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上個禮拜真是不平靜的一週,又是颱風又是火車爆炸案,大家是否都平安呢?這一陣子有 一些新朋友加入,真的很謝謝大家的支持,也歡迎大家多多跟書蟲女孩交流:) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 無音樂部落格好讀版 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-1Il Modern Family season 1 episode 17–Truth Be Told http://imgur.com/YbyzMYO 以前書蟲女孩在看摩登家庭的時候都不會特別去看那一集的名稱叫什麼,但因為現在需要 寫文章給大家,所以都會特別去查每一集的名稱,我才發現這齣劇的每一集都有一個中心 主旨,然後再用各種不同的情境帶回主旨,實在相當令人佩服!本集就如名稱一樣,大家 都說出了一些實話:Jay 不小心害死了Manny 的烏龜,卻說謊表示烏龜是被浣熊害死的; Mitchell 受夠了每個週末都要加班,在車上怒罵上司,最後決定辭職走人;Phil 邀請了 高中時的女朋友 Denise 來家中拜訪, Claire 覺得這個女人一定是想要勾引 Phil,一開 始 Phil 覺得 Claire多想了,後來證實 Denise 真的是想和 Phil 重溫舊事。 get schooled 被打敗 losing a contest/game/battle/argument in a humiliating fashion while the other person shows you how it is done. Luke: You mean her second lesson, because she just got schooled. faux pas (n.) 尷尬的場面 an embarrassing mistake in a social situation. Cam: Go around! We’re recreating a faux pas! commotion (n.) 騷動 sudden noisy activity. Jay: I was down here reading the paper, and I heard this commotion up in your room. mangy (adj.) 骯髒的、皮膚病的 1. suffering from mange (a skin disease of animals that makes them lose their fur.) 2. informal dirty and in bad condition. Jay: And this mangy raccoon had busted through your screen. scamper (v.) 疾走 to run with quick short steps, like a child or small animals. flinch (v.) 畏縮 to move your face or body away from someone or something because you are in pain, frightened ,or upset. bolt (v.) 逃跑 to suddenly run somewhere very quickly especially in order to escape or because you are frightened. Jay: He must have scampered up to where Shel was. He did’t even flinch. He just stared at me with that smug look and then bolted. nocturnal (adj.) 夜行性的 an animal that is nocturnal is active at night. Manny: But in school, we learn raccoons are nocturnal. take the heat 負責、接受批評 to receive or put up with criticism (for something). Jay: I took the heat on the bird. It was a big mistake. brawl (n.) 鬥毆 a noisy quarrel or fight among a group of people, especially in a public place. Jay: And that guy looked like he’d been in a brawl or two. cynical (adj.) 刻薄的 1. unwilling to believe that people have good, honest, or sincere reasons for doing something. 2. not caring that something might not be morally right, might hurt someone etc, when you are trying to get something for yourself. Claire: When did I become this horribly cynical person who assumes the worst about people? bust one’s ass 努力工作 to work very hard Mitch’s boss: I need you to bust ass preparing. corkscrew (n.) 開瓶器 a tool made of twisted metal that you use to pull a cork out off a bottle. Claire: I can’t find my corkscrew. wuss out 退卻 To withdraw from a commitment or course of action because of cowardice or insecurity Denise: Why are you wussing out? tingle (v.) 打顫 1.if a part of your body tingles, you feel a slight stinging feeling, especially on your skin. 2. tingle with excitement /fear/anticipation/ etc to feel excitement ,fear etc very strongly Cam: I am tingling. grovel (v.) 卑躬屈膝 to praise someone a lot or behave with a lot of respect towards them because you think they are important and will be able to help you in some way-used to show disapproval,同義詞:crawl to debase (v.) 貶低 to make someone or something lose its value or people’s respect. debase yourself: actors who debased themselves by participating in the show. Mitch: I am going to lie, grovel, debase myself until I get what I want. buff (v.) 打亮 to polish something with a cloth. Manny:Since we’re confessing things, you know that scratch on your car? Jay: The one that’s can’t be buffed out? §摩登家庭小趣聞: 上週日(7/10)是 Sofia Vergara 的 44 歲生日,她真的是一位美魔女!但網路上還是有 非常多人會留言攻擊她,就讓我們看看這段好笑的影片吧! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuXWcrh1Fsw
Facebook fan page: Reading lady 書蟲女孩,關於新文章的訊息都會在粉絲專頁發佈, 如果想和書蟲女孩交流的意見也歡迎私訊我,我會盡快回覆您的:) 看影集學英文系列文章 看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-16 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-1x0 看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-15 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-1pp 看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-14 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-1kK -- Reading Lady 書蟲女孩 https://readingladyfrances.wordpress.com Reading Lady 書蟲女孩 粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/readingladyfrances/?fref=ts -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EAseries/M.1468678043.A.5C4.html
june0804: 雖然沒看過這部影集 不過很用心喔 07/16 22:37
BlackCat7: 推推~ 07/16 23:03
elenegg2011: 推!現在看到第四季, 07/17 02:34
elenegg2011: 真的是一部好看+適合練聽力的劇XDD 07/17 02:34
dickman121: 摩登超推 07/17 21:34
strayjerry: 感謝推 07/17 22:21
aaii: 用心推 07/19 15:57
angelemily: 用心推~最近才開始看 非常喜歡這部!! 07/19 16:13
wdv297: 推 07/20 15:33
phoebe727: 最愛摩登 質感滿分 07/22 02:06
zzatr: 推!!! 07/31 00:01