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Ethereum Developments: Metropolis Byzantium Test Phase 原文: https://goo.gl/jmJN2K The time for “The Byzantium” testnet launch has been announced – the first of the two phases for Metropolis Network Upgrade for Ethereum. After a discussion of the Ethereum core developers, Sep 18 is the exact date concluded for the testnet. The second phase for the “Metropolis” update is “Constantinople” late on following. 確認大都會第一階段的"拜占庭"測試會在9/18開始測試 之後才會接著測試第二階段的"君士坦丁堡" 只是測試不是正式的升級喔 Depending on the time-period that the test phase could take and if any problems or issues may come to life, the real network upgrade is to be launched in October. Because of the network developments going on now, the time was pushed to that certain month, even that many thought of September of being reasonable. 真正的升級更新會在十月 不是九月喔 Developer Hudson jameson, the unofficial release manager for Metropolis: “For all the coin media that keep saying September – it’s not September. It's October 9 unless something goes wrong with the testnet.” Hudson jameson表示: 嘖嘖 那些電子貨幣市場媒體都在亂講話啦 不是九月辣 10/9才會正式更新辣 如果測試沒問題的話XD The test phase for the first phase – Byzantium, could be going on for three to four weeks – the creator of Ethereum Vitalik Buterin commented. V神表示: 拜占庭測試大概會測試3-4周 9/18開始測試後的3-4周 是10/9和10/16號 所以最快10/9 最慢也許不是10/6 If thing goes wrong... Peter Szilagyi – developer, noted that there could be time/date changes and shifts because as stated by him: “if things go wrong….they will go wrong fast.” Peter Szilagyi表示: 如果有問題的話 應該很快就會發生辣 不用擔心 OS: 意思是很快就可以處理掉不會耽誤到時程嗎? 以上不負責翻譯XD P.S. 所以有信仰的人要快點買進 沒信仰的可以開始跑的意思嗎XD --
QJP0518:第一個不敢估... 02/28 23:48
abcdeffg:這兩個看來不錯哩 02/28 23:48
sampi:我昏頭了 沒法估 02/28 23:48
sampi:給5樓沒GG的估 02/28 23:49
coalaturtle:是啊 就這兩個我真的不知道價XD 02/28 23:49
coalaturtle:囧 02/28 23:49
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1505360112.A.E99.html
kuma660224: 所以9月底那一週的難度炸彈還是要爆 09/14 11:44
kuma660224: 大都會在10月關閉之後的難度炸彈。 09/14 11:45
kuma660224: 讓大家勉強能繼續挖,但出礦量變差。 09/14 11:45
GGylin: 所以之後要存哪才可以領利息 09/14 11:52
kuma660224: POS領利息還久得很。那得再下一版寧靜。 09/14 11:59
kuma660224: 大都會應該照計畫只是修一修POW的規則 09/14 11:59
kuma660224: 避免未POS前,先撞上小冰河期無法快速出塊 09/14 12:00
GGylin: 是不是開始空投omg了 09/14 12:50
kimula01: 只想問問 ETH還有未來嗎 哈哈 看來該是準備暖身轉幣了 09/14 14:39
kuma660224: 看最近算力又跑回來了,顯然大家還是看好 09/14 15:50
kuma660224: 一路挖到POS, 或挖不動為止。 09/14 15:50
kuma660224: 全網算力不但超越8月底難度炸彈引爆前 09/14 15:51
kuma660224: 還順勢吸走ZEC算力,最後突破10萬GH/s 09/14 15:53
tony15899: 拜託都去挖ETH 小幣稍微漲一下就一堆算力湧進來煩死了 09/14 17:37
wenysai: 同意樓上,拜託別來挖小幣XD 09/14 21:39
GGylin: MyEtherwallet的錢包拿到omg了 不知道B網的拿不拿的到 09/14 23:51
cat654231: 感謝樓上資訊 都快遺忘OMG空投了 09/15 01:37