看板 Djokovic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
I want to find the winning spark on the court again http://0rz.tw/dSiSD 05. 05. 2017. · Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic mutually agreed with his coach Marian Vajda, fitness coach Gebhard Phil Gritsch, and physiotherapist Miljan Amanovic to end their successful and long term partnership after Masters tournament in Monte Carlo. Novak and the team members decided to part ways after a detailed analysis of the game, achieved results in the previous period, and also after discussing private plans of each team member. Despite the fantastic cooperation so far, Djokovic felt he needed to make a change, and to introduce new energy in order to raise his level of play. “I am forever grateful to Marian, GG and Miljan for decade of friendship, professionalism and commitment to my career goals. Without their support I couldn’t have achieved these professional heights. I know they completely dedicated themselves and their lives to help me achieve my dreams and they were always my driving force and wind in my back. It was not an easy decision, but we all felt that we need a change. I am very grateful and proud of our relationship and unbreakable bond that we built through years of mutual love, respect and understanding. They are my family and that will never change”, said Djokovic. Novak’s longtime coach Marian Vajda thanked Djokovic on behalf of the whole team for the years they spent together and for the wonderful cooperation. “Time spent with Novak feels like a whole lifetime. We were part of many of his incredible achievements, we were living and breathing for his dreams. I gave everything I could as a coach and I am very proud of our results. We arrived to the point where we all realized we need new energy in the team. Novak can do so much more and I am sure he will. I am convinced that he will remain at the top of the tennis for many years and that he will bring a lot of joy to all the tennis fans around the world with his victories. Of course, we will continue consulting each other, seeing each other and hanging out together because after all, we are a family”, explained Vajda. Novak has added that he believes this “shock therapy” will help him achieve better results. “I want to continue raising the level of my game and stamina and this is a continuous process. I enjoy this journey, it feels like I am starting something new again and I love this challenge. I am a hunter and my biggest goal is to find the winning spark on the court again”, said Novak. Novak’s fitness coach Gebhard Gritsch shared his appreciation for the opportunity to work with such an athlete. “It was a great privilege to have worked with Novak for exactly eight years to the day. It is the dream of every coach to be able to work with an athlete as gifted, professional and committed as Novak. We kept pushing the limits and found new ways to improve. I have no doubt that he will be back on top of the game again. He is a champion and a warrior and the sky is the limit for him. I am very proud of all the time we spent together as a team and a family on the road. It was time for us all to move on professionally, but privately we will remain friends and family and continue sharing all the joys of life with each other”, said Gritsch. Miljan Amanovic, Novak’s physio commented the situation in a positive tone. “Novak is my best friend and my brother. I spent more time with him than with my family in the past 10 years. Nothing will change between us as our lives are interconnected in so many ways. I will forever be here for him and I look forward to seeing him rise to his full potential again. I have no doubt that he will”, said Amanovic. Novak mentioned that he is thinking of strengthening the team with a new head coach, but he does not want to rush things. “I feel like this is a new chapter in my life. My career was always on the upward path and this time I’m experiencing how it is when the path takes you in a different direction. I want to find a way to come back to the top stronger and more resilient. I have so much faith in this process and that’s why I will take time to find the right person who I can connect with professionally. I have been on the tour long enough to know how to manage daily routines and I don’t want to rush my decision. I will be on the tour alone for a while with support of my family and management. I will inform the public when I find the right person, but for now I thank you for your support and understanding”, concluded Djokovic. -- 電影部落格:http://nicholasjcf.pixnet.net/blog 臉書粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/movielosernicholas -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Djokovic/M.1494002003.A.60A.html ※ 編輯: nicholasJCF (, 05/06/2017 00:33:33
nicholasJCF: 還是發個文紀念一下好了 05/06 00:33
hioat609: 我整個快瘋了 真的是不嚇死球迷不爽啊 到底下限在哪裡啊 05/06 00:41
larrytaurus: 隨便他 他沒有心整理好自己 整個團隊也只是陪打醬油 05/06 00:42
sgraf: 看來混到2020是真的 還是他明天要宣布Agassi當他教練XD 05/06 00:57
sgraf: 如果是後者我完全可以接受(結果明天是要宣布教練是冥想大師 05/06 00:57
katrinaCCC: 同二樓,他真的趕快休個半年,不要再打,有問題的是 05/06 01:25
katrinaCCC: 自己,不是團隊 05/06 01:25
sgraf: 為啥要休半年? 他現在這狀況根本就直接退休 不是人人都是 05/06 01:29
sgraf: Federer 休半年離開網球要再回來需要比現在更多的時間去適 05/06 01:29
sgraf: 適應比賽節奏 他現在問題不是休半年就可以解決的 重點還是 05/06 01:30
sgraf: 沒有心在這運動 這些都是全世界的人一直在提醒他的事情 但 05/06 01:30
sgraf: 他還是有聽沒有進去 我覺得他繼續爛下去還是一副死樣只是 05/06 01:31
sgraf: 在考驗他的粉絲耐性而已 尤其對比另外兩個Big3 他的態度真 05/06 01:32
sgraf: 的無法恭維 05/06 01:32
katrinaCCC: 我認為他馬德里第二輪就會輸給西班牙人 05/06 01:32
sgraf: 我覺得他現在就是大概20左右的水準 勉強可以撐到QF 應該不 05/06 01:34
sgraf: 至於第二輪輸球 他16強區沒一個狀態好的 都比他更爛XD 05/06 01:35
larrytaurus: 對比好姊妹莎娃外卡風暴還是想要打球 05/06 01:35
larrytaurus: 這位大爺他根本無心網球 05/06 01:35
larrytaurus: 大爺乾脆退休不要折磨球迷算了 05/06 01:36
sgraf: 真的希望他退休 混到2020光想就覺得很恐怖 05/06 01:36
larrytaurus: 一直打混 都不知道在混什麼的 不只是恐怖而已 05/06 01:38
katrinaCCC: 他現在都輸給些本來就沒打很好的人,而且almagro最近 05/06 01:53
katrinaCCC: 打很好,不信他能進qf 05/06 01:53
katrinaCCC: 難過得完全無法睡 05/06 01:54
sgraf: 樓上……Almagro剛剛出局耶,馬德里第一輪都沒打你這麼確定 05/06 02:00
sgraf: 他能進第二輪? 05/06 02:00
hioat609: 我的手機桌面已經整整快一年是他拿下法網親吻獎盃的照片 05/06 02:00
hioat609: 對比現在 我真的好想哭 有點急瘋了的感覺 05/06 02:01
hioat609: 拜託 我完全可以接受他接下來幾天或法網開打前找到任何 05/06 02:02
hioat609: 一個教練!!不管誰都好了 05/06 02:03
hioat609: 這個籤表"應該"可以"很辛苦"得打進四強 然後被納豆虐 05/06 02:04
hioat609: 整個紅土賽季分數跟排名我已經完全不敢去想了 好可怕 05/06 02:05
katrinaCCC: 無法樂觀認為他能進四強 05/06 05:47
arjbt: 雖然很傻眼 但我現在倒想看看他是可以胡搞到什麼程度 05/06 08:34
arjbt: 感覺只有更駭人沒有最駭人....... 05/06 08:35
arjbt: 但其實這年紀 教練真的很重要 已經不像年輕時候可以燃燒 05/06 08:38
arjbt: 體能然後瘋狂劈腿救球 還是希望他打臉大家證明他是對的 05/06 08:39
arjbt: 換個教練團隊來應對他體能狀態下滑該有的策略 05/06 08:39
conanlovet: 真心不懂...我整個嚇到... 05/06 18:19
thingslove: 整個團隊的改變也許能讓他有"新"的感覺 05/06 18:56
thingslove: 就看他之後的積極度跟表現是否有所成效了 05/06 18:56
Marat: 我真的寧可看到是退休聲明算了 05/06 19:29
ibook0102: 我已經不知道要說什麼了,只能看球 05/06 20:32
lister: 好希望AA是教練,但真的不可能。AA有家庭、網球學校要忙 05/06 22:27
lister: 幹嘛陪他飛(廢)來飛(廢)去。shock therapy都還沒開始, 05/06 22:28
lister: 就先shock掉球迷了 05/06 22:28
lister: 我也不贊成休半年,甚至覺得要是大師賽打太差,500分賽 05/06 22:29
lister: 都該去練一下手感,順便看看有沒有辦法增進一點信心。 05/06 22:29
dannyace: 問題點是你的人好嗎少爺 05/06 22:59
shingo: 感覺就是他已經沒心到團隊整個形同虛設,人家棄暗投明... 05/07 00:53
Wall62: 他到底怎麼了 05/07 01:32
windsson: 連防護員都沒有怎麼打比賽阿~ 05/07 14:27
Wall62: 沒帶教練就算了 防護員 訓練師都不帶? 05/07 16:35
Wall62: 再怎麼說他們應該也是除了本人以外最了解自己身體狀況的人 05/07 16:36
Wall62: 他也不是什麼年輕小伙子了 05/07 16:38
admorert: 沒有教練就算了...... 連防護員都沒有是哪招啊....Orz 05/07 20:05