看板 DIABLO 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo3/23987087/diablo-iii-ptr-2-7-6-preview 還真沒想到會更新 --- 新東西: 單人模式 賽季29 VISIONS OF ENMITY - 開放世界地圖打怪會開傳送門 新怪物詞墜 - Enervating 在怪物周圍創造一個範圍效果,如果玩家靠近該怪物,將使玩家的移動速度減少65%,冷 卻時間縮減降低50%。 - Necrotic 玩家的治療效果減少65%。怪物對玩家造成持續傷害效果,在30秒內造成玩家最大生命值 的180%傷害。如果玩家被治療至95%以上,將移除此效果。 - Resource Leech 攻擊玩家將移除其最大資源的65%。 最高巔峰等級限制 - 以後最高只能拿到800巔峰 不過一頁改成可以最多200點 可以把200全部分配給該頁的其中一個屬性 https://i.imgur.com/lFMD7q3.jpg
- 移動速度的每點加成改為0.125%,因為舊值會使玩家的移動速度達到100% - 稍稍提高範圍傷的效能 根據社群意見所做的調整 - 有蠻多方便的調整 有緣再翻 Greater Rift Monsters Greater Rift Monster Set 8: Removed Toxic Lurkers and added Vile Swarms. Greater Rift Monster Set 10: Removed Dark Berserkers and added Savage Beasts. Monk Added a buff icon when proccing the legendary item Flying Dragon. Moving your mouse underneath the character while casting Tempest Rush Flurry stacks should no longer reset randomly. Necromancer Haunted Visions used to remove Skeletal Mages from the Simulacrums only if the player had Grim Scythe on their action bar, now it will remove Skeletal Mages regardless. Requiem Cereplate was not calculating the correct amount of Essence and was adding way too much overflow excess Essence per tick. This has been fixed. Miscellaneous Removed Mastermind from the Champion portion of the seasonal journey. This means you no longer must master a Set Dungeon. Instead, it has been replaced with Overcoming the Trials, which asks you to complete an Echoing Nightmare. Due to the unique animation of how Hamelin dies, there were many issues with how it rewards kill credit. Hamelin now rewards kill credit to the closest player on death. Corrupted Angels and all variations would sometimes do an attack that does double damage without any indication that it was a unique move. This has been changed to deal the same damage as normal attacks. Added Greater Rift map checkpoints to Battlefields and Boneyards. Corvus, Ice Caves, and Spider Caves maps can no longer spawn in Greater Rifts. Orek's Dream versions of Desolate Sands and Shrouded Moors have had their monster densities increased. 職業平衡 -有緣再翻 Crusader Akkhan's Leniency: Each enemy hit by your Blessed Shield increases the damage of your Blessed Shield by 35-40% for 3 seconds. Each enemy hit by your Blessed Shield increases the damage of your Blessed Shield by 35-40% for 6 seconds. Stacks up to 100 times (No more individual stacks). Vigilante Belt: No previous bonus. While riding your war horse, Fist of the Heavens deals increased damage equal to your movement speed, and is automatically called down on a random nearby enemy at an interval based on your attack speed if it is on your action bar. Demon Hunter Gears of Dreadlands: Gain 4 seconds of Momentum when attacking with a Primary skill, at a maximum duration of 20 seconds. Your Primary skills deal 10% increased damage per second of Momentum. Gain 4 seconds of Momentum when attacking with a Primary skill, at a maximum duration of 20 seconds. This duration begins counting down after a delay of 5 seconds after each application. Your Primary skills deal 10% increased damage per second of Momentum. Developer's Note: We wanted Gears of Dreadlands to be easier to play optimally. However, we had to forgo the visual indicator that showed stacks. Witch Doctor Cluckeye: 25-50% chance to cluck when attacking. Casting Hex - Angry Chicken turns all your pets into exploding chickens. Chickens deal 150-200% increased damage, and Angry Chicken deals 50% more damage per exploded chicken. Manajuma's Way: Your Hex - Angry Chicken explosion damage is increased by 2000% and slain enemies trigger an additional explosion. Your Hex - Angry Chicken lasts 15 seconds and movement speed as a chicken is increased by an additional 100%. While you are an angry chicken, you spawn a chicken every second that seeks enemies and deals 25% of your Angry Chicken explosion damage. Your Hex - Angry Chicken explosion damage is increased by 2000% and slain enemies trigger an additional explosion. Your Hex - Angry Chicken lasts 15 seconds and movement speed as a chicken is increased by an additional 100% while gaining 75% damage reduction and for 5 seconds after. While you are an angry chicken, you spawn a chicken every half second that seeks enemies and deals 100% of your Angry Chicken explosion damage. 錯誤修正 修復了一個在賽季結束時與郵件互動可能導致當機的問題。 修復了當惡魔獵人使用特定物品和技能組合時可能導致遊戲當機的問題。 修復了巫醫的憤怒雞技能造成的傷害不如說明中所示的問題。 修復了在遊戲圖示上的法師鏡像數量幾乎看不見的問題。 修復了秘儀祭壇的一些圖示邊緣有硬邊的問題。 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DIABLO/M.1691786021.A.87E.html
dt9150813 : 先推 不是不更新了嗎 08/12 04:55
dt9150813 : 補推 08/12 04:57
Kingofjungle: 有說過S29會是最後一次大更新,之後是舊賽季輪替 08/12 05:19
dmc80 : 資源燃燒移去D3哦wwww 08/12 05:27
jim8596 : 限制資源上限而已 又不是把你資源燒空.... 08/12 06:08
s32244153 : 可以先複習一下 10年之後就會更新到隔壁上(x 08/12 07:32
s32244153 : 看起來是把800以上的巔峰屬性放到賽季內容的裝備上? 08/12 07:39
kohinata : 移動速度加成還在卡25%笑死 08/12 07:44
a9360211 : Who cares ? 08/12 07:44
kitty2826 : 嗚嗚嗚 居然是耕莘D3 08/12 08:07
romanter : 想玩D2R新賽季了 更新一下吧 08/12 08:08
thetide0512 : D4被嘴爆 只好重啟D3轉移焦點 08/12 08:22
TryKillMe : 野木林不知道會不會終於有特效 08/12 09:12
RisingTackle: D4實驗室 08/12 09:26
good10740 : 巔峰很明顯讓你早點畢業 08/12 12:05
DCSS : D2R天梯也多一些新東西吧 08/12 12:16
ozaki621205 : 論刷圖爽度D3真的大勝 08/12 12:48
hunt5566 : d4把地城改成大秘境會好點.... 08/12 13:52
DavisX : Visions of Enmity不就像世界打完怪隨機出現的紅門 08/12 16:52
DavisX : 然後裡面的怪多了幾個buff 08/12 16:53
DavisX : 然後Preview講的reward不清不楚...如果只是大寶箱.. 08/12 16:53
DavisX : 那不如打GR 08/12 16:53
DavisX : P800的設計不知道只有在季賽上還是用在全部模式上 08/12 16:55
tsukasaxx : 看來要回鍋D3了 D4目前的玩法太硬 08/13 10:08