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2016 大稻埕國際藝術節 嚎哮排演《兇宅II》 2016 TTTIFA HAOxHSIAO 《Angry Nerd II》 http://imgur.com/sc5e27u 腥☆感覺台灣本土情境喜劇第二彈! 所有的鬼故事,都有個源頭,一切都要從這首童謠說起: 夜半三更,月黑風高, 叩叩叩,叩叩叩,是誰在那門外敲? 叩叩叩,叩叩叩,來者究竟是何人? 閉上眼睛數到十, 叩叩叩,敲門聲,在裡面,張開眼睛看到誰……「崔蕭你到底還要大多久!」 廁所的門壞了,屎在滾的時候,門外敲門內敲,馬桶還是就一個。 《兇宅II》的故事,講述窮途末路的兩位主角──馬豪與崔蕭, 生為宅男所必備的物品 都壞了, 沒馬桶,沒網路,沒遊戲,沒食物, 想捐精還被嫌品質差, 只得開門迎來新 房客, 精液求金不成的兩人,希望新房客可以完成他們取金的夢想。 人生就像是住在鬧鬼的房子裡,荒謬可怕,但卻沒有人在意,一個客廳讓你穿梭時空,看 遍妖魔鬼怪,人生百態。嚎哮排演為你精心調製劇場美國派,不僅打破第四面牆,更要一 拳打爛你對人生的認知。 Struggling for rent or living in a haunted house for free? To live, or not to live, that is the question! This is undoubtedly a horror story which makes no sense. Anything could happen in such a haunted house as long as Hao and Hsiao, two boring, lifeless and irritable nerds decided to stay. Their daily life looks like a B-movie yet is quite similar to ours in reality. After dealing with a horny gay spirit, they're longing for some cash to upgrade their living standard. And that's why they begin to look for a roomer and unfortunately get involved in something even more bizarre... This is a local must-see which can definitely make the audience fully relaxed and relieved after realizing life is doomed and that they can do nothing about it. 嚎哮不豪洨的「嚎哮排演」 由黃建豪、蕭東意領軍之喜劇鬼團「嚎哮排演」,靠著精妙反骨的語言丟接和荒謬的敘事 風格異軍突起。歷年作品包括《Dumb Burger》、《Dumb Cucumber》、《亞哥號英雄記》 以及臺北藝穗節得獎作品《啞侍.改》、《即刻相親》、《全家都去你家》。近期傾力製 作劇場情境喜劇《兇宅》,好評加演中。 HaoHsiao is a young and productive troupe that makes comedies packed with absurd language and black humor. Their works such as Dumb Waiter, Dumb Lover, and Knock Knock are innovative and award-winning. Angry Nerds, their latest sit-com play has become a great hit and will be showing in Taipei and Kaoshiung this fall. 【演出時間】 10/14(五) 19:30 10/15 (六) 14:30 / 19:30 10/16 (日) 14:30 / 19:30 (共五場) 【演出地點】 思劇場 Thinkers' Theatre 台北市大同區迪化街32巷1號3樓 【票價】 單人勇闖兇宅價:600元 早鳥勇闖兇宅價:8折 / 480元(販售期限至9/25止) 團體壯膽闖兇宅價:1800 / 四人 (每人450 元) 主辦單位:大稻埕國際藝術節 Accupass購票:https://goo.gl/TJFVfl 嚎哮排演將從今晚(14)到周日(16)在思劇場演出《凶宅II》 周末想來笑一下的朋友,也有現場購票喔! 羞恥的極限 x 一拳打爛你對劇場的認知(蛤?) FACEBOOK粉絲專頁:https://goo.gl/kuvxgE -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Drama/M.1476423298.A.304.html
Aox: 推啦!好想看~~~~可惜有事QQ 10/15 18:35