看板 DoctorWho 關於我們 聯絡資訊
地球時間的時間表: 不確定有沒有弄錯,因為之前整理完後到現在還沒有仔細檢查過 XD 資料為 2005 重新啟動後的 s1e1 - 2014 Christmas SP 時間標示為該集主要的時間,若該集有兩個主要的時間在跑則都列出。 如有錯誤,歡迎指正 ----------------------------------------- Time War 50thAnnivSP The Day of the Doctor 0079/08/23-24 s04e02 The Fires of Pompeii 0102 s05e12 The Pandorica Opens 1190 s08e03 Robot of Sherwood 1562 50thAnnivSP The Day of the Doctor 1580 s05e06 The Vampires of Venice 1599 s03e02 The Shakespeare Code 1699 s06e03 The Curse of the Black Spot 18th Century s02e04 The Girl in the Fireplace 1851/12/24 2008XmasSP The Next Doctor 1869/12/24 s01e03 The Unquiet Dead 1870 s07e03 A Town Called Mercy 1879 s02e02 Tooth and Claw 1890/06/01-03 s05e10 Vincent and the Doctor 1890s s08e01 Deep Breath 1892/12/23-25 2012XmasSP The Snowmen 1893 s07e11 The Crimson Horror 1913 s03e08 Human Nature s03e09 The Family of Blood 1926/12/03 s04e07 The Unicorn and the Wasp 1930s s03e04 Daleks in Manhattan s03e05 Evolution of the Daleks 1938 s06e08 Let's Kill Hitler s07e05 The Angels Take Mangattan 1941 s01e09 The Empty Child s01e10 The Doctor Dances s05e03 Victory of the Daleks 2011XmasSP The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe 1953 s02e07 The Idiot's Lantern 1969/04/08 s06e01 The Impossible Astronaut 1969/07 s06e02 Day of the Moon 1974 s07e09 Hide 1983 s07e08 Cold War 1986 s01e08 Father's Day 1990s s08e04 Listen 1996 s05e13 The Big Bang s05e01 The Eleventh Hour 2005/03/04-06 s01e01 Rose 2006/03 s01e04 Aliens of London s01e05 World War Three 2006/09 s01e11 Boom Town 2006/12/24 2005XmasSP The Christmas Invasion 2007/02/01 s02e05 Rise of the Cybermen 2007/02/02 s02e06 The Age of Steel 2007/?? s02e03 School Reunion s02e10 Love and Monsters s02e12 Army of Ghosts s02e13 Doomsday s03e10 Blink 2007/12/25 2006XmasSP The Runaway Bride 2007-2008-2009 s04e11 Turn Left 2008/?? s03e01 Smith and Jones s03e06 The Lazarus Experiment s03e12 The Sound of Drums s05e01 The Eleventh Hour 2008/12/24 2007XmasSP Voyage of the Damned 2009/?? s03e13 Last of the Timelords s04e01 Partners in Crime s04e04 The Sontaran Stratagem s04e05 The Poison Sky s04e12 The Stolen Earth s04e13 Journey's End 2009-2010 2009XmasSP The End of Time 2010/04/04 2009EasterSP Planet of the Dead 2010/?? s05e01 The Eleventh Hour s05e11 The Lodger 2011/04/18-20 s06e12 Closing Time 2011/04/22 s06e01 The Impossible Astronaut s06e13 The Wedding of River Song 2011/?? s06e09 Night Terrors 2012/?? s01e06 Dalek s07e05 The Angels Take Mangattan 2012/07/27 s02e11 Fear Her 2013/?? s07e06 The Bells of Saint John 2015 s05e07 Amy's Choice 2010s s08e06 The Caretaker s08e10 In the Forest of the Night s08e11 Dark Water s08e12 Death in Heaven 2020 s05e08 The Hungry Earth s05e09 Cold Blood 2049 s08e07 Kill the Moon 21st Century s07e04 The Power of Three 50thAnnivSP The Day of the Doctor s08e09 Flatline 21st Century/12/25 2013XmasSP The Time of the Doctor 2059/11/21 2009FallSP The Waters of Mars 22nd Century s06e05 The Rebel Flesh s06e06 The Almost People 2367 s07e02 Dinosaurs on a Spaceship 27th Century s04e10 Midnight 3295 s05e02 The Beast Below 4126 s04e03 Planet of the Ood 42nd Century s03e07 42 44th Century 2010XmasSP A Christmas Carol 51st Century s02e04 The Girl in the Fireplace s05e04 The Time of Angels s05e05 Flesh and Stone s04e08 Silence in the Library s04e09 Forest of the Dead 52nd Century s06e07 A Good Man Goes to War s06e13 The Wedding of River Song 5345 2011XmasSP The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe 6012/07/24 s04e06 The Doctor's Daughter 43,000 AD s02e08 The Impossible Planet s02e09 The Satan Pit 200,000 AD s01e07 The Long Game 200,100 AD s01e12 Bad Wolf s01e13 The Parting of the Ways 5,000,000,000 AD s01e02 The End of World 5,000,000,023 AD s02e01 New Earth 5,000,000,053 AD s03e03 Gridlock 100 Trillion s03e11 Utopia Unknown s06e04 The Doctor's Wife s06e10 The Girl Who Waited s06e11 The God Complex s07e01 Asylum of the Daleks s07e07 The Rings of Akhaten s07e10 Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS s07e12 Nightmare in the Silver s07e13 The Name of the Doctor s08e02 Into the Dalek s08e05 Time Heist s08e08 Mummy on the Orient Express 2014XmasSP Last Christmas -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DoctorWho/M.1429416115.A.63E.html ※ 編輯: aeolusFake (, 04/19/2015 12:05:05 ※ 編輯: aeolusFake (, 04/19/2015 12:09:18
BlueClover: 感謝整理~ 04/19 12:47
newton2009: 幫推 04/19 20:58
elaine613: 用心推! 04/19 23:35
dwdt: 感謝整理! 04/22 09:15
br1135d: 太強大啦!!! 04/26 10:52
samchiu: 等追完新版再來仔細研究... 04/28 23:11
※ 編輯: aeolusFake (, 04/29/2015 00:43:53