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Update Date 2017.05.11 之前A6500搭配S30 暗部對焦 常常會拉風箱,但sony18105G就不會 更新韌體後,對焦更快狠準,接近18105G 水準。 沒想到副廠鏡頭,可以直接連上機身更新韌體 這顆鏡頭,真算是sigma 送給sony APSC 機身的大禮 http://www.sigma-global.com/en/download/lenses/firmware/ 30mm F1.4 DC DN C016 Detailed Information Mounts Sony E-mount Ver. 02 Update Date 2017.05.11 ● It has improved the peripheral brightness correction, when aperture value F 1.7 is selected in the Sony a6300 camera. ● It has corrected the phenomenon that the AF operation of focus points in pe ripheral areas stops very occasionally with the Sony a6300 camera. ● t has corrected the phenomenon that the "Touch Focus" function in the Sony a5100 camera does not operate properly and freeze the camera.. SIGMA 30mm F1.4 DC DN | Contemporary for Sony E-mount firmware Ver.02 is avail able for update at the following site. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DSLR/M.1494517404.A.33B.html
rjhowmanyo: 推! 05/11 23:54
badaseases: 這顆對焦的硬體本來就沒問題~因為這顆之前在M43版本 05/12 00:58
badaseases: 明顯對焦比E環版本更快~不知道為啥拖那麼久才弄好 05/12 00:58
abccow: 晚上回家更新~ 讚! 05/12 12:14
yunsung: 明天來更新,讚 希望sigma多出幾個鏡頭給apsc 05/12 12:27
koko5566: 更新後有感 05/13 00:40
wataru0115: ..最初的NEX5無法裝著更新,看樣子要送代理商店了... 05/13 01:08
※ 編輯: wolfted (, 05/13/2017 07:03:42