看板 Database 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《cutekid (可愛小孩子)》之銘言: : with tb1 as ( : select Id,count(*) as cnt : from example : group by Id : ) : select t1.No,t1.Name : from example t1 : inner join tb1 on t1.No = t2.Id : order by t2.cnt desc : ※ 引述《rrr0832 (rrr0832)》之銘言: : : If there is a table name "example" like below: : : http://i.redwh.al/Ef.png
: : How do I select the name which "No" has the most occurrence in other rows' "Id : : "? : : Here's my try: : : http://i.redwh.al/Ld.png
: : The result should be like this: : : http://i.redwh.al/T7.png
mysql 8 才有 CTE的樣子 之前的版本應該用下面的寫法就可以了 SELECT @order:=@order+1 AS `order` ,NO ,NAME , CONCAT('(which no has occured ' , `dec` , ' times in Id') description FROM ( SELECT NO , NAME , COUNT(*) `dec` FROM EXAMPLE GROUP BY NO , NAME ) a , (SELECT @order:=0) b ORDER BY `dec` DESC ; -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Database/M.1516610036.A.D5E.html