看板 DoctorWho 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1st Doctor Susan Forman N/A Barbara Wright (未說) Ian Chesterton (未說) Vicki Pallister "Well... The outside is just... Well..." Steven Taylor "It was small (outside)." Katarina (未說) Bret Vyon (未進TARDIS) Sara Kingdom (未演出) Dodo Chaplet (未說) Ben Jackson (未演出) Polly Wright (未演出) 2nd Doctor Jamie McCrimmon (未說) Victoria Waterfield "I can't believe it. It's so big. Where are we?" Zoe Heriot (未說) 3rd Doctor Liz Shaw (未進TARDIS) Jo Grant "I don't believe it! It's bigger inside than out!" Sarah Jane Smith (未演出) Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart (未說) Sergeant John Benton (未說) Captain Mike Yates (未演出) 4th Doctor Harry Sullivan (未演出) Leela "So, explain to me how this Tardis is larger on the inside than the out." K9-Mk I N/A K9 Mk II N/A Romana N/A Adric (未說) Nyssa (未演出) Tegan Jovanka (未說) 5th Doctor Vislor Turlough (未說) Kamelion N/A Peri Brown (未說) 6th Doctor Mel Bush (未演出) 7th Doctor Ace (未說) 8th Doctor Chang Lee (未說) Grace Holloway (未說) 9th Doctor Rose Tyler "Um... The inside's bigger than the outside." Adam Mitchell (未演出) Mickey Smith (未說) Jackie Tyler (未說) Jack Harkness "Much bigger on the inside." 10th Doctor Donna Noble (未說) Martha Jones "It's huge. / It's bigger on the inside." Astrid Peth (未進TARDIS) Jackson Lake "But this is nonsense!" Lady Christina de Souza (未進TARDIS) Adelaide Brooke (未說) * Yuri Kerenski (未說) * Mia Bennett "It's bigger... I mean, it's bigger on the inside." Wilfred Mott (未說) 11th Doctor Amy Pond (未說) Rory Williams "It's another dimension." * Kazran Sardick "It's bigger... on the inside." * Abigail Pettigrew (未說) River Song N/A Craig Owens (未進TARDIS) Brian Williams (未說) Clara Oswald(維多利亞版) "It's smaller on the outside!" Clara Oswald "But... But... But... It's... Bigger. On the inside. Actually bigger." * Angie Maitland (未演出) * Artie Maitland (未演出) * Handles N/A 12th Doctor * Journey Blue "It's smaller on the outside." * Courtney Woods (未演出) * Psi (未演出) * Saibra (未演出) * Alice O'Donnell "It's bigger on the inside! x3 How can it be bigger on the inside, Bennett?" * Mason Bennett (未說) 12th Doctor "Oh. My. God! Oh, it's bigger! On the inside! Than it is! On the outside!" Nardole (未演出) Bill Potts "Doctor! It's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside!" Archibald Hamish Lethbridge-Stewart "This is impossible! It's... But it's... Bigger on the inside than it is on the outside." 13th Doctor Graham O'Brien (未說) Ryan Sinclair (未說) Yasmin Khan (未說) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DoctorWho/M.1539694462.A.87D.html
fly02: 推整理~ 10/16 21:44
stfan: 專業整理推 10/16 21:58
caseyy: 大 都大 10/17 07:36
lthee: 好酷的整理哦 10/17 15:29
chunptt: 推整理! 每句都跟著唸一遍 XD 10/17 16:10
kiruaII: https://youtu.be/5ga6CwyKvr8 不能忘12th偽裝River的夥 10/17 20:03
kiruaII: 伴 10/17 20:03
wxyz1234533: 13th doctor的都未説XD 我看他們進Tardis的時候一直 10/17 20:15
wxyz1234533: 很期待他們說 10/17 20:15
Architect: 12th 假裝那超讚!看幾次笑幾次!XD 10/17 20:24
※ 編輯: lsay0126 (, 10/18/2018 11:10:49
drkkimo: 我有個問題 Missy可不可以算是12th的半個companion? 10/21 08:12
drkkimo: 畢竟它們亦敵亦友 也曾經併肩作戰 10/21 08:13
chenting6583: 推整理~ 12/03 01:44