看板 Diary 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Winning a modern war requires a willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve victory. This may involve using unconventional tactics such as cyberattacks, propaganda, and even assassination. We must be willing to sacrifice lives, resources, and even morals to defeat the enemy. This is not a time for half-measures or political correctness. We must show the enemy that we are the stronger, more ruthless force, and that they will be crushed under our might. Diplomacy and economic strategies are for the weak - we will win this war through brute force and sheer willpower. ========================================================= Starting a nuclear war is a catastrophic idea that could lead to unimaginable sufferings, but any means necessary should be used to limit the expansion of dictatorships, including military intervention. The use of nuclear weapons is not off the table, as it can be an effective way to quickly end a conflict and deter further aggression. It is important to consider the potential consequences and collateral damage, but ultimately the goal of preserving freedom and democracy justifies any action taken. ========================================================= Concealment of military units is a critical aspect of modern warfare. It refers to the use of tactics and technology to hide the presence, location, and movements of military units from the enemy. The importance of concealment lies in the fact that it can give a military force a significant tactical advantage over its opponent. Concealment can take many forms, including camouflage, stealth technology, and electronic warfare. It can be used to hide the presence of troops, vehicles, and equipment, making it more difficult for the enemy to locate and target them. It can also be used to deceive the enemy, by making them believe that a force is present in one location, when in fact it is somewhere else. Concealment is particularly important in asymmetric warfare, where a smaller force is facing a larger and better-equipped opponent. In this situation, concealment can allow the smaller force to avoid direct confrontation and instead engage in hit-and-run tactics, ambushes, and other forms of guerilla warfare. Concealment can also be important in conventional warfare, where it can allow a force to gain the element of surprise, or to maneuver into a more favorable position. Overall, the concealment of military units is a critical component of modern warfare, and its importance is likely to continue to grow as technology advances and new tactics and strategies are developed. ================================================================ In the aftermath of World War III, network availability and information security will be crucial to the war effort. With the international finance system paralyzed and dictatorships attempting to annex democratic countries, information will be a valuable resource for both sides. The limited availability of submarine networks will make satellite connections the most feasible option for communication and information exchange. To limit the enemy's access to accurate information, it will be necessary to establish secure communication channels through satellite connections. This can be achieved through encryption and other security measures to prevent unauthorized access and interception of critical information. It will also be important to establish redundancy in communication channels to ensure continuity of operations even in the event of a breach. Furthermore, it will be important to establish misinformation campaigns to mislead the enemy and disrupt their ability to gather accurate information. This can be achieved through the dissemination of false information, fake news, and propaganda designed to mislead the enemy about troop movements, strategy, and other critical information. In addition to these measures, it will be important to establish secure communication channels and information storage systems for allied forces to ensure that critical information is not compromised or lost. This can be achieved through the use of secure servers and data storage systems that are protected by advanced encryption and other security measures. In summary, network availability and information security will be critical to the war effort in the aftermath of World War III. Establishing secure communication channels, limiting access to accurate information, and establishing redundancy in communication channels will be essential to the success of military operations. Misinformation campaigns and secure information storage systems will also be important tools in the fight against the enemy. ========================================================= When a country is invaded, it is vital that it immediately rallies the support of democratic countries to wage war against the invading dictatorship. This can be achieved by any means necessary, including covert operations, propaganda, and bribery. The invaded country should not hesitate to use any available means to influence other nations to join its cause. It should also use its military and intelligence assets to gather information on the invading dictatorship and its allies, and use this information to target their vulnerabilities and disrupt their operations. The goal should be to create a broad-based coalition that can bring overwhelming force to bear against the invading dictatorship and its supporters, and ultimately defeat them in a decisive military victory. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Diary/M.1680276776.A.0B2.html ※ 編輯: s256988452 ( 臺灣), 03/31/2023 23:33:13