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覺得這個鄉民寫的很好 Yanhong Tong I am still listening to this piece and this particular interpretation by Richter. It is just that I make sure the lights are turned off and the room is quiet. Sitting in the silence and getting ready for this moment. Time doesn't exist anymore during the play of this piece, what exists is the beautiful music. In fact, it is so beautiful that it hurts. Nothing else matters during the 46 minutes and 29 seconds of this angelic and pure piano sonata and Shubert. I feel sad and happy as well, and even more so feel close to the composer and want to know what he was thinking really when he was composing this sonata - a piece the composer didn't realise it would pass through many many more years and generations after him. This is one of his very last piano pieces before he died. He must have felt unwell already when composing this piece, but he completed this piece with a pure heart and love and passion for music, and music only. Enjoy this special sonata by the special Shubert. 原來李希特是像這樣的(以管窺天的感想) 喜歡那份優雅而壓抑的感覺 (演奏家錄製這首樂曲的時候是57歲) 一個31歲,即將過世的作曲家,到底是抱著怎樣的心情完成這首樂曲 這真的是很深刻的體驗 感謝演奏家的演繹 感謝有機緣可以聽到與感受到 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Diary/M.1669914186.A.623.html