看板 DragonBall 關於我們 聯絡資訊
請問這支維黛兒的進階覺醒材料,要打哪一關卡副本才 會有機會獲得呢? 謝謝~ http://i.imgur.com/frzWM4h.png
-- http://tinyurl.com/pfgsb9p What does this all mean? horrible Telephone commercial. help This company. hang The cEO. have To close. hallway To china. how To costdown. heading To calamity. how To cut. 去發現,去改變。 htc。 highway To catastrophe. here To crash. hug This crap. hell To come. hyper Tragical comedy.headache Taiwan cellphone. hell That's confusing. hypocritical Thoroughly chairman. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DragonBall/M.1458214367.A.04E.html
d080644977 : 物語 什麼正義的那個 物語沒那麼快復刻 要等 03/17 21:43
valentinee : 不是剛復刻結束 03/18 08:50
orangelolly : 原來是剛結束 抱歉我沒有每天逛這遊戲阿XD 03/27 17:22