看板 Djokovic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
看到你囧拿到溫布頓冠軍 驚嚇到腦筋壞掉決定來翻賽訪文 (然後翻到一半就後悔了 有夠長的) 請原諒我很爛的中文 很多句子我自己也不知道在說什麼 有錯請告知,謝謝! 簡略摘要: 1. 打IW, Miami是太心急的選擇 沒準備好就上去當箭靶順便破壞自信心 2. 曾經很生氣沮喪為什麼回不到從前的水準 3. 前一陣子都沒想過會那麼快就重回顛峰 4. 養傷、開刀、復健、重回球場這段過程很艱辛但也很寶貴 5. 會跟Vajda合作到年底 之後再討論 6. 兒子很可愛 兒子在看台上拍拍手影片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvJcmpt1yjo
賽後走回休息室Stefan走向他的那一刻: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4ZRsIH-HEc&frags=pl%2Cwn
(btw 你囧昨天在IG發了三篇長長的文 比賽訪更inspring) Final: N Djokovic d K Anderson 6-2, 6-2, 7-6 Q. Last year you left Wimbledon with the elbow injury. You're back again as ch ampion. Tell us about the long journey. 去年你因為手肘傷勢而退賽(八強vs Berdy ch 第二盤退賽),現在你重回溫布頓奪下冠軍, 可以談談這段漫長的旅程嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It was a long journey, especially considering that elbow injur y that took me out from the tour for six months. When I started training again , came back on the tour, played Australia, but I played with the pain. It was inevitable for me to go on a table and have a surgery, even though I wa s trying everything to avoid it, to be honest. It was the first, and I hope on ly, surgery I had. It was supposed to happen. After that I had a really good recovery, I thought. Maybe too fast. I got back to the court too fast. I wasn't ready to compete. Indian Wells, Miami were not great. It took me several months really to regain the confidence, go back to basics, start to hit as many balls on the practice court as possible so I can feel comfortable, you know, playing on the high level. 這的確是段很長的旅程,尤其這肘傷讓我離開球場六個多月。當我重新訓練、重回巡迴賽 、參加澳網,我仍然得帶著疼痛打球,因此我不得不進行手術,即使我一直想盡辦法避免 (進行手術)。這是我第一個(希望是唯一一個)手術,手術是必須的選擇。(今年二月 初於瑞士進行手肘手術)手術之後,我覺得我恢復地很良好。但我太快重回球場了,我並 沒有準備好進行比賽,所以三月的IW和Miami兩大賽我表現地並不好(我們也不知道你在 急什麼...才開刀完一個月就急著去場上當箭靶...搞得球迷們心好累)。我花了好幾個月 的時間去重建信心,回到練習場上努力練習直到我覺得我可以維持在高水準表現。 It took me many tournaments. I couldn't pick the better place, to be h onest, in the tennis world to peak and to make a comeback. Wimbledon has been always a very special tournament to me, and to many players obviously. I dream ed of winning it when I was a seven-year-old boy. I made a lot of improvised W imbledon trophies from different materials. I really always dreamed of winning Wimbledon. When that happened back in 2011, when I became No. 1 of the world, in just a couple days all my dreams came true. It's really hard to compare this y ear's victory and trophy with any of the other three because they're all speci al. But if I can pick one, that would be probably the first one and this year' s winning because my son was at the trophy ceremony, which made it extra speci al. 我跌跌撞撞了好幾個賽事,我想不到其他地方比溫布頓更適合重返榮耀(請原諒我的中文 ....)。一直以來溫布頓對我和很多其他選手有著特殊的意義, 我從七歲就開始夢想著贏 得溫布頓冠軍,我會用各種材料自己亂做一堆溫布頓的獎盃,我真的一直夢想著贏得溫布 頓。回想起2011年,當我成為球王後幾天內,我的夢想成真了(2011溫網四強擊敗Tsonga 之後即確定成為球王)每個溫布敦冠軍都非常的特別,所以很難拿今年的勝利去比較其他 三個溫網冠軍。但如果硬要我選最特別的,那會是第一座和今年這個冠軍,因為今年我兒 子出現在頒獎典勵讓一切變地更加特別(兒子好可愛 台上拍拍手照片比舉杯照吸引人XD) Q. You're back in the top 10. Did you ever imagine at the start of the year th at you'd be back at this point by this time this year? 你現在重回十時,今年年 初時你有想過你在年中的時候就能回到這嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: To be honest, I learned how to be patient in this process. Goi ng back to February when I had the surgery of the elbow, I really was impatien t. I wanted to come back and compete as quick as possible. I wanted to get out on the court. I was still feeling a little bit of discomfort and pain playing Indian Wells, Miami. I just kept going even though everyone was against me competing at that stage. I took the responsibilities. I could not imagine myself being away from the tour another few months after being away from the tour six month s in the last season. So I had to learn the lessons in a hard way. 老實說,在這過程中我學會了保持耐心(你也知道要保持耐心....) 二月我剛進行完手術 的時候,我非常沒耐心,我想要盡快重回球場比賽。參加IW&Miami時我還是會感受到一些 不適和疼痛,即使大家都反對我參賽但我還是參加了(根本任性)我得對自己的選擇負責 。去年賽季休息了六個月之後,我無法想像再離開賽場N個月,我必須用痛苦的經驗去學 到教訓。 To answer your question directly, no, I did not expect to be back in t he top shape already here in Wimbledon so quickly. If you asked me after Rolan d Garros, I would probably maybe doubt that. At the same time there is a part of me that always believes in my own abilities, believes in my own quality of tennis, what I possess. Whenever I come to the tournament and Grand Slam espec ially, I believe I can have a good opportunity to fight for the trophy. My ambitions are quite high. I think maybe I went against myself especially th e first few months postsurgery because the expectations were so high from myse lf that I could not understand why I could not perform and play on the level t hat I'm used to. 關於你的問題(天啊你扯了那麼多才要認真回答人家問題.....) 我並沒有預期我可以在 溫布頓就恢復到頂尖水準。你如果在法網之後問我,我可能也會懷疑,但同時間,一部分 的我總是相信自己的能力、自己的網球實力。每當我參加一個賽事,尤其是大滿貫,我總 是相信我有很好的機會去贏得冠軍。(要是我有你一半的樂觀就不會心那麼累....) 我滿 是雄心壯志,我覺得在手術後那一陣子,我有點抗拒我自己,因為我無法了解為什麼我不 能達到以前那種水準。 Right now it's easy to talk. I had to go through it. But I want to tha nk all the people who were really close to me and really believed in me, as we ll. 現在說來容易。我想要感謝所有我身邊的人以及所有相信我的人 Q. You could have thought you had proved everything to the tennis world and yo urself the past 10 years. Do you feel the last two matches you proved somethin g new to yourself, you pushed some limits you thought maybe were not there? 過 去十年你已經向網球世界和你自己證明了所有東西(很顯然沒有啊 不然怎麼整天被黑被 酸被陰) 你有覺得過去這兩場比賽你證明了一些新東西?你把自己推向了你自己也未預 期的境界? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: To myself the most, yes. To myself the most. I lost quarterfin als of Roland Garros. There was a similar fight, long match. I wasn't playing my best in the decisive moments. That was something that I was missing, to be honest, that kind of competitive match play feeling of being toe-to-toe with a n opponent in a big match in the later stages of Grand Slams. Playing against Nadal in the semifinals here was the biggest test that I could have specifically for that, just to see whether I can prevail. That's why I spend a lot of energy and I put a lot of effort to win that match becau se I knew on a short run and long run how much that will mean to me and how mu ch it means to me, to my confidence. 最主要是對自己。我輸掉了法網八強,那場比賽和這幾場比賽類似,很冗長。當時我在關 鍵時刻表現並不好。我很懷念在大滿貫最後階段和對手殺得你死我活的感覺。四強打納豆 是我能遇到的最大挑戰(對球迷的心臟也是.....) 所以我用了很多的精力和努力去贏得 那場比賽,因為我知道這場比賽對我的重要性。 Obviously I didn't have a day in between semifinals and finals. Right now it's great, but ideally maybe a day would be even better in between. But I did all I could to recover. I felt really, really good today. I thought the f irst two sets against Kevin today, even though you could feel he was nervous, you could feel that he wasn't playing at his best, was making a lot of errors, but I thought that I was very, very solid. Probably the two best sets I've pl ayed in a long time. 很顯然地我四強和決賽中間沒有休息一天,現在結果論是好的,但理想上能有一天休息是 最好的。我盡了全力去恢復,我今天感覺非常非常好,我覺得我前兩盤打得非常好,即使 你可以感受到Kevin很緊張並沒有拿出最佳表現,那兩盤可能是我很長一段時間以來表現 最好的兩盤。 Q. How important for you was it to get off to a strong start today? 你覺得今天 強勢的開始對你有多重要(os:這什麼廢話問題....) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It was quite important. I mean, I knew that Kevin spent plenty of time on the court in quarters and semis, marathon wins. I did, too. He did have a day off, a day in between semis and finals. I knew that probably had e nough time for him to recover and to get out on the court and start playing at an expected level that he was playing on the last couple matches. But at the same time I knew that it was his first Wimbledon finals, a nd it is a really different sensation when you're in the finals of Wimbledon a nd any other tournament. It was my fifth today, so I tried to use that experie nce probably, maybe that mental edge that I have, to kind of start off in a ri ght way. 當然很重要。我知道Kevin在八強和四強經歷了兩場馬拉松站,但我也是。他得到了一天 的休息所以我預期他應該能及時恢復並發揮之前的出色狀態。但同時我也知道這是他第一 個溫布頓決賽,溫布敦決賽的氛圍和其他比賽是非常不一樣的。這是我第五個決賽了,所 以我嘗試著利用我的經驗比方心理層面去讓比賽有個好的開始。(倚老賣老?!) The first game I made a break of serve was a perfect possible start. Af ter that I cruised for two sets. In the third set, he started hitting his spot s with the serve much better. He started swinging through the ball, making les s errors. He was the better player in the third set, without a doubt. I was ju st trying to hold on and keep my composure in decisive moments. I served well, played some good shots when I was set points down, then played a perfect tiebreak to finish. 一開局就能破他發球局是個完美的開始,之後我輕鬆地拿下兩盤。第三盤他的發球明顯進 入狀況,抽球狀態也提升、失誤減少,毫無疑問的他第三盤表現非常出色,我只能努力的 撐在那然後在關鍵時刻保持冷靜。我發球很好(這次發球真的難得讓人不得不稱讚),在 面臨SP時我打了幾個好球、然後用一個完美的搶七結束比賽。 Q. You've been through a difficult period now and come back, yet you're 31 yea rs old. You went through a period of great domination earlier. Is it realistic you could come back to that level again? Is it something you think about or i s it just way down the road? 你經歷了一段低潮然後回歸,但你已經31歲了。你曾經 統治過一段時間,你覺得你能回到那種水準嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I understand that people are questioning whether I can c onsistently play on this level. Trust me, I am, too (smiling). At the same tim e I can't look too far on the road because I have to embrace and cherish this kind of accomplishment. As I said, if you asked me a month and a half ago whether I think I ca n win Wimbledon, part of me yes, I hope, but maybe I wasn't that sure at that time of my level of tennis. 我了解大家會質疑我是否能維持這種水準,相信我,我自己也質疑自己(笑)但同時我不 能看太遠我要先好好享受這次的成就。就像我說的,如果你一個半月前問我能不能贏得溫 布頓,一部分的我會說yes,至少我是這樣希望,但那時候我也不是很肯定我的水準回到 了哪。 This is obviously very pleasing and satisfying to be able to play the w ay I played in the last couple of tournaments, in Queen's and Wimbledon. This is going to be a huge confidence boost and springboard for whatever is coming up. I really can't see the future. I don't know what's going to happen. But I like to play on hard courts. US Open was always successful tournament for me . I haven't played it last year because of injuries. I'm looking forward to al so go out there and play my best and see where it takes me. 過去幾個賽事尤其女王盃和溫布頓,我很滿意我所展現的成果,這對我的信心有非常大的 提申,也是對接下來賽季很好的起點。我實在無法預測未來,我不知道接下來會發生什麼 (我知道:拿下cincy冠軍!)但我喜歡打硬地,我在美網的表現一直很成功(個屁拉, 搞了老半天才拿兩座冠軍到底為什麼....) 我去年因傷沒打美網,我非常期待回到那。 Q. Do you feel this is the greatest achievement, considering what you've been through the last 15 months? 考慮到你過去15個月所經歷的(只有15個月??不是從20 16/7月開始....24個月了.....) 你覺得這是最大的成就嗎(記者可以不要一直跳針嗎... NOVAK DJOKOVIC: As I've said when I answered the first set, I think alongside the first Wimbledon title when I managed to get No. 1 of the world for the fir st time in 2011 and win my dream tournament, this is probably next to that the biggest achievement I had. Roland Garros and Australian Open and a few other tournaments... It's hard to pick one, to be honest. As I said, it really is special considering the last two years, absolu tely. I've never faced a major injury in my career before. I changed the racqu et. I also made some compensations in my game. I had to adjust. I had to get c omfortable with that game. It took me a while. So I'm very, very pleased with this kind of achievement. 就像我之前所說的,除了2011年贏得我第一座溫網同時當上球王,這應該是目前我所達成 的最大成就(what about 16 RG…)說實在的很難選拉!法網澳網和一些冠軍....就像我 說的(記者真的一直跳針 我好累...) 這真的非常特別尤其考慮到過去崩潰的兩年,我選 手生涯中第一次遇到嚴重傷勢,對此我得做出改變:換球拍、改變一些打法策略,花了我 一些時間讓我去適應。我非常非常非常非常非常高興能拿到這個冠軍。 Q. You are in the elite of players winning four or more Wimbledons like Borg, Sampras, Edberg and Federer. Do you see yourself close to one of them? And are you going to give half of your prize money to the surgeon of your tennis elbo w? 你現在擠身四座或更多溫布頓冠軍的行列,例如BB, Sampras, Edberg, and Federer ,你覺得你(的成就?水準?實力?)有接近他們其中一人嗎? 你會將你一半的獎金分 給為你開刀的醫生嗎?(蛤??) (註:你囧四座溫布頓冠軍為開放年代第四名,前面有BB(5), Sampras(7), Federer(8)) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: He was there, by the way. He was here today. He was here today .(我的醫生)今天有在比賽現場 Q. Your guest, I guess. 你的包廂來賓?我猜? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, yes. Not Anderson's guest, for sure. Yes, he was there. I saw him yesterday and today before the match. Of course, I'm very thankful to him and to his team for doing a great job. Half the prize money? It's a bit u nlikely. Maybe something else. We'll see. We'll think about it. 廢話,當然不是KA的來賓啊。我昨天和今天賽前有遇到他。我當然非常感謝他和他的團隊 。給他一半的獎金?應該不可能吧,可能給其他東西,我們再想想看....... To answer your first part of the question, I mean, it's just a great honor to be in that elite. Pete Sampras has 14 slams. He was, out of everyone that I lo oked up to, probably my biggest role model and idol growing up. To be just one step away from his record is quite incredible. To win four titles in this san ctuary of tennis is quite impressive, as well, so I'm very proud of it. 針對你第一部分的問題,非常榮幸能晉升溫布頓菁英club。山普拉斯是我從小長大中最崇 拜的偶像,能夠如此接近他的紀錄真的不可思議(可以拜託趕快追上嗎??)能夠贏得四 座網壇最高榮耀真的非常爽,我非常自豪! Q. A more technical question. A long time ago, you said after Estoril that you have a secret weapon, backhand down the line. In the past years you seem to h ave lost it a little bit, your forehand becoming a major weapon. It seems here you got it back. Am I wrong? 比較技術性的問題:很久很久很久很久以前,你說你有 個秘密武器:反拍直線,但過去幾年這武器似乎比較不常出現,正拍成為你主要的武器, 但這一次反拍直線似乎又回來了,我說的對嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, I mean, I relied a lot especially in the early days of m y professional career on that shot. Backhand down the line was, and still is, probably one of the most important shots not just in my game but the game in g eneral. If you see, let's say, the structure of the point, regardless of the s urface, statistically it's mostly backhand cross, someone runs around backhand and hits the forehand, 1-2 punch. Most of the players are more comfortable in the backhand corner, so backhand down the line, if you're comfortable with th at shot, if you have confidence in it, that can disrupt the rhythm and positio ning on the court of your opponent a lot. 我早年的確很仰賴反拍直線,但一直以來他可以算是我自己或是整體網球比賽中最重要的 武器之一,不論在什麼場地上,統計上而言大部分的人喜歡反拍對角的位置,他們可以閃 身正拍然後接著1-2-punch,所以如果能打出反拍直線球,可以有效地破壞對手抽球的節 奏和調動對手在場上的位置。 That definitely has been, if I can call it, a weapon of mine. But it's a tough shot to hit, as well. It's above the highest part of the net. It has to be timed well. You're right, for some time I wasn't really comfortable with that shot, but I felt like lately has been working well. 這當然可以稱為是我的武器之一,但他難度很高,球必須經過網子兩側最高處、而且擊球 時間點一定要抓好。你說的沒錯,之前有一段時間我對反拍直線掌握得不太好,但我覺得 最近感覺有開始回來 Q. You brought the band back together. NOVAK DJOKOVIC: The boys band. Q. Now that you're back to winning ways with Marian, is it going to be a long- term commitment or note, because at the beginning you said you didn't know? 你 現在和Marian Vajda的合作是長期的還是短暫的?因為之前你表示你不確定。 NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes. We talked actually postmatch. It seems like he's planning to keep on working with me, which is great news. We going to keep on working till the end of the year for sure, then we'll see after that. Obviously I'm so grateful to Marian, to GG, as well, for coming back. After a year of not working with them, them continuing with their lives, doing different things, leaving that aside and coming to join me again, help me to get to where I am at the moment, it's really nice of them. I love these guys v ery much. 我們賽後確實有聊了一下,看起來他計劃和我繼續合作。我們會先合作到年底,之後再看 看。很顯然的我非常感謝Marian和GG(Gebhard Gritsch, the fitness trainer)能回來。 經過一年沒有和他們合作、他們各自去過自己的生活做些各種不同的事情,能夠放下手邊 的事情重回我身邊,幫助我回到此時此刻,他們真的非常地NICE。我最愛這群人了! Q. I was going to ask you more about Marian. How bad were you feeling about yo urself when you called him, and what has it done exactly to help you so much s ince then? 當你打電話給Marian時,你覺得你自己有多糟?他是如何幫助你? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Not at all. Actually in contrary. I didn't feel bad about myse lf at all. I was actually excited to call him, very much. It didn't take long. Actually the same night he called me back and said, Okay, let's do it, when s hould I come for practice? A few days later he was there. As I've said, when we split, we stayed in touch. We are family. We lov e each other. We nurture our relationships. That hasn't changed when professio nally we decided to split. It was obviously more of a break, short break, than a long break, so I'm really glad for that. 我並沒有感覺不好,實際上,我完全不feel bad about myself。我其實很開心可以打給 他,非常開心。他當天晚上就打電話問我說:來吧!我何時該出現在訓練場上?然後幾天 後他就出現了。就像我說過的,即時當我們沒在合作,我們還是保持著聯絡,我們像家人 般、深愛彼此,維持著我們的交情。即時在工作上我們覺得結束合作,這些都沒有因此改 變。 Q. When you were going through the injury and the struggle, was there ever a m oment that you truly thought maybe this might not happen for you, you might no t reach this mountaintop again? 在你受傷掙扎的那段時間,你有沒有曾經想過也許你 無法再回到顛峰了? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. There were several moments where I was frustrated and questioning whether I can get back on desired level or not. Bu t that makes this whole journey even more special for me. As I said, it's easy to talk now and look back at it and be kind of gra teful, but I really am grateful to go through this kind of, so to say, mixed e motions, turbulences as well mentally, moments of doubt and disappointment and frustration, anger. 當然,有幾個時刻我非常沮喪然後質疑自己是否還可重回我希望達到的水準。但也因為這 樣這整個旅程對我而言非常特別(今天才瞄到有人提到他在Miami之後一度想過要退休) 。就像我說的,現在講起來很容易,但我非常感激我可以經歷過這一段參雜了各種情緒、 混亂、自我懷疑、失望、沮喪、生氣..... But I'm human as all of you, I hope, here in this room. And we all hav e to face that. We all have to go through that. It's a learning curve, it real ly is. Helped me, not just as a tennis player, but just as a human being to ge t to know myself on deeper levels. It's usually in a struggle that you get to know yourself, you get to h ave an opportunity to rise like a phoenix and evolve and get better. 但和你們一樣我也是人, I hope,我們都得面對經歷這些(低潮)這是一個學習曲線,幫 助了我去了解更深層的自己。當你必須去深入了解自己、使自己更好時,那過程是很艱辛 的。 Q. How has fatherhood changed this whole experience for you? 當了爸爸如何改變 這整個經驗? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Actually, I didn't talk about it, but it was one of, if not th e biggest, motivation I've had for this Wimbledon this year. I was visualizing , imagining this moment of him coming to the stands, cherishing this moment wi th my wife and me and everyone. It's hard to describe. I mean, I never had him in the box watching the tennis match. I was hoping that Wimbledon can be that tournament because he's big enough now I think to stay quiet maybe for 30 minutes or so. Maybe... 這其實是我今年溫布頓最大的動力(之一)我想像著他進到場中和我老婆、和我分享那個 榮耀時刻,那感覺很難形容(我也覺得很難翻譯.....)。他從來沒有在我的包廂內看過比 賽,我原本希望這能發生在溫布頓,因為他現在已經夠大了,我想他大概可以安靜地坐在 那裡.....30分鐘吧.... (但你把比賽搞得那麼緊張,包廂內沒人有空照顧兒子啊XD Jelena都癱在看台上了) There are special rules here so we have to respect them. He's under fi ve years old, and you're not allowed if under five to be present. Roger I thin k had his girls and his boys as well I think last year and the years that he w on at the trophy ceremony, so I was hoping I can have Stefan, too. 但賽會有特殊的規定,我們必須尊重。他不滿五歲所以無法進入場內觀看比賽。Federer 去年在頒獎典禮有他的女兒兒子們在包廂上,所以我也一直希望我能讓Stefan有這個特殊 的機會 He was not there till the very moment when I was walking to get an in terview. He walked in. So that was just a moment that I will carry inside of m y heart forever. 提到他走回休息時準備接受訪問時,Stefan走向他的那一刻。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Djokovic/M.1532148503.A.CF2.html ※ 編輯: arjbt (, 07/21/2018 12:51:21 ※ 編輯: arjbt (, 07/21/2018 13:33:27
cowlion: 因為是他所以我才想把整段訪問聽完哈哈。看ig part 1真 07/21 14:06
cowlion: 的很有愛 07/21 14:06
sgraf: 推板主 辛苦了 07/21 14:13
hongraon: 版主辛苦了,超級落落長 07/21 15:03
michtung: 很久沒看到感性文了,希望下次女兒也能看到爸爸拿獎盃 07/21 15:19
lister: 衝隅祗W了,謝謝:) 07/21 15:49
yichen0111: 推翻譯,他好搞威! 07/21 16:14
kasndjo: 感謝翻譯 版大辛苦了! 07/21 16:44
sgraf: 應該是希望一直拿獎盃拿到讓女兒看到,如果下一個獎盃要等 07/21 18:04
sgraf: 女兒看到那就太慘了XD 07/21 18:04
dannyace: 那可以多生幾個 然後為了讓之後的小孩也能看到 一路奪冠 07/21 20:35
dannyace: 到四十歲嗎XD 07/21 20:35
ejnfu: 推翻譯 07/21 20:54
AA64: 推翻譯 07/21 21:34
XDXIX: 久違 07/21 22:02
hioat609: 推用心翻譯!!! 07/22 00:37
conanlovet: 推一直拿獎盃給兒女XD 07/22 10:36
djoko51418: 推翻譯 07/23 12:45
tiger5: 推用心的賽訪翻譯:) 07/23 13:05
shiaoMeiG: 滾推翻譯 也推樓主os XD 07/23 15:47
shiaoMeiG: 滾多打 07/23 15:47
b99202071: 聽說某大師離開了? 07/24 01:56
sgraf: 好像在推特有看到類似文章說大師離開 07/24 07:36
arjbt: 而且好像說是Vajda要求的? 07/24 12:20
hioat609: 看到主板有人貼文章 07/25 05:44
dannyace: 想當初的佛系打球 每一分都在折磨球迷 07/25 09:15
lister: 跟明顯檔次有差的選手,打得難分難解真的是折磨人 07/25 22:25
hioat609: 贊同樓上 真的超折磨人 像今年法網8強...唉~ 07/26 03:38