看板 DIABLO 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://variety.com/2023/gaming/news/diablo-4-trailer-chloe-zhao-1235622926/ (必須關閉廣告封鎖套件才能看) youtube版本: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPQF-f2HZ8U
暗黑破壞神4請奧斯卡金像獎導演趙婷執導真人版的遊戲預告片 全文下收 我就不翻了 Diablo IV Gets Terrifying Live-Action Trailer Directed by Chloé Zhao (EXCLUSIVE) It’s time to return to the horrific world of Diablo. Blizzard Entertainment has released a new live-action trailer for Diablo IV ahead of its June 6 debut, directed by “Nomadland” Oscar winner Chloé Zhao. The trailer, titled “Saviors Wanted” and co-directed by Kiku Ohe, gives audiences a first glimpse of what’s to come in the fourth installment of the role-playing game series. Zhao’s trailer captures the ominous, cinematic essence of Diablo IV, plagued by conflict, fear and outright destruction. “Saviors Wanted” shows off the dark world of Sanctuary, a land plagued by atrocious monsters and battles fought by the High Heavens and Burning Hells. “With a gripping story that interweaves emotion and humanity into the game’ s characters, the promotional film takes viewers on a journey of destruction at the hands of Lilith, the Blessed Mother determined to rule over Sanctuary once more.” Throughout the trailer, characters living inside of the Sanctuary give bone-chilling pleas directly to the camera, begging audiences for help and aching for aid from the wrath of Lilith. “Working with Blizzard, we had the wonderful opportunity to bring the dark, thrilling and imaginative world of Diablo IV to life,” said Zhao. “Diablo fans are very passionate, and many have been with the game for over two decades. We want to do right by the fans, honor the game’s rich lores and visceral world-building while evoking the strong emotions the players feel while immersing in the game.” Diablo IV will feature cross-platform play and progression on Windows® PC, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, plus couch co-op on consoles at launch. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DIABLO/M.1685029530.A.2B9.html ※ 編輯: Jotarun ( 美國), 05/25/2023 23:47:13
blackkane : 哇靠這次太認真了吧@@ 05/25 23:57
ciban : 我以為要出電影了呢...原來是遊戲的預告 05/26 00:02
gamesame7711: 電影預告片? 05/26 00:10
samuelass : 什麼時候出電影還是影集 05/26 00:11
jjooee1428 : 我想快點去救你們啊 可是有股邪惡的力量讓我6/2才 05/26 00:18
jjooee1428 : 能玩 05/26 00:18
heyhey309 : 電影公司又發威了,買電影送遊戲 05/26 00:18
ciban : hurry個屁 還要再7天阿QQ 05/26 00:26
xsc : 不能直接投奔祖嬤的懷抱嗎 羅拉斯我不當人啦 05/26 00:31
jjooee1428 : 最後看到莉莉絲出來 抱歉了我想加入她 05/26 00:35
btohsa : 挺好的 05/26 00:41
Solist : 真的是被電玩耽誤的電影公司XD 05/26 00:47
yinson : 敲碗電影或影集(咦? 05/26 00:58
sheepfeather: 從D1到D4 這影集不知道要拍幾季才拍得完 05/26 01:34
SSSONIC : 這惡魔還真有道德觀 知道遮三點 05/26 01:38
yzkeroro : 覺得可以真的出電影或影集 05/26 06:35
hydra3179 : 之前有找網飛合作要弄動畫影集,但後來網飛邊合作邊 05/26 07:01
hydra3179 : 挖腳被暴雪提告後,好像就沒下文了 05/26 07:01
KAMTER : 會不會是AI畫的...就像當初30系卡上市的老黃那樣 05/26 07:09
iampig951753: 真屌,整個預告片都政確 05/26 07:27
toddyu : 預告只有快轉瞄一下,能玩到遊戲本身最重要。 05/26 08:45
siyabear : 什麼時候會有黑人莉莉絲? 05/26 09:29
lovinlover : 都黑人天使了 莉莉絲反派沒必要黑人 05/26 09:34
bug914 : 挖靠有點厲害,真的不考慮出個影集或電影嗎 05/26 09:39
robinsonXD : 挖喔 05/26 10:17
vinmo : 拍得很好,但這有需要用到趙婷出馬嗎... 05/26 10:18
clock0220 : 野蠻人出場有點弱... 05/26 10:31
owlonoak : 還真的頗好看的 不過法師真的有這招嗎 05/26 10:38
amsmsk : 拍的不錯耶 讓人期待拍影集 05/26 10:58
ATand : 請趙婷很政確阿...懂? 05/26 11:09
samuelass : 龍是終極絕招煉獄之火 不過始終覺得那隻龍有點搞笑 05/26 11:42
samuelass : 應該做成更殺的穿透敵人身體型態 05/26 11:43
coox : 最後莉莉絲好酷 05/26 12:00
ricky77525 : 蠻有誠意的 05/26 12:40
zxcfan : 被遊戲耽誤的事業又要+1了嗎 05/26 14:54
doveplus : 演技跟吊鋼絲技術都不行這樣叫很棒嗎..... 05/26 15:24
owlonoak : 畫面和運鏡 氣氛有到位 看得出來導演實力 05/26 15:55
vito530 : 特效有點走鐘.. 05/27 12:37
bye2007 : 這真人版拍得很棒啊 不過德魯伊太瘦了跟遊戲不一樣 05/27 19:00
poety : 野蠻人施展致命一擊的畫面超爽快 05/31 19:25