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新聞來源連結: https://bit.ly/3xhBOyp 新聞本文: Man dies by suicide in Noida 一名印度諾伊達區的男子自殺 Noida: A 34-year-old man allegedly killed himself at his Sector 24 house around 9pm on Monday after “losing some money in cryptocurrency”, officials said 諾伊達: 一名34歲男子在禮拜一(2021/9/20)晚上九點左右被發現陳屍在他的住宅裡 警官據稱,該名男子是因為在加密貨幣中損失了金錢而自殺 Published on Sep 22, 2021 12:06 AM IST Tanmayee Tyagi Noida: A 34-year-old man allegedly killed himself at his Sector 24 house around 9pm on Monday after “losing some money in cryptocurrency”, officials said. Police have found a suicide note from the room, but his family alleged foul play due to domestic disturbances. 警方在房間裡發現了一封遺書,但他的家人聲稱他是因為家庭內部的糾紛而自殺的。 According to police, when the man’s wife went inside the room on Monday night to call him for dinner, she found him hanging from the ceiling fan. She raised an alarm, and officials of the local residents’ welfare association (RWA) made a call to the Sector 24 police station, and a police team took the man to a nearby hospital where he was declared brought dead. 據警方稱,在週一晚上,當該男子的妻子走進房間打電話給他要他出來吃飯時,赫然發現 他以掛在吊扇上的方式上吊自殺。 該名妻子隨即報警,隨即警方將該男子帶到附近的一家醫院搶救,但最終還是宣布死亡。 “In the suicide note recovered from the room, the man apologised to his parents, saying he had lost the money he invested in cryptocurrency, and that is why he took his life as he was facing a financial crisis,” said Rajneesh Verma, assistant commissioner of police (zone 1). Police also found a ledger in the house which showed that the man had borrowed at least 6 lakh from some lenders for some investment. 警方的助理 Rajneesh Verma 向媒體表示:在房間裡找到的遺書中,該男子向父母道歉, 說他投資於加密貨幣的錢賠光了,這可能就是他結束了自己的生命的原因。 警方還在房子裡發現了一本帳冊,顯示該男子借了至少 60 萬盧比用於投資。 The man’s family, however, suspect a foul play in the case of his death. “Autopsy results confirmed death due to hanging, and prima facie there is no evidence of a foul play. Still, we will look into the family’s allegations. An investigation is underway,” said Verma. 驗屍結果證實他因上吊自殺而死亡,而且沒有證據證明有他殺的跡象。 不過警方將會繼續調查家人的說法以釐清案情 The man had recently taken up a new job at a private company in Delhi, and his wife works at a private bank in Noida Sector 18. They got married nine months ago. 這名男子最近在德里的一家私人公司找到了一份新工作,他的妻子在諾伊達 18 區的一家 銀行工作,並且他們在九個月前結婚。 Police, meanwhile, said that though Gautam Budh Nagar does not have a dedicated helpline number to deal with such situations, there are a few suicide prevention helpline numbers in India such as +914066202000 for Roshni (Hyderabad-based) and +914424640050 for Sneha India Foundation (Delhi-based). 警方表示,如果有自殺念頭,可以撥打印度的預防自殺的熱線號碼 例如 +914424640050 和 +914066202000。 評論: 60萬盧比大概等於23萬新台幣 其實也不是很高的金額 不知道是不是借高利貸或是過不了心裡那一關... 如果要靠貸款來投資加密貨幣,千萬要注意風險與可能的損失阿 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1637746451.A.AFE.html ※ 編輯: qxxrbull ( 臺灣), 11/24/2021 17:35:49
G4321: 我比較好奇他買了那些幣 因為最近 幾乎都是賺的呀 11/24 17:35
今年9月22的新聞 那時候BTC有一個50->40K的跌幅 但說真的比起312 519還是相對低的跌幅... 不知道是不是開高槓桿合約還是買了詐騙幣 還是幣被盜
G4321: 狗幣就另當別論了(?) 11/24 17:36
※ 編輯: qxxrbull ( 臺灣), 11/24/2021 17:38:41
gowaa: 慢慢存不就好了QQ 這也没很高啊 11/24 17:46
sam40512: 會賠光8成是開了高槓桿 11/24 17:48
G4321: 不是呀 你放兩個月前的新聞幹嘛= = 現在才發現 11/24 17:50
QQaOrz: 槓桿輸光吧 11/24 17:50
Qidu: 九成的合約仔最後就是這種下場 11/24 18:03
Qidu: 剩下一成不是有內線就是有預知能力 嘿嘿 11/24 18:03
keanufirefox: 對大部分印度人來說這筆錢算多 11/24 18:10
DecemberLV: 印尼人底層月薪6000台幣 你說呢 11/24 18:12
f22raptor: 你一個月5萬等於借了200萬虧光 11/24 18:34
f22raptor: 話說印度的防治熱線打過去應該講英文也可以(? 11/24 18:36
yys310: 為什麼要提印尼月薪 11/24 18:39
j49222106: 如果是借高利貸,可能會"負"利有感,就跟核彈一樣爆發 11/24 19:09
seal0903: 合約插針插到脫褲 11/24 19:36
Crimson1014: 珍惜生命 遠離合約 11/24 21:14
koreawargod: 我當初買屎幣跌到剩1/4我都沒自殺了不要想不開 11/24 21:51
Akitsukineko: 愛護地球 遠離生命 擁抱合約 11/25 00:47
DeepNOIR: 擁抱合約? 不是吧 11/25 01:48
horse312: 印度的防自殺專線為免太長不想讓別人打喔 11/25 07:21
Akitsukineko: 忘了還要加combo起手式 信貸入場 11/25 12:08
wr: 台灣ppp約四萬七 印度ppp約八千 數字乘6差不多 11/25 12:22
SamuelLuo: ID正確 11/25 12:24
SamuelLuo: 這防自殺專線真的太複雜了 11/25 12:24
SamuelLuo: 大概是嫌人口太多了吧,人命不值錢的地方 11/25 12:25
yys310: 真的是很複雜的房自殺專線XDDD 11/25 13:24
yys310: 防 11/25 13:24
Ginpunch: 10月漲成這樣 死不瞑目了 11/25 14:25
WinRoww: 感謝他的錢進我們錢包 11/25 17:24
skywgu: 絕對是槓桿,越窮的人開越大、死越快! 11/25 22:52
darren1346: 沒那承受能力就乖乖抱好現貨就好,把交易所當傻子?只 11/30 10:04
darren1346: 能說可憐 11/30 10:04
※ 編輯: qxxrbull ( 臺灣), 11/30/2021 18:23:30