Roberto Vahils and is likely going to sign with the Cubs. ※ 編輯: Zamned (, 07/03/2018 12:49:19
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Zamned: Joel Machado 我們相信他再加點肌肉 球速能丟到92-95 07/06 10:45
Zamned: 曲球高於平均 速球很會跑 能控在內外角好球帶邊緣 07/06 10:47
Zamned: 運動能力不錯 但完成度低於Gallardo 07/06 10:48
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