看板 DigiCurrency 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文: https://goo.gl/yT8PyC My brother killed himself, because of bitcoin... 因為比特幣,我的兄弟自殺了 A disturbing post hit Reddit a couple days ago, and has since gained a lot of attention, receiving over 8000 upvotes. The post reads: 幾天前(2017/12/05),一篇在reddit上超過8000 upvotes的文章,震驚了不少人 這篇文章說道: I don't really know where to post this but I feel like I need to vent. Do not take this as criticism of Bitcoin, blockchain technology, or cryptocurrency users & developers, it's not. 我真的不知道在哪裡發表,但我覺得我需要找個地方發洩。 不要對比特幣、區塊鏈技術或者加密貨幣的用戶和開發者批評, 因為事實並非如此。 There are probably other factors that led to my brother's suicide, but he had been beating himself up over Bitcoin for the past several years to the point where he seemed constantly depressed over it and gradually became a shadow of his former happy self. 可能還有其他一些因素導致了我兄弟的自殺,但是在過去的幾年裡,他一直因為比特幣而 不斷地感到沮喪 He claimed to have owned 15,000 at one point, which may have been an exaggeration. But I know for a fact that at some point around October-November 2012 he did have at least 6,000 BTC which he showed me in his wallets. He was so enthusiastic about Bitcoin and how cryptocurrencies would revolutionize the financial world. For awhile he was annoying the fuck out of our relatives about how it would make them millionaires. 他聲稱他曾經擁有15000個BTC,雖然這可能不是確實的數字 但是我看過他的錢包,確實有至少6000個BTC 他對比特幣充滿了樂情,認為數位加密貨幣技術將會改變全世界的金融產業 I'm not sure exactly what happened to his BTC. Sometime in 2013 he claimed to have lost most of them in a hack and sold the remainder too early. He very well may have sold them all too early, but who knows. 我不確定他的BTC發生了什麼事。 在2013年的某個時候,他說他大部分的BTC被駭客盜走了, 其他的部分因為時間太早,他有可能在以前賣掉了,但我也不知道真實的情況 As the price took off in late 2013-early 2014 you could tell he was distraught over it and became increasingly withdrawn from family and friends. Whenever I did manage to contact him he would sometimes end up ranting about how badly he had fucked up and how he would never have a chance to be rich again. 隨著比特幣的價格在2013年底到2014年初的大漲, 他開始遠離了他的家人和朋友。 每當我設法與他聯繫,他有的時候會咆哮說他自己是多麼的糟糕, 他因為那件事情(BTC被盜走) 所以失去了發財的機會。 As the price climbed up to 10k over the past several months it became even more difficult to make contact with him, he just wouldn't reply to me or my parents calls and texts. A couple weeks ago my parents flew out to see my brother and found him dead by suicide with no note. He was 29 with 50 years of life ahead of him. 過去幾個月,比特幣的價格攀升到10K USD, 我越來越沒辦法成功聯絡到他,他都不回復我或他家人的電話和簡訊。 在幾個星期前,我的父母飛出去找我的兄弟,發現他自殺死亡,並且沒有留下任何的遺書 當年他29歲,應該還能夠再活個50年。 Other than obvious grief I don't really know how to feel about this. If I had missed out on $50M I might have killed myself too. I can't imagine what my brother must have been feeling these past several years knowing he missed his best & easiest shot at the wealthy life he had always fantasized about. Bitcoin totally fucked up his mindset to the point where you couldn't talk about anything related to investing, money or finances without him storming off or crying. 除了悲傷之外,我真的不知道如何去感受與面對這個情況。 如果我錯過了五千萬美元,我也可能自殺。 我無法想像我的兄弟在過去的幾年中,一定常常想到他錯過了成為富豪的機會 因為承受了如此嚴重的打擊。完全搞砸了他正常的思想。 If there's any more of you in a similar situation feel free to PM me. Please try to recognize there are endless economic opportunities in life and 1 mistake doesn't define your future. There are family and friends who care about you and will listen. 如果這裡有人也發生類似的情況,請隨時PM(發私訊)給我。 人生中有無限的機會,一個錯誤並不能代表你的人生未來將再也沒有希望。 世界上還有很多家人和朋友關心著你。 The mention of "sometime in 2013" has many speculating this girl's brother was a victim of the MtGox exchange collapse. 文中提到的"2013年的某個時候" 很多人猜測這個女孩的兄弟可能是MtGox交易所遭駭導致鉅額損失的受害者。 -- 1.你不管後半輩子再怎麼努力,都比不上你投胎那一次的努力 @qxxrbull 2.努力用功一輩子,不如你爸媽給你一棟北市精華區的房子 3.你工作一年連100萬都賺不到,人家買個1200張中華票券擺一年就有100萬 4.要從沒錢變有錢很困難,要從有錢變更有錢很簡單 5.法律規定不能教唆他人自殺,因為當所有窮人都自殺了,有錢人也沒辦法一直有錢了 6.自殺前記得用盡你的能力貸款,在選擇權結算日前全梭一邊,這是你死前翻身的機會 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1514048074.A.3F5.html
abcccbbs: 樓下貸款歐印 別再錯過致富機會 12/24 00:58
a80055power: 2017/12/05 12/24 00:58
IamSkyBlue: 欸,可惜一個人了,患得患失都很可怕 12/24 01:03
allen139443: 6000顆...慘不忍睹 12/24 01:07
liao18: 真的很慘 12/24 01:08
yys310: mt gox真的慘...... 12/24 01:09
※ 編輯: qxxrbull (, 12/24/2017 01:11:11
JoyRex: 我噴了20枚... 12/24 01:14
st943617: 反詐騙 12/24 01:20
Paravion: RIP 但是那時候工作一下買回來放到現在依然賺啊 12/24 01:21
Paravion: 2014到現在也三年了 12/24 01:21
yys310: 作者也說了 就算沒被盜她哥可能也不會hodl到現在 12/24 01:24
yys310: 不過這自己遇到時絕對會是想著這些全在的話現在... 12/24 01:25
Paravion: 應該是自己心裡那關過不去 12/24 01:26
yyc1217: 就算賣了一定也會想著如果不賣的話現在就多少多少 12/24 01:29
henryhao: 可怕 12/24 01:36
yys310: 賣了那至少是自己該負的責任 被盜真的是.... 12/24 01:38
LT26i: 果然這種數位的東西都不保險 大家把錢包列印出來吧 12/24 02:26
leftless: 那時候牛市交易頻繁 錢在交易所裡真的是防不勝防 12/24 02:44
a1379: 賣了頂多只是後悔賣掉 被盜完全是不可抗力 12/24 08:31
abcccbbs: 對 所以大家快拿來放我錢包 我幫你們保管 避免被盜 12/24 09:15
JoyRex: 披薩 12/24 09:38
vvind: 真的少賺要人命 12/24 11:13
aalluubbaa: 其實股市匯市房市天天有機會,只要活著都有機會 12/24 13:48
k82817: 6000BTC 啊,真是可怕的數字 12/24 18:32
gR7P4zXH: 披薩 12/24 19:09
a23962787: 買不起一片披薩,便宜啦 12/24 19:42
a23962787: 啊不對當初是買了兩片,所以6000是只能買一片多的披薩 12/24 19:43
mithuang: 其實不用替買披薩的擔心,因為他花了6000BTC買了披薩 12/24 20:00
mithuang: 其實他搞不好還留60000顆 12/24 20:00
DarkerDuck: 第一個搞GPU挖礦的,比特幣應該多到花不完 12/24 20:23
mango2014: 其實是心態沒調整好 自己讓自己過不去 陷在局中 12/24 22:40
mango2014: 有賺就好 哪有人那麼神 除非是布局的人等收割那才可能 12/24 22:41
mango2014: 投資其實就是人心在彼此算計的遊戲 12/24 22:41
somanyee: 推“只要活著都還有機會” 12/24 23:42
eggheadbala: 稍微能夠理解一點點,上週轉BTC進HF雲礦買20T到現在 12/25 16:44
eggheadbala: 超過一週了還在pending,時不時就會想到,雖然知道想 12/25 16:44
eggheadbala: 也沒有用就是要慢慢等他們回覆= = 12/25 16:44
eggheadbala: 雖然金額差異跟他是很大啦,但光是一點小錢就足夠讓 12/25 16:45
eggheadbala: 我想來想去 12/25 16:45