看板 EAseries 關於我們 聯絡資訊
哈囉大家,我本人超愛看美國的喜劇,最近看到快沒劇看了...想請大家推薦,以下為我 看過的 喜歡的: B99 HIMYM 矽谷 MF TBBT friends Community 也有看覺得還行但沒有到非常愛的: 2 broke girls The mick Mom 菜鳥新移民 New girl Younger 最近在看生活點滴但是也快追到最新了.... Shameless很久前也看過一兩集但覺得還好,還是需要再撐一下?(還有他跟我之前喜歡 的喜劇會差很多嗎) you’re the worst 我也看幾集可是沒有很喜歡主角所以就放棄了.... 感覺我把板上推薦的都快看完了...請問還有我漏掉的嗎~希望可以多季一點的~感謝大 家 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EAseries/M.1518541415.A.089.html
yuireset2012: 很久很久以前的 Black Books02/14 01:32
hgs000sss: The good place 試試看02/14 01:34
JCSwifty13: Bojack Horseman02/14 01:48
winking55: American housewife, Speechless, 30 rock02/14 02:01
winking55: The office (美版)02/14 02:03
tolva: Parks and Rec02/14 02:43
pllfandom: Young &hungry02/14 03:20
pllfandom: Selfie 只有一季02/14 03:20
pllfandom: 英國的fleabag02/14 03:21
pllfandom: 跟crashing 02/14 03:22
hahahaha5566: Crazy exgirlfriend02/14 04:08
linche: 菜鳥新移民看到後面很生氣欸...整個無法理解02/14 07:04
linche: 少年謝耳朵也不錯唷02/14 07:07
Tylor: 有Charlie的 two and a half men02/14 07:33
kop291: Frasier / Coupling / IT crowd / 小不列顛 02/14 07:35
cjy0321: grace & frankie02/14 08:08
hoicmew: Shameless不是喜劇吧02/14 08:11
locka: blackish02/14 08:11
IceBear: AP Bio 一集二十幾分鐘而已02/14 08:20
olover: One day at a time02/14 08:20
chiminglin: 還有 ken02/14 08:44
kikijuice: 沒看過BMS 代表你沒看過喜劇 02/14 08:56
lisapika: Arrested Development (fox+有)02/14 09:18
lisapika: IT crowd (不過是英劇)02/14 09:21
GipsyAvenger: hbo的the brink 不過只有一季02/14 09:29
yasai725: Trial & error 很好笑02/14 09:39
allenlee6710: 三樓太邪惡了 QQ02/14 09:46
Davidtennant: 推selfie02/14 09:47
zzauber: 美國影集: the middle左右不逢源,outsourced外包公司,02/14 09:53
zzauber: 俄羅斯影集: 戰鬥民族養成記02/14 09:53
y6837660: will&grace02/14 10:16
isaki1987: Blackish, Malcolm in the middle 02/14 10:29
a33356: Veep(副總統/副人之仁) 對美國文化和政壇有點瞭解的話很02/14 10:34
a33356: 推薦看02/14 10:34
pomyopnion: superstore 啊!02/14 10:47
weach531: Imposter大推02/14 10:53
a27060397: Crazy ex girlfriend! 02/14 10:55
littlewendy: the middle02/14 12:06
ghostforever: 30 Rock很不錯02/14 12:08
waspie: The Good Place, Veep, The Goldbergs, Superstore, Baby02/14 12:19
waspie: Daddy02/14 12:19
waspie: Parks & Recreation, Malcolm in the Middle02/14 12:21
Aubreys: The office02/14 12:39
Aubreys: Veep 02/14 12:39
nomannocry: Outsourced, 2 n a half men, bojack horseman, 30 ro02/14 12:58
nomannocry: cks02/14 12:58
Jyunyang: Chuck,很久以前看過但好像很少人知道02/14 13:02
greed2192: Man seeking woman,it’s always sunny in Philadelphi02/14 13:19
greed2192: a,rick and morty02/14 13:19
e20364: 推one day at a time02/14 13:50
謝謝大家推薦,多了好多名單~過年趕快來追 ※ 編輯: ikuta0126 (, 02/14/2018 14:07:21
vinousred: 喜歡TBBT跟矽谷應該會喜歡英國的IT CROWD 很白爛 02/14 14:19
vinousred: 2 AND HALF MEN在美國收視很好 但我覺得很不尊重女性 02/14 14:20
ohno3104: 30rock 很好看,可惜裡面時事梗現在才看應該體會不到 02/14 14:26
arjbt: Veep超愛 crazy exgirlfriend也不錯 02/14 15:45
cutty: Young & hungry很好看!少年奶爸也不錯 02/14 16:26
cutty: 爆笑女警、爆笑超市也不錯(懶得轉換英文名 02/14 16:27
guagua15: 推fleabag 02/14 16:49
evelyn0320: fleabag其實很難過啊,推一下英劇gap year,可以放空 02/14 16:57
evelyn0320: 看又有鮮肉 02/14 16:57
eanok: The Office, Fleabag, Gavin & Stacey, Mum, 都是英劇 02/14 17:33
sevenmonkeys: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, the Good Place 02/14 17:51
dhton: The 70’s show 02/14 18:01
lyiun26: young & hungry 02/14 18:15
wildrosev: 能讓我一直笑到喘不過氣的只有 IT Crowd XD 02/14 18:27
hydroer: 推你喜歡的那7部,跟我最愛的喜劇相同 02/14 18:40
hydroer: 另外推一下小鎮滋味,也是輕鬆喜劇 02/14 18:40
dustree: mike and molly , 沙家酒店 02/14 19:57
amibaplanet: 推英劇vicious,嘴毒笑到不行 02/14 20:31
xerophil: Parks&Rec Parks&Rec Parks&Rec Parks&Rec Parks&Rec 02/14 21:44
iiyenyuii: 推IT crowd & crashing盧蛇日記 02/14 22:21
sodragon: chuck再推一次~!然後還有DoctorWho應該也算喜劇吧XD 02/14 22:23
icebluegirlo: The Mindy's project 和. crazy ex girl friend! 02/14 22:33
circircle: Chuck, veep 02/14 22:34
peda: scrubs 有翻譯叫醫院狂想曲 02/14 23:09
chindes: Morden family!摩登家庭超喜歡! 02/14 23:11
op511: WILL & GRACE 02/14 23:51
a84817f: 德克全方位事務所 02/14 23:53
xxkk5321: 我也愛B99 推IT crowd 02/15 00:09
ranciere: Mike and Molly, Miranda 02/15 00:11
eugene147258: Superstore! 我跟你的單超重複 哈哈哈 02/15 00:14
phiamore: 2 and half man 02/15 00:32
corey11: Will and Grace. 好看到重新復出。Hot in Cleveland is 02/15 01:57
corey11: awesome too 02/15 01:57
yaes111: kevin can wait 02/15 07:18
asd084525: Young & Hungry 02/15 09:24
goodplace: 推The Good Place 02/15 12:04
leafway: Chuck 02/15 19:14
LenkaSu: Black Books 很讚又好笑 02/15 22:49
huahae: Atypical / This is us (半喜劇常常看到哭XD 02/15 23:40
lisaonlisa2: Weeds 02/16 00:15
aryawhishe: The Mick囧女大翻身 02/16 00:54
wwtop: 9jkl 02/16 08:43
hamoo9456: young sheldon 02/16 17:48
jobjtw: 2 and half men 超無腦好笑 根本查理辛真實人生 02/16 22:12
gloria820826: Veep 02/16 22:34
bsbjc: superstore 還可以 02/16 23:16
dodo0210: Work man 職場四少!!!!! 02/16 23:44
illusions: That 70’s show; freaks and geeks 02/17 01:38
illusions: Fresh meat 02/17 01:41
illusions: Odd mom out 02/17 01:43
kenhaowu: 推小鎮滋味~畫面很多紅色過年應景(誤) 02/17 11:17
tumyu4: Kevin can wait 02/17 12:55
samchiu: melissa and joey 02/17 18:40
nananinoohno: Raising Hope 02/17 19:15
wdcefv: 男人兩個半 美女源源不絕 很有看頭 02/17 20:44
wdcefv: 羅絲對查理的感情很感人 只有瘋子才會愛的這樣執著吧! 02/17 20:48
wdcefv: 再拿出來復習ㄧ下吧! 02/17 20:50
h131785: Parks and Recreation 02/17 21:06
ileza: Grace and Frankie +1 02/17 21:37
abclee: Grace and Frankie +1 02/18 09:27
stupidn0715: brooklyn 99 02/18 16:47
g85319: 超喜歡the Goldbergs 好笑又溫馨 02/18 20:07
immilly: 六人行 02/19 08:56
iamEliot: Shameless不算喜劇+1 很多很挺發人省思說 支持續追 02/19 17:29
e20021104: High Maintenance片尾曲都很好聽~ 02/20 00:44
bluevivi: Modern Family摩登家庭!Crazy ex girlfriend瘋狂前女友 02/20 03:49
bluevivi: ,後者近期最愛! 02/20 03:49
baldding: IT Crowd, Young Sheldon, Grace & Will 02/20 04:16
baldding: 還有必推Rick and Morty! 評價超高的神作 02/20 04:17
baldding: Veep也好笑 02/20 04:17
USAGI0423: 廢柴舅舅 02/20 15:37
palt: Shameless 美版~~剛追完第一季~~還蠻好笑的~ 02/20 20:15
bape185: 無恥之徒~~~ 02/24 08:23
zeropluszero: 我也推mordern famy 02/25 17:12
usamichan: IT crowd跟The office 好想重溫啊... 02/27 00:48
lucien0410: chuck 超市特工 02/28 02:50
kris3582: 超愛shameless 算家庭類的不太算喜劇 02/28 14:04
Melody000: The office 03/07 15:27
Roygbiv: Blackish ! Young and hunger 都好看 03/10 15:46
jeremyme: Superstore! 口香糖也很好笑 03/27 15:35
ekimlcl: the Mick, the good place, good girl, 但首推Chuck 08/08 02:53