看板 DigiCurrency 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2045453.1780 Update6! 08/14/2017 We have read feedback about our proposal to exit the situation and we decided to revise this decision in favor of community opinions. We believe that this way out of the situation is more fair for holders of crypto-currency and fiat funds: For each currency, a recalculation will be made taking into account the currently available assets. Currently 55% of funds are available, so 55% will remain in currency, and 45% will be converted to a specific currency token. For tokens of all currencies, free trading on a separate page will be opened. You can trade them at any price, but no more than their face value. We pledge to redeem all the tokens. You can also sell your tokens to other users and get currency, or wait and exchange tokens at face value. For example, you had 1 BTC. You will receive 0.55 BTC and 0.45 BTCT. 0.55 BTC you can output immediately. The remaining 0.45 BTCT you can either exchange for BTC at the market rate, or wait for their exchange at face value. P.S. A warning! The cases of posting fake links on allegedly our new domain have become more frequent. All official information about our service is placed only in our twitter and from our official account on the forum. Sincerely, BTC-e team -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1502762830.A.490.html
mithuang: 所以看來btc-e會繼續經營交易所囉! 08/15 10:31
qxxrbull: 所以是每個人損失45%的數位貨幣 然後發行垃圾債券來補嗎 08/15 10:33
qxxrbull: (跟bitfinex被盜的事件差不多?) 08/15 10:33
domago: 歡迎回來 08/15 10:42
DarkerDuck: btc-e真的算是數位貨幣交易所裡的奇杷元老了 08/15 14:30
DarkerDuck: 跟MtGox幾乎是同期的.也是出過一些事件但是能活到現在 08/15 14:31
DarkerDuck: 目前的處理方式類似之前的Bitfinex的處理方案 08/15 14:33
zhiping8: 是說8月底之前會開放交易 08/15 15:51
ousapas: 把手續費拿來還債的概念 08/15 21:10