看板 DigiCurrency 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://realt.co/ 簡單來說幾個重點 將房子分成token進行交易,持有token可獲得房租,如沒有kyc的地址持有token將無法得到 房租收益 可以大幅降低購置房地產的手續、時間和門檻,而且是全球性的降低 What are the benefits of tokenized real estate? RealT sells real estate property through the internet, and thus, any real estate can be purchased from anywhere in the world (with some exceptions). Additionall y, RealT properties are fractionalizable, so that anyone can invest any amount t hat fits their needs. Additionally, RealT has reduced the time to purchase real estate from a minimum of 30 days and numerous steps with third parties, to just 30 minutes and on your phone or computer. What problems does tokenization solve? Now, real estate investments can be made affordable to anyone, regardless of the ir net-worth. Real estate is also a notoriously illiquid industry. By turning re al estate into digital tokens, real estate can be accessed by far larger numbers of potential buyers, both due to fractionalization of the tokens, and the poten tial reach of internet-based markets. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1586567088.A.E18.html
ECZEMA: 恩 樂見更多州和國家配合電子房產證 目前看來只有密西根州 04/11 09:26
ECZEMA: 更正 非全州 只有之前破產的車城 底特律市 算城市活化 XD 04/11 09:28
SamuelLuo: 所以未來可以炒幣兼炒房?炒幣的波動性加炒房的殖利率? 04/11 14:46
jeffguoft: 都有MBS了,搞token幹嘛 04/11 15:54
DarkerDuck: 這種東西技術其實沒啥難度,難度只有法規配合而已 04/11 16:46
DarkerDuck: 還是很希望股票能盡快STO化,就不用再透過複委託 04/11 16:48
DarkerDuck: 像eToro那種平台也不是真的持有股票,複委託則門檻高 04/11 16:50
darkdixen: 股票STO化 拜託拜託 下一步就是24小時P2P交易惹 04/11 19:15
QMO220: IHT 認識一下 看這什麼鳥價格 04/12 03:43
moonlightz: 這應該比較接近REITs吧 04/19 19:16
jimhall: 產權複雜的地產,最後的下場,看台灣街頭一堆無法整合改 05/06 19:31
jimhall: 建的廢墟就知道啦 05/06 19:31