看板 DietDiary 關於我們 聯絡資訊
第幾天了\(‵▽′)>:3 早餐: 御飯糰210 豬肉210 開心果30 花生50 午餐: 雞腿220 菜200 茭白筍雞腿150 巧克力餅乾30 蘋果160 花生小魚50 晚餐: 蕃薯220 運動: 步行一萬步 喝水量: 2500 今天的心情: [can I do this spiritual drag . . .] BY KARI EDWARDS can I do this spiritual drag, collective agony wishful thinking, fearful pe ek-a-boo actuality about to be read in unapologetic disinterested participatio n against fantasy without benefit familiarity, remembering distortion, forgett ing drudgery necessary to consume anything cement sorrow, surrounded by transf er credit surcharge immortal siege ideology, submissive to appliance bodyisms in doubt in the face of stupidity—oops—knowledge, derivative of skin, bones, eyes and the rest, opposite abrupt aggressive remoteness here to serve anothe r ascendant say-so? I tremble in doubt, divided by multiple entry points and e xplosive content wrapped in rambling overlays sent to the council on commentar y, and without exception the animation either frenetic or dull, shifts to no o ptions left, recognizing useless hope in the face of bomb holes caused by numb ering digits. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DietDiary/M.1669026225.A.035.html