看板 Diary 關於我們 聯絡資訊
今天陰雨綿綿,聽說颱風過境, 做了件從未做過的事,原因是無事可做 因沒心情而無事而做。 播著第一次嘗試追星的歌手的歌, 通著第一次主動打的電話, 不只一次在爭吵的情況下,做無所謂的自己。 周遭,與我無關。 正確來說,只能無所謂。 一切很美好,在不好的情況下,維持的很美好。 像天秤一樣,有好有壞,才能維持平衡。 距離才是最美的,卻不能做到坦承相見的情誼。 人們總說我冷漠,但我卻因為冷漠才能溝通。 人們說我情緒化,但不是你們要我別冷漠嗎? 哭了,不知是不是身體的反抗。 樂見這樣的改變。 下次依然有勇氣這樣做嗎?做得好嗎? A cloudy raining day, there is a typhoon passing. I , did something special things, which I've never been done before. Just because I have nothing to do. I don't know what can I do. Did I escape? Maybe. Was I aloof? Maybe. I'm listening to the music, which belong to a singer. I followed him at my first time. I'm talking on the phone which is also my first time. I've played a stranger since I was young. Everything is fine. Bads are under the goods. Goods are also under bads. The distant is fine, but it can't make the deep relationship. Everyone said I am aloof, but I can only talk with you under the cool mood. Everyone said I am emtional, but didn't you want me not to be aloof? Crying, because of the chance?Maybe. Happy to see Me. Next time, can I do a good job? Maybe. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Diary/M.1537092127.A.A4A.html ※ 編輯: phhw (, 09/16/2018 18:02:36 ※ 編輯: phhw (, 09/16/2018 18:02:58 ※ 編輯: phhw (, 09/16/2018 18:05:47 ※ 編輯: phhw (, 09/16/2018 18:06:51 ※ 編輯: phhw (, 09/16/2018 18:07:19