看板 Diary 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1 Let's begin something happy-and-sad. r/UpliftingNews 78 elephants in Thailand permanently freed from carrying tourists because of COVID-19 https://redd.it/fp6hk9 > Dozens of elephants 'set free' as chairs used to carry tourists are scrapped in wake of COVID-19 downturn https://www.yahoo.com/news/dozens-elephants-set-free-chairs-090000522.html r/China_Flu r/COVID19 is now citing estimates for fatality rate of 0.05%-0.14% based on Iceland's statistics. Iceland only has 2 deaths so far. You heard that right... They're use a sample size of 2 deaths to judge mortality rate. https://redd.it/fpm91q r/COVID19 https://redd.it/fpar6e > https://www.cebm.net/covid-19/global-covid-19-case-fatality-rates/ r/worldnews Coronavirus: Iceland’s mass testing finds half of carriers show no symptoms https://redd.it/fp5ind > https:/ english alarabiya net/en/features/2020/03/25/Coronavirus-Iceland-s- mass-testing-finds-half-of-carriers-show-no-symptoms https://bit.ly/39qp4Ia A British company behind a 10-minute coronavirus antibody test, which will cost about a $1, has begun sending prototypes to laboratories for validation https://redd.it/fppga1 > reuters MARCH 26, 2020 / 8:38 PM / UPDATED 17 HOURS AGO Cheap antibody test sent for validation in coronavirus fight https:/ uk reuters com/article/uk-health-coronavirus-britain-antibody/ cheap-antibody-test-sent-for-validation-in-coronavirus-fight- idUKKBN21D1W9 https://reut.rs/2WLSTQP r/COVIDGoodNews German company Bosch produces 95% accurate test with testing time under 2.5 hours and no laboratory required https://redd.it/fpldyz > Bosch entwickelt eigenen Covid-19-Schnelltest VON SUSANNE PREUS, STUTTGART-AKTUALISIERT AM 26.03.2020-11:21 https:/ www faz net/aktuell/wirtschaft/digitec/coronavirus-pandemie-bosch- erfindet-eigenen-covid-19-schnelltest-16697237.html https://bit.ly/3dzKLcf r/AskReddit If Covid-19 wasn't dominating the news right now, what would be some of the biggest stories be right now? https://redd.it/foslu3 2 白袍,紅袍。 白袍,紅袍。 另一個原因是想找地方撤僑 3 Folding@home: Coronavirus – What we’re doing and how you can help r/COVID19 https://redd.it/fpi454 https://foldingathome.org/covid19/ 然後flair是 Academic Comment ; 好吧w Rosetta@home Rosetta's role in fighting coronavirus https://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/forum_thread.php?id=13533 時常洗手。 (然後reddit生了一個潔手幫 https://www.reddit.com/r/cleanhandgang/ ) 出門密閉空間裡戴好口罩。 不要摸臉。 宅在家裡貢獻社會 ( 4 水煮了幾顆蛋存放於冰箱, 當早餐或晚餐。 -- 在你第一次到達某個地方時,那個地方的美景與特色最是吸引你; 而當你不停地舊地重遊,與你相遇的人、與你同行的伴侶, 才會交織出最屬於「到那個地方的那段旅程」的意義。 - Ritsu T., 世界因你而不同-風之旅人 (Journey) http://rthesage.blogspot.tw/2012/04/journey.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Diary/M.1585298722.A.E99.html ※ 編輯: flyingwhale ( 臺灣), 03/27/2020 17:24:24
opm: 前幾天有在路邊看到放水煮蛋跟大蒜在盤子裡,不知拜啥? 03/27 17:29