看板 EAseries 關於我們 聯絡資訊
在Las Vegas舉行的星艦年度活動中Patrick Stewart證實自己將在,CBSAA的新星艦影集 中再度飾演經典角色艦長Jean-Luc Picard。 而這個新的星艦影集內容將以Picard人生的新片章的故事為主。 他在會中對這個消息所發表的談話如下: I will always be very proud to have been a part of 'Star Trek: The Next Genera tion,' but when we wrapped that final movie in the spring of 2002, I truly fel t my time with 'Star Trek' had run its natural course. It is, therefore, an un expected but delightful surprise to find myself excited and invigorated to be returning to Jean-Luc Picard and to explore new dimensions within him. Seeking out new life for him, when I thought that life was over. During these past ye ars, it has been humbling to hear many stories about how 'The Next Generation' brought people comfort, saw them through difficult periods in their lives or how the example of Jean-Luc inspired so many to follow in his footsteps, pursu ing science, exploration and leadership. I feel I'm ready to return to him for the same reason - to research and experience what comforting and reforming li ght he might shine on these often very dark times. I look forward to working w ith our brilliant creative team as we endeavor to bring a fresh, unexpected an d pertinent story to life once more. 我總很自豪曾經是星艦(star trek: the next generation)的一份子,但電影系列已經在 2002年春季結束,我真覺得我在星艦的旅程已經告一段落。 因此這意料外而喜見我將能回歸重新飾演Picard一角,並與他一起探索新的層面、新的人 生,在我以為都已結束時。 這些年來,聽聞了許多next generation系列如何帶給他人慰藉、度過難關,或是Picard 的角色是如何給予激勵,讓他們能追尋他的腳步,從事科學研究、探索或是領導,讓我感 到十分的不可置信。我感覺已經準備好重新飾演的理由是相同的—找尋及體驗在這非常黑 暗的時刻,他能帶來怎樣的安慰及改變的光芒。我期待能與這出色的創意團隊合作,努力 並再度呈現一個新鮮、意想不到及相關的故事。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EAseries/M.1533432943.A.8A1.html
Anakin: 畢凱艦長回歸 08/05 10:06
gsbsblue: mind blown... 08/05 12:52
raven7548: Make it so 08/05 14:12
macrose: 一號,你有橋 08/05 17:37
tkucuh: poo....這要拉到老畢凱是要怎麼拉... 08/06 11:17
ariachiang: 這應該是另一個系列感比較重的新劇,畢凱的後半生 08/07 22:00