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剛剛在維基百科看尼古拉二世的條目,看到他有一子四女,接著我隨手點進去 其中一個女兒的條目: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Duchess_Tatiana_Nikolaevna_of_Russia ......天啊也太正了吧~~~~~ 然後我又看到該條目以下的介紹: Like her sisters, Tatiana was unworldly and naive. When she was young, she was shocked to learn that her governess Margaretta Eagar was paid for taking care of her. When Eagar told her that "you have seen me get my money every month," Tatiana replied that "I always thought it was a present to you."[27] When her lady-in-waiting sent a carriage without an attendant, Tatiana and Olga decided to go shopping for the first time. They ordered the carriage to stop near a group of shops and went into one of the stores. The shopkeepers did not recognize them because they wore nurses' uniforms. They left the shop without buying anything, because they didn't carry money with them and had no idea how to use it. The next day, they asked Chebotareva how to use money. 一段是她不知道原來工作會有薪水;另一段是她不知道錢要怎麼使用。 另一個女兒的條目: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Duchess_Olga_Nikolaevna_of_Russia Due to her sheltered life, Olga had little experience with the world. She and her sisters had little understanding of money, because they had not had an opportunity to shop in stores or to see money exchange hands. Young Olga once thought that a hat maker who came to the palace had given her a new hat as a present. Olga was once frightened when she witnessed a policeman arresting someone on the street. She thought the policeman would come to arrest her because she had behaved badly for Miss Eagar. When reading a history lesson, she remarked that she was glad she lived in current times, when people were good and not as evil as they had been in the past. 一段是她以為前來為她工作的帽匠是想要送她帽子當禮物; 下一段是她以為她會因對旁人不好被警察抓;最後一段是她以為當今社會大家都是好人。 ......長的這麼漂亮、個性好又愛照顧人又不黯世事到難以想像的女孩們, 即使是放到現在,也會是眾多男人想要好好保護的對象。 而根據維基條目的記載, 1917年俄國革命當下,這些女孩們確實也感受到了革命者對她們的威脅,覺得很不舒服。 原本尼古拉二世希望帶著他的家人逃往英國,但被英王喬治五世拒絕了。 但是英王之所以會拒絕,是因為尼古拉二世跟皇后的名聲實在太糟,並非這些女孩的錯。 -------------------------------------------- 那麼,在當時的環境之下,這些女孩們有辦法或有可能成功逃離俄國, 使其免於遭受俄共的屠殺嗎? 1917年當下,上面條目提到的兩位尼古拉二世的女兒:奧爾加跟塔季揚娜, 都年過20歲,在當時都是已經可以嫁人的年紀。而且根據記載,有為數不少的 歐洲王室成員喜愛她們,希望和她們通婚。那這樣的話,當時尼古拉二世的女兒們, 有可能藉由跟他國王室通婚,藉機逃離俄國,免於遭受俄共虐殺? 抑或是俄國皇室在國外的支持者,有可能在十月革命俄共掌權前, 同較為溫和的臨時政府談判,將她們營救出來嗎? 又或是有其他較清醒的王室成員,趕在兵士們叛變、封鎖皇室一家住所之前組織行動, 將她們帶出俄國?並以兒童(這時應該要叫young lady,但為了宣傳方便。就稱為兒童) 是無辜的無害的名義,說服較有人權觀念的歐洲國家收留? 大家覺得呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DummyHistory/M.1690630927.A.27C.html
moslaa: 恩恩 以前八卦板,我記得是八卦板吧,有某鄉民對末代沙皇 07/29 21:23
moslaa: 的女兒們滿熟的,有一次或兩次,搭配多張女兒們的歷史照片 07/29 21:24
moslaa: 做介紹。看完後,真覺得1. 漂亮可愛又活潑 2. 遺憾都被殺 07/29 21:25
chewie: 早點嫁出去比較有可能 但可惜DNA都確定已經罹難了 07/30 08:10
chewie: 另外也不必什麼說服 英王室肯定收留 俄皇后的外祖母是維多 07/30 08:15
chewie: 利亞女王啊XD 07/30 08:15
sanae0307: 其實偷偷去德國,威廉二世應該願意當作親女兒收養 07/30 11:07
yukiss: 迪士尼收購FOX之後會怎麼重拍《真假公主安娜塔西亞》? 07/30 19:17
Segal: 沙皇夫婦都是白的可是女主角是黑的 07/31 13:30
Segal: 即使如此世人依舊雙眼迷離,安能辨真假? 07/31 13:30
kiranagisa: 背景音樂傳來蕭煌奇的歌聲 08/01 13:58
LaurenceS: 普 08/01 20:49
MarchelKaton: 其實還是因為猶豫不決和輕信俄共不會動手才導致禍 08/12 00:30
MarchelKaton: 害己身 08/12 00:31
MarchelKaton: 羅曼諾夫家族和一些貴族也是有跑得快的就沒事 08/12 00:31