看板 Diary 關於我們 聯絡資訊
I am in pain. I am having menstrual cramps & sore waist; My skin hasn't healed from scraped off on the heels for wearing that pair of dam n Nike Air Max; And I cold sweat a lot. The organ left functionable are my fingers I suppose. I've been working six days in a row, took the seventh day off, and kept shifting six days..... Now four days left from my next off duty day. I hate ChinaJoy. Tons of stupid players are coming to us for regional issues. Idiotic assholes. And that stupid first party account permanent linking sucks as well. Glad I've nailed the latest batch of articles before our Thai agent left office. Good luck for him back to his homeland. I think there will be more articles for me to translate on Monday...... Not to mention I still need time to review ALL THE ARTICLES for several importan t titles. GrEaT! I lOvE mY jOb! Okay....so this is a dairy full of complaining. Sorry 'bout dat. Listen a song. https://youtu.be/zGrYK1VTIjs
你能繼續堅持下去吧 你能坦然接受一切吧 你是溫柔堅強的人嗎 承受錯誤、自責的重量 還未閃爍委屈的淚光 早已撫平刺耳的喧嘩 你是孤獨自卑的人嗎 還不確定要成為誰吧 聽著別人不經意的話 但又讓誰真的滿意啦 有多少委屈渴望被人傾聽 你能否經歷 對彼此失望於是討厭自己 我們一樣可惜... 我是品嚐失敗的人啊 沒有成為想要的模樣 有著事與願違的遺憾 包裝無能為力的悲傷 我是被夢吞噬的人啊 故作姿態卻還是徬徨 享受掌聲也擁抱目光 又有多少真讓人成長 你覺得很難過嗎 我覺得好累了啊 你可以原諒我嗎 我也想為我所愛的負責阿 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Diary/M.1596384660.A.C10.html